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As my avatar once said, "Whatever it is, I'm against it." It's a great one-liner. Google "Stupersymmetry" to see a, um, creative use

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But I do love the groucho Marx (?) quote!

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My favorite is from Chris Witecki of SoulGarden... 'Live, Love, Be'

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Nice! Simple and powerful!

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Not sure exactly sure where it came from but:

"Your Failures Are Your Success."

For me this is a constant reminder to not get sad/angry about the many things life throws at us because instead you can look at what happened and learn something from it @bengy

Great motto! We shouldn't be scared of failure or mistakes! They are great learning experiences... If you choose to learn!

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One that resonates with me, particularly since becoming a father and the desire that brings to make the world a better place for my daughter to live in, is something that I heard in a work leadership seminar (it's a rare thing that anything of use comes out of these corporate talkfests).

The standard that you walk past, is the standard you accept

The context in this instance, was around sexual harrassment and how to recognise it, but it is applicable in so many areas, from the quality of a teammate's output, to what is known as "casual racism". By shining a light on these things, we can help improve human behaviour at a cultural level.

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I heard this recently, and it really is an apt one. It is also a very hard one to live up to...

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My motto is "Dieu est ma force koumaté" which means God is my Strength. It's from one of my favorite artist, Sidiki Diabate. To me, it means I can do all things with God as my strength. So, I kind of not give up on things.

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It is always good to be able to trust in a strong foundation!


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In my family, only one virtue is held true by all.

It has been taught from generation to generation, though it is becoming more and more rare.

It is the binding unity that allows for civilization to exist between strangers, associates, friends, and family members alike.

It transcends bigotry, racism, and segregation.

It generously gives to all a status worthy of a certain level of kindness, chivalry, self-control, common courtesy, and good manners.

It is inherently given to all people from the moment of their birth, but once abused, it can be taken away in an instant.

It can be easily lost if not given in return, and it can sometimes be nearly impossible to regain.


We've all been disrespected before. In my family, my older brother and I went through a twelve year rivalry since the day of my birth. Being the youngest of four, my siblings always called me the spoiled one, and I wondered if my parents had simply given up on discipline by the time I was born. So that responsibility fell to my brother.

We exhausted every bad word, name, curse, prank, tease, embarrassment, threat, punch, and a few close calls I dare not mention. When all the childish recklessness ceased to net any positive results, we eventually found peace by offering space, silence, and patience to avoid pointless invitations of animosity, jealousy, and instigation. Our punishments became fewer. We found more activities we could enjoy doing together, with less fighting. Eventually we learned to extend the same conscientious courtesies to others, and discovered how easy it was to stay out trouble.

Over time, I would never restore my brother's full respect (not after the incident with the scissors), but I was able to escape his endless ire by taming my ways. We never became super close friends, yet he's helped me out in countless ways.

Today, he is an honored and decorated veteran. Two of his limbs were amputated due to a life-threatening trauma caused while he was driving a convoy vehicle through deadly terrain. He is the first person we open the door for, pull out a chair for, and offer our help to, and he is still the last person to ask for any assistance. All he ever wanted of anyone was the same common respect deserved by all people. That's why he served, and a small measure of respect and decency is all he ever expects in return.

Simple respect for others is such a simple thing but it means so much. Often it is hard to realise that we have slipped and shown disrespect, as it is really something that needs to be constantly in the front of our mind.

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Goodmorning from cold rotterdam to i think cold DenHaag/Rijswijk
Mind is and first in Dutch;
Where there is a will, there is a way, only the will desides the way,

With that saying i was brought up, like my parents tried to always say dont give up try every way possible. In the later years i applied it in school, and later in my work. Determination is something that came out of it. And now being a mum off 4 it helps looking at things from multiple sides.
The kids know and finish the saying, i just have to say ( with a finger pointing at them )
WAAR EEN WIL IS........ and the say there is a way!, and i finish it off and we re-direct the way to go in that particular situation. Works wonders and give confidence and in this day and age thats needed both for adults as for our offspring,

So on that note i am making my way to breakfast
Have a great sunday john

That is a good one! It is common also in English, and it is really a good one for the kids to learn. Too often, we give up at the first sign of difficulty and we are our own biggest enemies!

Have a nice morning! Greetings from a train on the way to Den Bosch! I might see if I can get some nice Boscheballen for dinner dessert tonight....

