bumnumbum (35)in #conspiracy • 6 years agoConspiracies Through AnimeJust like H.G. Wells's famous Time Machine which became wildly popular by the hands of a conspiratorial circle in the early 20th century, we witness many anime stories…bumnumbum (35)in #bch • 6 years agoIt only takes less than 10,000 clever people on Earth to take down the coercive monopoly.Or is Homo sapiens sapiens a retarded species? Let's find out! There are only 20,000,000 BCH or less in the world. If 10,000 clever people get together and buy up all of BCH in…bumnumbum (35)in #bch • 6 years agoDo you know how wealth is created?It is not through the central bank. It is not by your labor, either. It is exactly when people exchange items voluntarily. In order for people to voluntarily exchange things they…bumnumbum (35)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoDid you know that you can trade silver with bitcoin cash?Well, here is the link: For that matter, you can trade any bit asset with any cryptocurrency you actually have. In this way, you can avoid using Bitcoin Core, the fake…bumnumbum (35)in #liberty • 8 years ago「自由を売る市場」第二版(改訂版)刊行にあたりモリス・タネヒル&リンダ・タネヒルの「自由を売る市場」の改訂版を と に公開します。改訂版は初版の題名「自由への市場」から「自由を売る市場」に改めました。こちらの名前の方が原文の意味により近いと思います。 改訂版では本書でよく用いられる最も基本的な用語「集団主義」の定義をより厳密にしました。訳注に載せた説明書きをここにも掲載します:…bumnumbum (35)in #anarchy • 8 years agoThe modern definition of collectivismWe should start thinking about changing the definition of the term, collectivism in dictionary. Here is the most succinct definition of collectivism I would propose:…bumnumbum (35)in #cancer • 8 years agoTranscripts of the G. Edward Griffin's "World Without Cancer" documentary is avaialable nowThe English transcript and embedding the subscripts and the translation into Japanese have completed. The YouTube video is here: This year 350,000 Americans will die from…bumnumbum (35)in #vitamin • 8 years ago「癌の無い世界」(G・エドワード・グリフィン著)の翻訳完了ユーチューブのリンクはここです。 日本語のテキストを以下に公表します。 今年も35万のアメリカ人が癌で死にます。 四人に一人が癌を患い、 合衆国だけでも五千万人に上る計算です。 この動画の目的は、この悲劇が現存の科学知識で 完全に防ぐことができることを示すことにあります。 癌は、必須要素を欠いた現代人の食生活で起こる、…bumnumbum (35)in #anarchy • 8 years ago「自由への市場」の翻訳 The Japanese Translation of The Market for Liberty has finished!巷では有名なタネヒル夫婦の著作「The Market for Liberty」を完成させました。完成版は、 と…bumnumbum (35)in #stwart • 9 years agoBecome Your Own God by the 33 Deciplines Method!塞翁が馬 is the old Japanese saying of a Chinese philosopher Laozi(老子)'s story of an old farmer who lost his horse. The contemporary Japanese would use の instead of が for this…