Hellow Steemit Fellows😉
averrhoa bilimbi aka Belimbing Wuluh aka Boh Limeng
I have been living in Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten Province, Indonesia with My husband and A Father in Law for 22 months now😊. When I still living in Aceh with my parents and siblings, you can say that I'm that someone who never care about this fruits at all. In my hometown, people use this fruit as an ingredients for almost every traditional food recipes, the fresh and sun-dryed too. Sometimes, if you want to learn about Acehnese Language, people will make a joke by suggesting you to eat the sun-dried bilimbi first😂, nope.. don't worry it is just a joke😉.
A fruit bearing tree which has a close relative to carambola tree. The trunk and branches has to be exposed to sunlight for fruits to form, that's what I learned from my people in Aceh. Being sun-dryed and salted is the only thing that people in my hometown know for preservation this very acidic fruit. Except for consumption, the fruit also useful to clean your nails, better than any artificial chemistry liquid in the world. My little sister's friend has started to produce a dish washing liquid using this fruit instead of the lime fruits.
my candied sun-dryed bilimbi, I add sugar instead of sea salt and then you can consume this without cooking it, just like eating pickles or sweetened dry fruits
I have the Bilimbi's tree in the front yard of the house where I live, now. The tree bears so many fruits and sometimes it just gone to waste because nobody pick it up. So, I decided to make the sun-dryed bilimbi for preservation just like my people do in my hometown. But then I realized that nobody in the house loves any of the Acehnese Foods which I cooked😂, so..next time the tree bears it fruits, I decided to make another way for preservation, and when I sent the tester to a friend, she put an order for it.
When I share the photo on facebook, all my friends getting curious and asked for the recipe. Though they could find many recipes on internet, but they hesitated for the result because they've never tried to eat any. I shared the recipes more than once on facebook and also on Steemit. I posted day by day process in March this year on Steemit too😊 but still, my friends asking for the recipe. In order to join the competition of #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving and shared the recipe to my friends, I create this post. Well, I know that this one also kind of crappy post for some people, but I don't mind it 😉.
Day 1 process of the making candied sun-dryed bilimbi
Here is the recipe and the process of making the candied bilimbi which took at least 5 days. I will make this recipe in 2 languages to help my friends understand this too.
Ingredients and The Process
1a. Prepare a kilogram or 150 bilimbis
1b. Wash it thoroughly then remove the tip and base of the fruit with knife
1c. Chop the fruits to make it porous with Fork (*at least you know the use of Fork on Forky Day*😂)
1d. Prepare 4 spoonfull of seasalt and spread it on the fruits, mix it
1e. Put the fruits in the sealed container and let the immersion process for 4 hours
1f. After 4 hours, wash the fruits thoroughly from the salt.
1g. Add 200 grams of sugar, mix it and seal it in the container, let the immersion process for a night
Bahan dan Proses Pembuatan Sunti Mameh ala Cici
1a. Siapkan 1 kilogram belimbing segar yg tidak terlalu matang (boh limeng dara tanyou kheun) atau 150 buah
1b. Cuci bersih dan potong setiap ujung buahnya dengan pisau (bek ngon buloh, hancou neuh)
1c. Tusuk-tusuk buahnya dengan garpu sekedar ada pori untuk menyerap gula-garam serta mengeluarkan asamnya
1d. Taburkan 4 sendok makan garam halus dan aduk rata
1e. Masukkan dalam tempat yg ada tutupnya lalu biarkan selama 4 jam
1f. Setelah 4 jam, cuci bersih belimbing dari rasa asin akibat garam (bek neu ramah, ka layee jih)
1g. Taburkan 200 gram gula pasir, aduk, tutup tempatnya dan biarkan semalaman (hana suwah keumit, nyang penteng bek ji ek sidom)😅
Day 2 to 4 Proceeding
2a. Remove the water in the container, you can make it as syrup if you want to
2b. Boils 200 ml water and add 500 gram sugar until it melts
2c. Pour the hot sugar water into the fruits, seal the container and soaking it for 24 hours
3a. After 24 hours remove the water from the fruits and boils it again
3b. Add 500 grams sugar into the water and let it melts before you pour it into the fruits
3c. Let is soaks for 36-48 hours, if you want the sweet bilimbi without any sour flavour, you can add 700 grams into the water or add another 200 grams direct to the soaking fruits☺
2a. Pisahkan buah dari airnya, airnya bisa dijadikan sirup kalau mau.
