aviciilad (-1)(1)in #wolfpackbot • 6 years agoWOLFPACK BOT DISTINCTIVE INSIGHTBlockchain and smart Contracts open several doors to new decentralized businesses and eliminates the requirement for costly third parties. several new firms area unit currently…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #custom • 6 years agoCUSTOM CONTRACT NETWORK: RESTRUCTURING SMART CONTRACT TO BETTER BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYA smart contract is made and structured on the blockchain to produce lawfully binding transactions that may be self-executed by the two parties,once the contract terms square…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #noku • 6 years agoPLATFORM REVIEWTechnologically, blосkсhаіn innovative entry came with ѕеvеrаl ассоmраnуіng аррlісаtіоnѕ such аѕ dіgіtаl currency ѕуѕtеmѕ, ecosystems wіth іnduѕtrіаl аnd sensible applications…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #noku • 6 years agoNOKU: REVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT ON BLOCKCHAINIf you've got identified something concerning blockchain and cryptocurrency it’s positively attributable to the secret writing that comes with cryptocurrencies. Since 2009 the…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #morpheus • 6 years agoMORPHEUS LABS REVIEWIn recent times, to establish a successful business in the first place it is necessary to take into account the preferences of customers. This singular acts has boosted the…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #aquest • 6 years agoAquest: A Unique Decentralized AppAbout Aquest Platform The aquest in full details can be seen as an App that is use in making payment for the completion of a particular assignment or tasks. The App can also be…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #aquest • 6 years agoAQUEST DISTINCTIVE REVIEWINTRODUCTION Hi my endorsers, today I will examine around an extraordinary project which you would all adoration to think about. I trusted the words blockchain, cryptographic…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #fantasy • 6 years agoFantasy: A Payment Processing Network That is based on Peer To Peer CryptocurrencyIntroduction Hi my endorsers, today I will examine around an extraordinary Blockchain project which you would all adoration to think about. I trusted the words blockchain…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #fantasy • 6 years agoFXXX: FANTASY WORLD BROUGHT TO REALITYIf you have known anything about blockchain and cryptocurrency it’s definitely because of the encryption that comes with cryptocurrencies. Since 2009 the blockchain has evolved…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #bitzon • 6 years agoBITZON :E-COMMERCE ON BLOCKCHAINBlockchain technology is now being applied in astonishing areas of human endeavour. For example, the Russian government recently announced that they would test the use of…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #dinngo • 6 years agoDINNGO: REAL DEFINITION OF A DIGITAL EXCHANGEDINNGO is the first hybrid exchange that implements an in-depth integration with cold wallet service, providing a more secure and efficient user experience. Comparing the same…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #swinca • 6 years agoSWINCA DISTINCTIVE REVIEWSWINCA is planning to change the rules of the game through blockchain. SWINCA’s number one goal is to provide equal opportunity for participating in real estate market for anyone…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #bluenote • 6 years agoBLUENOTE: ENERGY GENERATION VIA BLOCKCHAINBlueNote is a blockchain platform that plans to make new energy markets that will enable identify, to actualize and finance ecologically replicable projects to accomplish…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #notm • 6 years agoNOTM REVIEWThe potentials of blockchain are quite enormous and all industries that deal with transactions, of any kind, can be truly disrupted by the technology. The reason for this is not…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #beach • 6 years agoBEACHHEAD 2020: All in One VR Infrastructural Platform Based on BlockChainThe overall perception of gaming has been moved from leisure activity to a great market. Today, video games are in high demands and researches taken on salient regions where…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #orichalcos • 6 years agoORICHALCOS REVIEWIf you have known anything about blockchain and cryptocurrency it’s definitely because of the encryption that comes with cryptocurrencies. Since 2009 the blockchain has evolved…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #bluenote • 6 years agoBLUENOTE REVIEWIf you have known anything about blockchain and cryptocurrency it’s definitely because of the encryption that comes with cryptocurrencies. Since 2009 the blockchain has evolved…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #klickzie • 6 years agoKLICKZIE: IMAGE HOSTING ON BLOCKCHAINBlockchain technology is now being applied in astonishing areas of human endeavour. For example, the Russian government recently announced that they would test the use of…aviciilad (-1)(1)in #cloverdex • 6 years agoCLOVERDEX AIMS AND MISSION TO TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTIn the wake of technological advancement, several changes has occurred with the birth of new business strategies such as peer-to-peer, business-to-customer, in a bid to making…