bangrifi (41)in #nuklir • 8 years agoBahan utama nuklirPlutonium adalah suatu unsur kimia dalam tabel periodik yang memiliki lambang Pu dan nomor atom 94. Ia merupakan unsur radioaktif transuranium yang langka dan merupakan logam…bangrifi (41)in #kimia • 8 years agoAtom unsur terkecilAtom adalah suatu satuan dasar materi, yang terdiri atas inti atom serta awan elektron bermuatan negatif yang mengelilinginya. Inti atom terdiri atas proton yang bermuatan…bangrifi (41)in #angkasa • 8 years agoBlack holeA black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This…bangrifi (41)in #logam • 8 years agoLogam metalmenggunakan istilah "metal" untuk menjelaskan secara kolektif seluruh unsur selain hidrogen dan helium, dua unsur paling sederhana, dalam suatu bintang. Bintang memfusi atom-atom…bangrifi (41)in #alumina • 8 years agoalumina teknisAluminium oksida adalah sebuah senyawa kimia dari aluminium dan oksigen, dengan rumus kimia Al2O3. Nama mineralnya adalah alumina, dan dalam bidang pertambangan, keramik dan…bangrifi (41)in #batu • 8 years agoPerbedaan intan dan berlianMenurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, intan merupakan batu permata yang berkilauan dan berasal dari karbon muni dalam bentuk kristal (zat yang terkenal paling keras dan biasa…bangrifi (41)in #teknik • 8 years agoLogam alkali berbahayaLogam alkali adalah unsur-unsur kimia yang berada pada golongan 1A dari tabel periodik unsur. Logam alkali meliputi litium (Li), Natrium (Na), Kalium (K), Rumbidium (Rb), Cesium…bangrifi (41)in #besi • 8 years agoNikel sebagai besi anti karatNikel mempunyai sifat tahan karat. Dalam keadaan murni, nikel bersifat lembek, tetapi jika dipadukan dengan besi, krom, dan logam lainnya, dapat membentuk baja tahan karat yang…bangrifi rebloggedgood-karma (77)in #esteem • 8 years agoeSteem - Calling For Volunteer Translators, #16, Get RewardThank You to all contributors for helping with translation of eSteem to their own native languages! We are working on eSteem desktop app which will have new look, better…bangrifi rebloggedgood-karma (77)in #witness-category • 8 years agogood-karma witness update - 22nd July, 2017Hello Steemian friends, This is a witness log that will give community brief update about my latest project works. Outline: Witness update, Other project logs…bangrifi rebloggedgood-karma (77)in #esteem • 8 years agoeSteem - Filters, community inputOne of the features we are working on is to expand filters to browse and discover best content you want with eSteem. As of now you can filter content with following list of…bangrifi (41)in #reaktor • 8 years agoKekuatan nuklir tntSenjata nuklir adalah senjata yang mendapat tenaga dari reaksi nuklir dan mempunyai daya pemusnah yang dahsyat - sebuah bom nuklir mampu memusnahkan sebuah kota. Senjata nuklir…bangrifi (41)in #petualangan • 8 years agoAurora strongAurora on George offers innovation, the latest architectural and interior design and infuses the beautiful colours and creative energy of the “aurora” throughout. This starts as…bangrifi (41)in #astronot • 8 years agoUranus blue iecUranus adalah planet ketujuh dari Matahari dan planet yang terbesar ketiga dan terberat keempat dalam Tata Surya. Ia dinamai dari nama dewa langit Yunani kuno Uranus (Οὐρανός)…bangrifi (41)in #teknik • 8 years agoMagma super nova meaning "thick unguent") is a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids[1] that is found beneath the surface…bangrifi rebloggedsweetsssj (76)in #food • 8 years agoMiss. Delicious #73 : Gulhane Sark Sofrasi in Sultanahmet!Dear Steemit friends: Did you know that the Michelin Star Restaurant Guides were first published over one hundred years ago to help travellers (primarily motorists) with…bangrifi rebloggedgavvet (78)in #archaeology • 8 years agoArchaeology at the beach... the MSAThe inter-tidal zone is not exactly a usual place for an archaeological dig. However after some vicious storms had shifted the boulders around, some interesting horizontal…bangrifi rebloggedtimsaid (74)in #photography • 8 years agoMyPictureSunday #14 - Berlin Summer VibesWelcome my Steemian friends!Time goes by too quickly and we are back with another episode of MyPictureSunday . As you saw in my recent travel post I spent the last days in…bangrifi rebloggedkingscrown (81)in #bitcoin • 8 years ago2 Cool Websites To Check or Predict Your BTC Investment Income!We all heard stories of people who got BTC, forgot of them then found them on some spike and become millionaires or so. Here are two really cool and funny sites that will let…bangrifi rebloggedrea (75)in #cn • 8 years agoThe Return of the Spectacular Annual LFCC - Part 1 / 伦敦电影动漫展(上集)The Perfect Place For The Ultimate Nerd-Out Ever Attending the LLFC is fast becoming an annual tradition with me and this year’s 2017 event proved no exception.…