anwars (61)in #hobi • last yearJalan jalanHai semuanya.. apa kabar sehat kan Semoga sehat selalu amiinn Baik disini saya akan sedikit bercerita tentang perubahan steemit nya suami saya 😁 Sebelum nya saya kan tidak…anwars (61)in #jajanan • last yearBelanja harianCerita hari ini diajak jalan jalan sama kakak sekalian belanja keperluan anaknya Hari ini cuacanya pun begitu panas Rasanya sangat melelahkan😓 Nah di sini saya sedikit…anwars (61)in #makanan • last yearKuliner AcehHai teman teman ..saya akan sedikit berbagi cerita tentang kuliner Aceh Nah kalian lihat kan potret diatas itu adalah salah satu makanan favorit saya Gimana dengan kalian…anwars (61)in #obat • last yearDaun SirihHari ini hari yang sangat cerah betul kah🙂🫠 Tak sengaja melihat pohon daun sirih dari depan jendela kamar ternyata sudah tumbuh besar Dan saya langsung keluar untuk…anwars (61)in #wisata • last yearPantai Lancok Aceh Utara BayuIni adalah tempat wisata orang Aceh yang dikenal sebagai Laut Lancok Laut ini sangat maju banyak yang liburan kesini dengan berbagai acara Ada yang bakar bakar Reoni an…anwars rebloggedlightsplasher (74)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: December 5 2023It was another rainy day today. It did not rain hard, though. Doggie and I went for a walk, but that was about it for exercise. My friends and I are planning to play disc golf…anwars (61)in #ayam • last yearAyam Siam atau disebut juga ayam ratu yang dikenal di Thailan dengan sebutan LHKKali ini saya akan membahas tentang ayam Siam atau disebut juga dengan ayam ratu,ayam tersebut sangat di minati oleh pencinta ayam, selain itu ayam ini juga sangat terkenal di…anwars (61)in #keadaan • last yearTempat dimana rakyat rakyat bercocok tanam sudah aktif kembali yang bertahun tahun sudah mengalami kekeringanNah seperti yang kalian lihat foto dibawah ini itu penampakan foto yang saya ambil dari belakang rumah Sudah lama mereka tidak beraktivitas ke sawah ..dari gambar dibawah kita…anwars (61)in #cinta • last yearCinta Pertama Di Warung Mie BaksoAssalamu'alaikum kawan2 Disini saya akan berbagi sedikit pengalaman saya dan suami saya tentang pertemuan kami yang tak disengaja, Tapi agak sedikit aneh ya kok ada sih cinta…anwars rebloggedlightsplasher (74)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: December 1 2023The four of us played a tough wooded disc golf course today. Scores were +17, +22, +25, and +26. I was struggling and finding a lot of out-of-bounds areas and came in third.…anwars rebloggedlightsplasher (74)in Actifit • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: August 14 2022My friend and I played Tall Firs disc golf course off the red tee pads this morning. I won both rounds with a -2 to a +6 on the first round and a +2 to a +4 on the second.…anwars rebloggedlightsplasher (74)in Actifit • 4 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: July 30 2021We played a couple of rounds of disc golf today. I'm pretty tired now. This morning we played at NSRA and I was headed for a personal best score but messed up on hole eighteen…anwars rebloggedocd (84)in OCD • 4 years agoMeet OCD's Curators & Community Leaders #4For the last four years, OCD has been curating daily undervalued content in the chain. The project adapts and strives to the changes in the blockchain. We continue to grow and…anwars (61)in WE ARE MOVING • 4 years agoAmazing Nature || happy to explore the beauty of nature.hi ,, hi, hi ... today is a great day for me and what I see on this day is really real. not a picture, not a story, but a fact. Previously I had only seen this animal in…anwars (61)in Feathered Friends • 4 years agoA furry friend who gets along with water 😀hhh lol..The weather is quite hot these days, the little ducks don't want to get away from the water. every two hours they always swim into the pool to cool off. I watched them and it…anwars rebloggedshaka (77)in Let's Make a Collage • 4 years agoThe LMAC Curation Trail - Top Picks Round 70The LMAC Curation Trail - Top Picks and Weekly Updateanwars rebloggedshaka (77)in dPoll • 4 years agoLMAC Round 69 - The Final Poll! Vote for your favorite entries and help decide who the winners will be [130 HIVE to be awarded]! ___ ❗️Note that for a valid vote __at least three finalists must be selected.