PostsCommentsPayoutschrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 3 years agoWhen it's all said and done ... it will be apparent that the only organized component on 1/6 were Federal instigatorsHave to admire the chutzpah. What a bunch of traitorous douchebags. We don't have a rule of law when those enforcing the law ignore the law and enforce it through biased practices.chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 3 years agoThanks but no ...The CCP social credit system is a doorway into a dystopian future. In western democracies, the government's power derives from the consent of the governed. Such a social credit…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 3 years agoWe will not go quietly ...Bari Weiss hits the nail on the head. The woke revolution is fueled by cowardice. Thank God my parents and teachers gave me the skills to see through this leftist tripe. May God…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 3 years agoSUBMITTED TO THE COURT OF PUBLIC APPROVAL - ARE WE SHEEP???This is not fringe information. It is based on published sources and whistleblower documents. At what point do we stop obeying these orders / mandates?chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 3 years agoNOWHERE TO HIDE .... ARE WE BEING CULLED???I trust Dr. Martin more than I do any of our elected leaders. We are being lied to and gaslighted. I am more fearful of our government than this virus. How the hell did we get here??chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoJOURNALISM ... IS ABOUT EXPOSING THE TRUTH, NOT BURYING ITKudos to Greenwald for showing integrity in a sea of deceit.chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoHAVE TO HAND IT TO CORREIA ... DUDE CAN RANT WITH THE BEST OF THEMRecall that decline is a choice. Choose wisely.chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years ago"RETROGRADE" APPARENTLY MEANS "RETREAT"From Retrograde, adjective, 1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating. Also known as getting the hell out of Dodge ...chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoCOMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION OF "NOVEL" CORONAVIRUSThings that make you say, "Hmmmm?" The patent records tell a story that needs to be told.chrispreilly (52)in #economics • 4 years agoTHREE BRILLIANT AND ACCOMPLISHED MEN SPEND AN HOUR TALKING ABOUT THOMAS SOWELL - TIME WELL SPENTBasic Economics is a more meaningful book than 99% of the authors in the 20th Century could muster. But Sowell has at least 10 other books just as wonderful. The influence of his…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoIT'S NICE WHEN THE GOOD GUYS FIGURE OUT HOW THE BAD GUYS CHEATEDYou are skeptical the 2020 election was stolen. You should be. Watch this video with your skepticism on high alert. When done watching, you may want to start building a gallows…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoWHO IS AFRAID OF AN IDEA? WHO RUNS FROM A DISCUSSION? WHEN IS THE CENSOR EVER THE GOOD GUY?Sorry. Rhetorical questions. Authoritarians and statist do not like ideas or dissent, but love control and censorship. The rest of us want freedom to think, discuss, speak…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoDEATH BY HUBRIS ... LEAKY VACCINESHave we authored our own demise because we were so sure that "following the science" meant taking experimental vaccines? Too early to tell. The arrival of more dangerous variants…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoMADNESSNow the education of prospective doctors is being modified by woke activists. Nothing good can come from this.chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoTAR AND FEATHERS FOR IMBECILES LIKE DEBLASIO ...My body ... my choice ... recall hearing that rule ... COVID's is bad and the long-term effects are still being studied ... by some accounts the vaccine is not needed for younger…chrispreilly (52)in #informationwar • 4 years agoCOLLATERAL DAMAGE OF TERRIBLE PUBLIC HEALTH DECISIONSF**king tragic. When the final body count is in, will more teens die from COVID-19 or the vaccines for COVID-19?chrispreilly (52)in #infomration • 4 years agoDR. PETER MCCULLOUGH ON WITH REINER FUELMICH JUNE 11, 2021The government is not here to help you ... Get informed. Protect yourself.chrispreilly (52)in #medicine • 4 years agoA RATIONAL PERSON MIGHT ASK, "WHY WOULD ANYONE HIDE THE FACT THAT IVERMECTIN MAY WORK AGAINST COVID-19?"Interestingly, if there is an available medicine for a disease, vaccines are not appropriate. So, if it were shown that ivermectin worked, Big Pharma would not get to vaccinate…chrispreilly (52)in #politics • 4 years agoIF A PERSON'S SEX / GENDER IS MUTABLE (SUBJECT TO CHANGE), WHY IS IT RELEVANT DATA FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO COLLECT?Just asking. If today I am male, tomorrow I am female and Wednesday I identify as a someone neither male nor female, why would the government want to collect such useless data…chrispreilly (52)in #politics • 4 years agoNOT ALL POLITICIANS ARE EMPTY SUITS ...Love him or hate him, Mike Lee had the courage to spend 90 minutes with Jordan Peterson to have an open dialogue about politics and the Constitution ... he was coherent for 90…