PostsCommentsPayoutsbinhmay0159 (4)in Project HOPE • 2 months agoWhat is Cudos ?? Why am I so bullish about the project???We are living in the era where crypto’s are going mainstream with their core feature as decentralising the worldbinhmay0159 (4)in #cats • 3 months agoMr. Sultan FoufouNo sultan in our house even if Mr. Foufou thinks he's onebinhmay0159 (4)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 months ago高兴太早了今天业主群在讨论说小区附近要修TOD。这个TOD到底是什么我也不知道啊。看了他们继续讨论,原来是要修地铁。 然后, 群里一片沸腾,买了学区房啊,又是地铁旁,又是立交桥 😂😂😂总之看的我神魂颠倒。我当时就猜,这个地铁没个五年修不起来。再说立交桥现在才开始动工。后面具体好久修得完,谁也说不准。…