Cutting the grass at the community garden

in #gardening6 years ago

Hello, steemians, and welcome to my page, eh!

Because of the weather, I put off taking the mower up to the community garden to mow around my plots for several weeks, way too long! I finally took the mower up there yesterday afternoon to get the job done. The grass was really long and overgrown and I knew it was going to be quite the workout getting the job done. This is what it looked like when I got there. The city cuts the grass outside the fence, but we have to cut the grass around our plots.


I tried to cut the grass with the mower set at the usual height, but it kept clogging up the discharge chute on the mower, and it kept bogging down the mower. I got this much done and had to sit down for a few minutes.

After that, I set the mower deck as high as it would go and then cut the rest of the grass that I have to cut. Then I set the mower back down and cut it all again to get the grass cut short. I finally got the job done.

After sitting for a while to rest after pushing the mower so much, I decided to take a few pictures of the garden. The corn is pretty much done growing and is dieing back now, but the pole beans are still going strong. You can see some of the bean pods are drying up nicely now, while the plants are still producing more pods.


I'm going to pick the corn some time in the coming week. It's not completely dry yet, but the bugs will start getting into it if I don't pick it soon, and it's dry enough that it won't be a problem.
I have 1 really weird ear of corn that I call the "frankincorn". I don't know what would make it grow like this, but it's pretty interesting.

If you look down the row past the frankincorn, you can see that I do have at least 1 squash growing on the plants. This is a variety called "Delecata", and I really like the flavor of it. It also stores well in a cool dry spot. I've been able to store them through an entire winter in the past. This one is still pretty small, but it's growing.

Having to cut the grass twice to get the job done really wiped me out for the day. The garden is on a bit of a slope and that only helps going down hill with the mower. With a push mower, it becomes a real workout. It gets me to thinking that maybe I should find a used lawn tractor to buy for next year. That would make the grass cutting a lot easier. I guess that's a thing to think about next year.

Well, that's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!

Thanks for stopping by my page and checking out my post, eh!

amber garden.png
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That space looks great. Clean and orderly. Did you get a good yield?

I haven't picked all of the corn yet, but it looks like I got a good yield from the corn. The soup beans are doing really well this year, I think I'm going to get more than usual from them.

I love beans! All types! Is the corn sweet?

No, this is a hard corn, it's usually used to make flour or cornmeal. I'm going to try making hominy with it.

Dang that’s a lot of grass!
Yeah that corn is funky for sure, why are you drying the corn?
Whatcha gunna do with it?

This corn isn't sweet corn, it's flour corn, so you have to let it get dry so that you can grind it. Normally we make hominy with it, which usually also requires that the corn be dry.

Hominy? What’s that?

It's hard corn that has been soaked in lime to loosen the outer shell of the kernel, the shells are removed, usually by rubbing the corn and then washing the corn. It also makes the niacin in the corn more digestable. Masa flour is made by grinding the hominy after it's been dried. It's also boiled and eaten in soups and other dishes.

Wow! Good to know 😊