__ [](/trending/hive-174695) ### Welcome everyone to the final dPoll of [Let's Make a Collage - Round 69!]( 🌟 In this poll all Hivers are invited to decide on the distribution of 130 HIVE among this week's LMAC finalists! This week's community awards were contributed by all those fellow LMACians who set the [LMAC community]( (@hive-174695) as a 20% beneficiary in their entry posts during the previous round and thus more than doubled our 50 Hive base prize! 💪💪💪 All proceeds which the LMAC receives as beneficiary __are redistributed by 100%__ and are to ensure that our prize pool is able to grow in tandem with an increasing number of submissions. The community bonus is a key element to foster the organic growth of our community. __So please make sure you all continue to set the LMAC (@hive-174695) as 20% beneficiary in your contributions.__ If you haven't yet found the time, please visit [-> our community page]( to inspect this week's amazing entries in all detail. All submissions are still in active payout so please consider to upvote and comment to encourage all contributors! [](/trending/hive-174695) #### __And now, please join me in applauding the finalists of the LMAC contest, Round 69__: As usual, please cast your vote via dpoll using the link at the end of this post!__ Due to the REP and HP requirements (see below) it's not feasible to compile the outcome of the poll otherwise. __❗️Further to that, make sure to vote for at least three finalists for your vote to count!__ --- @eve66: [-> Original post](  --- @rappler: [-> Original post](  --- @brittandjosie: [-> Original post](  --- @angeli-b: [-> Original post](  --- @agmoore: [-> Original post](  --- @seckorama: [-> Original post](  --- @adncabrera: [-> Original post](  --- @road2horizon: [-> Original post](  --- @cetb2008: [-> Original post](  --- @berlissanoja: [-> Original post](  --- @kismeri: [-> Original post](  --- @lfulloa: [-> Original post](  --- @zuly63: [-> Original post](  --- @mballesteros: [-> Original post](  --- @gurseerat: [-> Original post](  --- Template Image [-> Original post](  --- Please vote for the submissions you like the most! 📌 If this includes your own contribution then it's fine to vote for yourself too, in particular since __multiple selection is required!__ Note that the poll will close 24h after its publication! #### ❗️❗️ Make sure to cast your votes through dPoll using the link at the end of this post! To mitigate multi account voting, a miniumum REP of 49 and a stake of 250 HP is required to have your vote being considered for the final result! #### ### __Good luck everyone and till tomorrow!__ --- [](/trending/hive-174695) 🎨 [The LMAC]( | 🏠 [Our Community]( | 🚂 [The LMAC Curation Trail]( | 🏅 [The LMAC Contributor Badge]( | 🎓 [The LMAC School]( | ❤️ [Our Delegators: 🟠Bronze]( [⚪️Silver]( [🟡Gold]( [💎Diamond]( | 💬 [Our Discord]( rebloggedshaka (77)in Let's Make a Collage • 4 years agoJoin the LMAC Curation Trail and Frontrun a 250k+ HP Vote - Top Picks Round 59 & Weekly UpdateThe LMAC Curation Trail - Top Picks and Weekly Updateanwars rebloggedshaka (77)in Let's Make a Collage • 4 years agoLet's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 54 - ✨153 HIVE in the Weekly Prize Pool!LMAC Round 54 - New Challenge!Countdown terminated on Oct 19, 2020, 9:59 PManwars rebloggedshaka (77)in Photography Lovers • 5 years agoVisiting the Sausenburg in South BadenEarlier this week I set out for another tour along the Markgräflerland . This time I aimed for the castle ruin Sausenburg , a former fortress on the Sausenberg…