cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoFunny joke(幽默小笑话)Last night, the dormitory was out of power. It was too boring to open a laptop all night until there was no electricity. At 3 a.m., swim to KFC. After entering the door, I said…cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago小笑话:小时候小时候,院子里的小朋友最酷爱角色扮演,那时候流行新白娘子传奇。大家都抢着演白娘子,抢不到就演小青,再抢不到的就演许仙,再抢不到的就演法海。弱小的我每次都抢不到,只能演观音菩萨,于是院子里大人经常能看到我盘腿坐在高处,所有小孩跪在下面拜我。 本帖笑话来源收集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago小笑话:茶叶蛋同事在家煮了二个鸡蛋带到办公室吃,他一边吃着鸡蛋,一边喝着茶叶水。 我问他:“你这是什么吃法,吃鸡蛋还配茶叶水。” 这二货得瑟到:“俺这是在吃茶叶蛋。” 本帖笑话来源收集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoLittle joke: so that's it(小笑话:原来如此)A woman walks the night road, suddenly see a man open arms toward her to come, make a hug, come forward is a foot. The man cry loudly, say: all the third, I recruit who to cause…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoYou can learn a lot from three funny jokes.(3个幽默的小笑话,却能让你获益匪浅)1、One day, the little white rabbit went fishing, and got nothing. The next day, it went fishing again, again. On the third day it just arrived, and a big fish jumped out of the…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoFunny joke(幽默小笑话)A man and his wife are in a hot pot restaurant, while eating and chatting, while happy, a young woman came over and looked at the man and said, "I'm pregnant!" His wife at first…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoHappy little joke(开心小笑话)One day, an elephant guessed ants nest nest ant climbed to the elephant, the elephant of the ants fell down, only one is still on, the ants on the ground to the ant said, "come…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoSmall joke: good boss.(小笑话:厉害的老板)To buy a hamster in the flower and bird market, to try the rat man, he pretended not to understand the question: "can two hamsters be kept in a cage?" The rat dealer sincerely…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoSmall joke: hitchhiker.(小笑话:搭车)A naval officer was standing beside the driver on the bus, not sitting down, to avoid the ironing of the uniform. A drinker got on the bus, went to the officer, pulled his…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years ago小笑话,老农的回答(Small joke, old farmer's answer.)情感专家问一老农:爱情和婚姻的区别是什么? 老农说:很简单,你今天和她睡了,明天还想和她睡,这就是爱情;你今天和她睡了,明天还得和她睡,这就是婚姻。 同理: 今天上班了,明天还想上,这是事业; 今天上班了,明天还得上,这是职业! 今天一块喝酒了,明天还想喝,这是朋友; 今天一块喝酒了,明天还得喝,这是客户…cherry11 (25)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoRational understanding of bitcoin and blockchain risk.(理性认识比特币及区块链风险)In January, the once-booming bitcoin market plunged from $20, 000 to nearly $11, 000. Previously, regulators in some countries have taken steps to clamp down on virtual currency…cherry11 (25)in #funny • 7 years agoMake a joke and relax your mood.1、Stab me why The war was intense, with wounded soldiers everywhere. A general was badly wounded and was taken to the rescue. As the doctor nervously performed the operation…cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago今日小笑话1、公园一小朋友扔纸飞机,一不小心飞到了一妹纸胸上,妹纸问了句:小朋友你飞机怎么飞到这了。 小朋友说:它在找飞机场。 2、老王得了癌症就快死了,他把儿子叫到床边说:儿啊!我死了不要对外说我是得癌症死的,你就说我是得艾滋病死的。 儿子:为什么呀?。…cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago幽默小笑话三则1、一个朋友去相亲,对方上来就问:“家里人介绍说你挺好的,你可以具体说说自己哪里挺好的吗?” 朋友思考了片刻说:“我一个人挺好的! ” 2、男士钱包就像男士乳头一样,没什么用。 男朋友过生日,我送了他一个名牌男士钱包,他欣喜地接受了,并感动万分。 殊不知这是我在他柜子里翻出来的,前年生日我送他的。。。 3、我比较瘦,胃也不太好,还不经常吃晚饭…cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago今日冷笑话1.我妈给我泡了杯咖啡,我对她表示了赞美,她说:我就知道你喜欢娘泡的东西。 2.你在睡觉前花在手机上的时间越少,第二天工作时你就不得不花更多的时间玩回来。 3.一天很长,长到你的每一分精力都被榨干才会结束;一天又很短,短到被榨干的你还没有恢复过来,新的一天就又开始了。 本帖笑话均来源搜集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago冷笑话三则1、脾气大的人,就算成了佛系,也是武僧。 2、身在福中不知福,说的是有些人已经发福了但自己却装作不知道一样。 3、佛系细分一下,以有下派系: 爱喝酒、脾气差的,叫鲁智深系; 爱吃肉、胆子孝想脱单的,叫净坛使者系; 家里穷得叮当响的,叫济公系; 脱发严重、为人老实的,叫沙僧系; 个子比较矮的,叫土行孙系; 爱骑平衡车的,叫哪吒系;…cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago一张搞笑图片乍一看还以为是性感的露肩装呢 本图片来源收集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago小笑话:那是因为它大一男同学,冲出教室不小心摸到一位女同学的胸,刚想道歉。 只见女同学很生气的说:“真不要脸,乱摸人家胸。” 男同学立马整个人都不好了,回答道:“你有吗?我怎么没感觉啊!” 女生又问:“那你知道为什么地球是圆的,我们也没感觉到吗?那是因为它大!” 本帖笑话均来源收集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago小笑话:你看,不骗你!推销员在药店门前向过往的行人吆喝:“看看我这一头浓密乌黑的秀发,这是用了三个月防脱生发水的奇迹! ” 秃顶的老张路过:“请问你以前秃到什么程度?” 推销员一边摘下假发一边说:“秃到一根头发都没有,你看,不骗你! ” 本帖笑话均来源收集于网络!cherry11 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago搞笑段子三则1、儿子问:“沐浴是什么意思?”爸爸回答道:“就是洗澡。”儿子又问:“那沐浴阳光是什么意思呢?“爸爸想了想说:“干洗。” 2、公交汽车乘客:“售票员,请问,这里能吸烟吗?”售票员:“不能。”乘客:“那么,所有这些烟头从哪里来的?”售票员说:“都是不提问的那些人的。”………