breathe3000 (49)in #music • 8 years agoMusicGemsPlaylist. #5 (Original story )(video+link itunes)Hello, Steemians. PARTS |1|2|3|4| Today, I want change the format. I will continue to search and introduce you MusicGems. In this edition, I want to share to you my true…breathe3000 (49)in #music • 8 years agoMusicGemsPlaylist. #4 (video+link itunes)Hello, Steemians. PARTS |1|2|3| I want to acquaint you with new MusicGems which I managed to find for you. In this release, we will talk to you about love. Love can manifest…breathe3000 (49)in #music • 8 years agoMusicGemsPlaylist. #3 (video+link itunes)Hello, Steemians. I want to acquaint you with new MusicGems which I managed to find for you. In this release, we will talk to you about classics in a new audio enjoyment from…breathe3000 (49)in #music • 8 years agoMusicGemsPlaylist. #2 (video+link itunes)Hello, Steemians. I want to acquaint you with new MusicGems which I managed to find for you. In this release we will talk to you about manifestation of violence and importance…breathe3000 (49)in #music • 8 years agoI want to introduce you my MusicGemsPlaylist. #1 (video+link itunes)Hello Steemit's I love music. Every week I listen to music channels on YouTube. And recently, I made a new discovery for me music performers. I would like to present them to…breathe3000 (49)in #life • 8 years agoI more often notice. (Original poem)image by Joshua Earle I more often notice. Depth their eyes shallow. Language tip blunt. Words do not sting longer like a bee. I more often notice. Flows dry up of…breathe3000 (49)in #life • 9 years agoIngredients for a creation of the Kazakh wedding?Hello, Steemit's. Today I want will share a small part of the homeland with you. The native land of my homeland. Our culture and customs are various are wide and immense.…breathe3000 (49)in #poetry • 9 years agoWhy good people leave? (Original poem)English Russian Light, dim in the kitchen. Свет, тусклый на кухне. I can hardly believe in this nonsense. Мне не верится в этот бред. The rain washes away…breathe3000 (49)in #steemit • 9 years agoREALITY - [location-based social network] - (Original app)Today I wanted will share with you, the mobile phones application. On his creation at me, a lot of time of forces and money has left. I have put a lot of effort for a start. But…breathe3000 (49)in #ru • 9 years agoDream | МечтаСтелиться,стелиться, стелиться, Желтой листвою земля. вяжутся,вяжутся,вяжутся, В небе осеннем ветра. Тянутся,тянутся,тянутся, Серые тучи дождя. Стерпится…breathe3000 (49)in #ru • 9 years agoПосланные на ...Это шуточное произведения я написал для человека который любит посылать всех на ... Для удобства понимания я добавил персонажей X,Y чтобы вы поняли диалог. Вот веришь в то…breathe3000 (49)in #steemitphotochallenge • 9 years ago[SteemitPhotoChallenge entry #4] Rain blurring window patternsI love a rain. I like to walk under a drizzle. I adore a city smell after a rain. Fresh, damp air. He is also tremendous artist using windows instead of a canvas. Я люблю…breathe3000 (49)in #steemitphotochallenge • 9 years ago[SteemitPhotoChallenge entry #3] The fine things disappearing in the yard.I like to do interesting and unusual pictures. Sometimes just walking on the yard it is possible to find a lot of interesting. ME @breathe3000breathe3000 (49)in #steemitphotochallenge • 9 years agoSpiral tree - steemitphotochallengeI have made this shot at the relatives in the yard of their house. This very old small tree. Я сделал это фото у своих родственников во дворе их дома. Это очень старое маленькое…breathe3000 (49)in #bewriter • 9 years agoLearn Exactly how to become the writer In 15 Days - Lesson first | Узнайте как стать писателем за 15 дней - Урок первый.Today I would like to begin a cycle of exercises for the beginning writers. Сегодня я хотел бы начать цикл упражнений для начинающих писателей. Here I see many people and…breathe3000 (49)in #life • 9 years agoYou thought for what we live? (Original photo and words)What do we do here? What purpose of our life? What do we have to make? What to worry, acquire, understand. All this is similar to quest. Help old women... forgive…breathe3000 (49)in #poetry • 9 years agoLie twice bitterly.Lie twice bitterly, You tell the truth only. Small lie and you lose trust. To return him not at all there is enough patience. Life is already full of chagrin. It is…breathe3000 (49)in #life • 9 years agoMy trip to Dubai last year. Video.Dubai life hacking . Today, I want to share with you - my emotions and mood . Which I got from a trip to Dubai last year. I've been there 3 times . If you want go to Dubai…breathe3000 (49)in #ru • 9 years agoПальцы-КораблиПальцы-Корабли пускаю в плаванье, По волнам, густых и вьющихся волос. Что накрывают твои бархатные плечи. Жемчужные пляжи, лазурных берегов. Я буду бороздить темнее ночи…breathe3000 (49)in #stickers • 9 years agoEN - Weekly collection of GIFSTiCKERS for you - #2 | RU - Еженедельная подборка стикеров- #2Interesting for you stickers for all occasions :) I will upload Weekly interesting stickers. So you can use them in their posts. Интересные для вас наклейки на все случаи жизни…