changli-deng (51)in #cn • 8 years ago亿书发布激励方案征求意见稿,拍砖有奖励亲爱的小伙伴们,节前我们发布了《亿书激励方案即将面向全社区征求意见,N多福利等你来》,按照约定,这次发布征求意见稿,请大家使劲拍砖(不要骂人就好)。 一、《亿书绿皮书》是什么?…changli-deng rebloggedcnfund (70)in #cn • 9 years ago【AFTER CREATION】(Chapter 32)(Chinese Original Fantasy Novel)/【创世之后】(第32章 创造修真界)(原创玄幻小说)Copyright notice: This novel is written by cnfund in Steemit. Without permission, is strictly prohibited reproduced. 版权声明:该小说为Steemit平台用户cnfund创作。未经许可,严禁转载。 正文 第1部…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years agosteemit用户粘性问题好久都没来steemit了,不来的原因是因为这里没有我想要的东西了,开始玩只是觉得发帖能赚钱,事实上也让赚了一部分。后来就渐渐的对steemit没了兴趣,究其原因大概有两点: 一:锁仓时间过长 steemit的锁仓时间真的过长,每次提交申请就要七天才能解冻部分,而这七天时间我就几乎不在每天上steemit来看是否解冻,自己忙自己的事情去了。…changli-deng rebloggedxiaohui (67)in #stats • 9 years ago[Daily Update] Daily Report of STEEM Exchange Transfer - Sep 21 | [每日更新] STEEM 交易所转帐分析日报 09-21Overview of Steem Exchange Transfer: From Steemit to exchanges: $76,060 From exchanges to Steemit: $46,580 Time Range(统计区间): 2016-09-20 00:00 UTC ~ 2016-09-21 00:00 UTC…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程三》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!这两天有事情去忙就没来得及写第三篇,今天就给大家说说我于区块链的事情。 三:拥抱区块链 说起区链链我是去年开始关注的,之前也都有过种种报道,知道有次在逛论坛、逛新闻的时候发现一个做金融类的项目,当时很感兴趣,就去认真的了解了一下。这个项目就是小蚁(antshares)…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程二》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!昨天说完了第一部分,也是感慨万千,N多个试想,试想当初应该狠狠心从生活费中挤出来一些钱买点比特、试想问父母要点钱配置点比特等等吧,不过都已经成为历史。就这样有一段长时间的远离币圈,这中间大概有大半年的时间都在为毕业的事情忙碌、为找工作的事情忙碌。 今天就写写第二部分,这一部分也是让我有欢喜、有忧愁,喜还是大于忧,让我也有了彻底的改变!…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程一》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!自己一直想写下炒币的过程,也有好多圈外的朋友想让我把自己的经历记录下了,一直也没太多的时间去静下心来写,趁着这段时间学习中,就把自己的经历写下! 我的经历大体可以分为三段: 一:初识比特币 二:迷恋山寨币 三:拥抱区块链 今天就先写第一部分…changli-deng (51)in #introduceyourself • 9 years ago📌Hello Steemers!Hello everyone,my name is dan,from a rural of china!This is my,I am 3 years old.I am from shangqiu city henan province of china! Now I do every day is to play,But happy time is always so short,My grandmother said“I would be send…changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoHello Steemers!Hello everyone,my name is dan,from a rural of china!This is my,I am 3 years old.I am from shangqiu city henan province of china! Shangqiu city I have a sister,she is 6 years old.changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoWhat a beautiful China!What a beautiful China! The most beautiful place in China!changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoWhat a beautiful China!What a beautiful China! The most beautiful place in China!changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBEDSIDE CONFESSIONTed and Julie go to bed with each other for the first time.Julie: "I should warn you, Ted: I've got acute angina."Ted: "Your breasts aren't bad either."changli-deng (51)in #ebookchain • 9 years agoEBOOK CHAIN A new driving force for human creation! And Steem Be carefulWriting / collaboration is so simple To give knowledge a price tag, make writing more simple and…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoLAST MUSICAL REQUESTThe inmate on death row is scheduled to be put to death by firing squad. He doesn't request a last meal or anything special for his last day. As he stands before the firing…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoA FATHER'S LAST REQUESTA husband and wife have four sons. The oldest three are tall with red hair and light skin while the youngest son is short with black hair and dark eyes.The father was on his…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBLONDE'S APPENDICITISA blonde has sharp pains in her side, so she goes to the hospital. The doctor examines her and says, "You have acute appendicitis." The blonde says, "That's sweet, doc, but I…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoWALKS INTO A BAR... TALKING DOGA dog walks into a bar and hops up on a stool. He looks the bartender in the eye and says, "Hey, guess what? I can talk. Have you ever seen a talking dog before? How about a…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoWALKS INTO A BAR... HORSING AROUNDA farmer walks into a bar with a horse. He says, "I will give any of you $1,000 if you can make my horse laugh." A man yells, "I'll take that bet," and leads the horse into…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBirthday DisappointmentBecause it was my brother’s birthday, our mom wanted to do something special. She called his fraternity house and said she wanted to bring a cake. The young man who took the call…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBirthday JokesEvery year on my birthday, I looked forward to my aunt’s gift—a scarf, hat, or sweater knitted by hand. One year, she must have had better things to do because I received a ball…