Ohhhhh i am envious Bossche bollen are the best gotta get Those calories inside

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My motto is How to Eat to Live
Every time we eat, digestion has to be kicked back up, and so does the consumption of our body’s precious enzymes. Constantly grazing or snacking throughout the day is a sure way to burn our body’s enzymes more quickly and speed up the aging process.
The importance of eating one Meal a day and retaining our beauty appearance. We are supposed to put our mathematical theology to work and act on it.
Than you.

This is a really important one! I notice more and more as I grow older that I'm quite affected by how healthily I eat!

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I have two, but I don't mind if only one counts. The first echoes your motto, "Quietly brilliant". My mother had a saying that was a little more pedestrian but carried the same message: "Self praise stinks."

My personal favorite is, "Go pray in a closet." I'm not given to quoting the Bible (you see, my motto says I'm not.) However, if you're interested, this comes from a section of the Good Book that says if you make a public show of praying, don't expect divine reward. Basically, the motto means to me: there's nothing pious about public piety.

Ha ha, definitely a similar sentiment but I could see that one being used against others rather than a self reminder!

I had never heard the prayer one though. I like it!

As children we always felt this did not work to our benefit. My mother was loathe to boast about her own children but listened graciously to others' boasts. It never seemed even-handed to us, but as I grow older, I've come to believe that humility is one of the most attractive qualities we can cultivate.

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getshitdone don't know who thought of it first or why. It's quite simple and really in my eyes is about being a doer.

Ha ha, Yes... Get stuff done! That is a good one, no too much chat, more splat!

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I'll go with a line from the last George Carlin Comedy Special. 'It's all Bullshit and it's bad for ya'.

Don't get me wrong, it's extremely funny, but it's also surprisingly good life advice. While a bit on the cynical side for most people, a large point of the routine is about how much bullshit there is out there one has to deal with, and how much better things can be for you if you just stop caring about all the stupid things in the world and focus on making yourself happy.

Another one I love being a Nietzsche classic, 'Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."

A very simple meaning here, don't become the thing you hate in order to fight against it. It's kind of funny this man gets painted as a Nihilist considering his most famous quotes are things like this. :p

I didn't know the first one but it is a really good one! The second, I am familiar with. Sadly, it is a bit of advice that gets lost in the zealous fervour to do the righteous thing...

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Thanks so much to the random winning pick of it all and your great contests @bengy! It's 3:51am and I am wide awake!! DOOH!

No problem! Stop playing with your phone! You are also welcome to enter this one!

Haven't turned my phone on yet..... I actually use one of those things called a laptop, I even have a mouse with a chord! Can you believe, so dark ages of me...... My motto forever is "YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU VIBRATE" So tone up people!!! Get your frequency on today and every day vibrate some LOVE!

Ha ha, I have a few of those old things... Although, wireless mice all around!

Great motto, not really my sort of thing... But the sentiment is true!

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Thanks for the SBI :)
When it comes to mottos, I have a couple of them that mean a lot to me but the most important one is:

"Live like you are going to die tomorrow but learn like you are going to live forever"

It describes my lifestyle perfectly. I live in the moment but I learn in every moment. What drives me is to be happy so I am probably enjoying life more than most and are because of that often portrayed as a hedonist. I see life as something that no one will survive and I plan to have as much fun while I am here. On the other hand, to be happy is to know how to deal with problems and that is where knowledge comes in handy. It is better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared. I try to learn at least one new thing every day and find pleasure in it, the pleasure of learning new things. Soooo... to make that quote even simpler, it would go something like "always have fun but learn aong the way" :D

Love the quote and the paraphrasing! Definitely something to keep in mind... It is all too easy to forget it in the routine of daily life, but fun and treasures are to be found everywhere!

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Mine would be Finding True North or having a good Moral Compass, summarize the best way to deal with lifes obstacles, weighing up the way forward is not always easy, hence we need to find our direction in life. This was explained to me when very young, always consider how something will affect not only you, but everyone or anything around you.

That is definitely an interesting and well intentioned motto... I worry sometimes, as our definition of 'moral' has changed so much with time. What we consider moral now might be seen in the future to be hideous...

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Mine is from Apple.

Think Different.

Investing one, not my favourite company... But a worthwhile motto!

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Both of mine are to do with my dad - the original BoogieDruid ;) A classic that always makes me smile, and that I managed to live up to in December is "I've walked out of better jobs than this one." This is one of his one liners that has both become his (regularly used) motto- and almost a coat of arms for our family.

