amynamy (25)in #food • 7 years agoROTI CANEROTI cane sangat enak dan lezat saat kita makan di sertai ama gula pasir...mmmm yummyamynamy (25)in #aceh • 7 years agoBelajar membaca kitab jawo MATHLAUL BADRENKitab Mathlaul Badren Faslon membahas tentang ilmu FARAIDH (cara membagi harta pusaka) setelah seseorang meninggal duniaamynamy (25)in #cook • 7 years agoMenu masakan saya hari iniLibur hari ini menu masakan saya Cahkangkung 2.tumis udang pakai cabe hijau tambah saus pedes dikit Mie tiuw balap pasar inpres.. Mari kita cicipi☺☺☺ Semoga steemian semua menyukainya...amynamy (25)in #animal • 7 years agoKucing tidurr...Mmmm... nyenyak kali kucingnya tiduur... Saat kami foto seolah dia merasakan da yang menganggu tidurnya... melek sebentar lalu tidur lagi 😽😽😽😽amynamy (25)in #aceh • 7 years agoThe Virtue of Memorizing the Ten Sections of Surat Al Kahf in the Qur'an..."Keutamaan Menghafal Sepuluh Ayat Surat Al Kahfi dalam Al Quran"let's friends ............................ we both memorize and practice the first ten verses of Surat al-Kahf, may with permission and pleasure of Allah SWT we are always given…amynamy (25)in #story • 7 years agoTHE WORLD OF NATIONAL ROMANTISM (DUNIA ROMANTISME NASIONALIS)DUNIA ROMANTISME NASIONALIS THE WORLD OF NATIONAL ROMANTISM "Candles and Float Lamps" On a darkening night, in the ravaged hinterland. The host began anxiously looking for…amynamy (25)in #cats • 7 years agothe (spoiled) catthe (spoiled) cat....he always gets closer and pampers himself to meamynamy (25)in #animal • 7 years agothe cats at my homethe cats at my home... they come at lunch time with their desk ......mereka datang saat jam makan dengan manjanya..amynamy (25)in #hot • 7 years agomy pet cat/ mi gatothe process of removing thorns on a cat's molars el proceso de eliminación de espinas en el molar de un gatoamynamy (25)in #aceh • 7 years agoSpiritsocial assistance for flood victims semangat........dan ikhlas... walau capek, becek namun tetap tersenyum.... para muspika menyalurkan bantuan sosial kepada masyarakat korban…amynamy (25)in #health • 7 years agoWhy Drink Alcohol Increase Cancer Risk? Revealed It Turns The Researchers Find ItSERAMBINEWS.COM - Alcohol is often linked to cancer. In fact, in one study, alcohol is referred to as the cause of the growth of 7 types of cancer, such as cancer of the…amynamy (25)in #life • 7 years agoBanjir di kabupaten aceh utaraMeningkatnya intensitas curah hujan menyebabkan sungai kr.keureuto kembali meluap hingga ke beberapa kecamatan dalam Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Ini banjir ke dua dalam kurun…amynamy (25)in #nature • 7 years agoHujan membawa berkahMentari terik tersenyum manis.. tiba3 byuuuurrrr ujan....alhamdulillahamynamy (25)in #life • 7 years agodreams are torn apart and destroyeddue to an unscrupulous community leader against the oath of office impian yang terkoyak dan hancur, akibat seorang pemimpin masyarakat yang tidak amanah terhadap sumpah jabatanamynamy (25)in #story • 7 years agoenjoying the waves and the breeze by the beachplaying the waves and enjoying the wind ahead since with friends and nieces... although my friend's legs are still part of the sprain, but we still enjoy the fun since the…amynamy (25)in #life • 7 years agoTanda akhir bulanamynamy (25)in #culture • 7 years agodish to the wedding party-hidangan kepada rombongan pengantinAnother example- contoh lainamynamy (25)in #culture • 7 years agodish to the wedding party-hidangan kepada rombongan pengantinsalah satu adat daerah aceh menjelang kedatangan rombongan pengantin baik kerumah pengantin pria atau wanita, tuan rumah akan mempersiapkan salah satunya hidangan seperti ini.…amynamy (25)in #life • 7 years agoKebahagiaanKesederhanaan...kebahagiaan dan keceriaan bagi si kecilamynamy (25)in #indonesia • 7 years agoAbout Indonesia Drying Process of Cocoa BeansOne of the plantation products that can increase income per capita is chocolate, place or land that is flexible so that people can plant chocolate trees in the garden or in…