The second motto was written about my father in one of his school reports. It's one of the things he is most proud of I think - "works hard at subjects he approves of."

Ha ha, definitely good life advice from your dad! Boogie Druid, I think I'm going to google every time I see that!

I hope life after your job is going well?

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I like my own motto:

"Be sure to fitinfun no matter what."

I use it everywhere as a tag line, and sometimes in my signature.

I started this when I made up my name 30+ years ago. I have had a lot of near death experiences since childhood, and people like to yell at you when you wake up and tell you, "You almost died!" or "I thought you were dead!" or "You should be dead!"

So on this particular day, two different doctors came in a couple of hours apart and both told me I almost died on the table during an operation I just had.

I chased the second one out of the room and decided to stop listening to this nonsense and live each day by fitting-in-fun, no matter what.

Good thing, since that happened when I was 26 and I am 59 now. I've had a few more brushes with death since then and still keep having fun.

Wow, that is an interesting life story! And great that it has inspired you to come up with a motto that can serve to also inspire other people!

Thank you very much. I try my best. I want to cause action :)

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Thank you for the reminder. I will do it!

I think one motto that really resonates with me is:

Live simply.
Love generously.
Learn constantly.

I feel that this motto is a great way to run your life, because it gets at the heart of what I feel good living is. Simple, filled with those who care about you and you care about, with an ever expanding avenue of knowledge to improve the world. Maybe I'm just idealistic, but I like to think this has some value.

I also really like the motto:

If it doesn't make you happy, don't do it.

Sure, it's very over-simplistic and there are many necessary things to do that aren't necessarily going to bring happiness. But if I find myself constantly doing things that don't make me happy, I think about this motto and really try to figure out why I'm doing it.

Both are really good motors. The second one is really good one to live by... However, it does ignore some of the power structures and luck of birth problems. However, if you are in the position to go out, it is a good credo to live by!

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Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

The most reference you can find is Winston Churchill, but he never said that. He said things that have the same sense, but not this one particular quote.

I like it a lot, because it's getting everything of success and failure. Nothing is forever, the only thing that matters is to go on, no matter what. Hold true in everything.
That's the beauty of it.

Winston Churchill was a great source of quotes! A difficult time for the world, I guess it makes people see what is really important!

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Mine Motto is from one of Jimmy V’s final speeches before he died from cancer...

“When people say to me, how do you get through life or each day? It's the same thing. To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. No. 1 is laugh. You should laugh every day. No. 2 is think. You should spend some time in thought. No. 3 is you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heckuva day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special.”

I have no idea who Jimmy V is! Laugh and Cry! Definitely, we forget that is important to have the full range of emotion, not just laughter, but also tragedy... It's an old notion that has been forgotten in recent history.

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Mine is an old south african saying

"'n boer maak a plan"

Which is basically like theres always a way to figure things out

That's a good one! There is always a way through!

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Make The Choice That Heals The World

This is the best motto I have ever heard. It's not quite the same as any other. It's not the Golden Rule or any of those, it is an exhortation to do the right thing on a community-wide, world-wide level.

Sometimes it calls for self-sacrifice. Sometimes it means doing the thing that is best for the community, rather than the thing which most benefits your own little group, and then accepting the rage and accusations of betrayal from your own little group, (because they feel you should have taken care of them first).

Living up to this motto can be cruel hard.

That is a great one, but also a tricky one! What one thinks is good another might disagree with! In some cars there would be accord, but there would many areas where doing good means impacting negatively elsewhere..

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I like the golden rule, but I think it needs a minor modification. Instead of "treat others the way you wish to be treated" it makes more sense to "treat others the way they wish to be treated". There are plenty of circumstances in which people's feelings and needs don't mirror your own. Sure, you could bend to the spirit of the Golden Rule, and say, well, I want to have my own feelings taken into consideration, and so I'll apply that to others. But it's jst one more leap for the brain to make.

Anyhow, this is why my friends think I'm a Hufflepuff, even though you can see from my syntactic rigor that I'm a Ravenclaw.

That is a good motto, however, sometimes it can be hard descerne how other people wish to be treated! There can sometimes be a projecting of our ideas onto what we think they want?

Well, and I think that's part of the problem with the golden rule as stated. This way, hopefully, people are more aware of the error potential and will seek out knowledge before assumptions!

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