2b. Didihkan 200 ml air lalu tambahkan 500 gram gula, rebus sampai gula cair
2c. Tuang air gula panas itu ke dalam wadah berisi belimbing, tutup tempatnya dan biarkan 24 jam
3a. Setelah 24 jam, pisahkan buah dan air, rebus lagi airnya
3b. Masukkan 500 gram gula pasir dan rebus sampai gula cair lalu tuangkan ke wadah berisi belimbing
3c. Tutup dan diamkan selama 36-48 jam lagi, kalau dirasa buahnya masih belum manis, boleh gunakan 700 gram gula atau cukup tambahkan 200 gram gula langsung ke rendaman buahnya😉
Day 5 Proceeding
This is the final process before we dry the candied bilimbis under the sun🌞
5a. Remove the water from the fruit, add 300 grams sugar to the water and boils it till thickened
5b. Add 5 or more cayenne pepper if you want a hot flavour or some gloves and cinnamon barks if you want spicy flavour
5c. Put in the bilimbis into the thickened sugar water and cook it for 20 minutes with a little heat, don't forget to stir it slowly once a while and don't let it burnt out
5d. Turn off the heat and then let it soaked in the pan for a night
5e. Place the bilimbis on the pad, cover the base of the pad with food grade plastic and then dry it under the sun for 2-3 days
5f. Turn the bilimbis to get proper heat of the sun everyday and you can extent the sun-drying time depends on your favour
5g. Now its ready to consume and you can keep it in the refrigerator if you want to eat it next time
5a. pisahkan air dari buah dan rebus airnya dengan 300 gram gula sampai mengental
5b. Tambahkan 5 cabe setan atau lebih bila suka pedas dan dapat juga ditambahkan cengkeh atau kayumanis supaya hasilnya lebih wangi rempah
5c. Masukkan Belimbingnya ke dalam cairan gula kental itu dan masaklah selama kurang lebih 20 menit dengan api kecil sambil sesekali diaduk (bek angoih nyan, phet)
5d. Padamkan api dan biarkan belimbingnya tetap di panci semalaman
5e. Tata Belimbing di atas wadah penjemuran dan lapisi alas wadah dengan plastik yang layak untuk makanan, lalu jemurlah di bawah sinar matahari selama 2-3 hari
5f. Balikkan belimbingnya setiap hari supaya rata kena sinar matahari dan bisa ditambah waktu jemurnya sesuai selera mau sekering apa *(bek tho that, hana mangat)*
5g. Sekarang sudah siap untuk dinikmati, simpan lah dalam wadah letakkan dalam kulkas bila tidak langsung dihabiskan (Neu peh neu lhap ngen boh putek atawa boh kayee laen mangat chit hay)
My Candied sun-dryed bilimbis ready to serve
Yes, This is a long but satisfying process of the making of candied sun-dryed bilimbi a la cici. Feel free to re-make and modify the recipe, i don't own any copy right for this recipe. I made this post for the Fruits and veggies monday competition run by @lenasveganliving. Though I was posting the perfect post before and I don't really know what has happened until I found out something wrong with the post and only a picture with a line of words after I edited the tittle to meet the rules.
Thanks for Stopping by and hope this will help those who needs the recipe to save their fruits this season.
Lhooo.. kok hilang postingannya? Tadi ada ... sekarang cuma selembar gambar aja😱 apa lantaran judulnya diganti?
Masa sih? Waaahhh... musti buka di surfer ini biar busa laporan kalau memang terjadi sesuatu denfan postingannya 😢😢😢 bisa setress kita ngetik ulang, lagian udah ada nilai votenya😨 bingung daah
Sudah beres deh kayaknya.. semalam itu dibeberin kan? Sepertinya agak berbeda dengan postingan aslinya yaa... kalau lihat di hp siy cakep.. tapi begitu pake web... berantakan😂
Iyaaa... biasanya ada yg ngasih tahu gimana ngaturnya, tapi sekarang kawan itu sudah jarang hadir karena nggak mau pasang kode 😂😂😂
The whole time I was reading I was thinking I could submit to C-Squared then I got to the bottom. darn someone beat me.
I guess you got to be quick these days.
Those look good I bet I would ;ike the sweet ones best. They look like prunes.
You're right😉 this is looks like prune and sometimes dates😂 but the taste isn't that sweet.. the sour taste still remain 40% . Well.. there's another way to reduce the acidic taste and make it a bit crunchy, using the lime water.. but I didn't use it, my friend love its natural acidic taste.
I wonder if adding something to lower the acidity might help the taste?
If candied - sweet and dried - can you sell them as candy snack and sell and ship them?
Yes off course @freedomshift, some people would use lime water too, but I think salt and sugar can lower the acidity.. besides we still need that acidity a bit😊 keep the unique taste. I think if I learn more about how to make a good and healthy sweetened fruits, I can make it better.
Yes, I sold them to some friends in other provinces. Actually this candied bilimbi also can be found in certain supermarket. Never try to ship it out of Indonesia though.
Thank you so much for your comments, I still have some fruits growing.. need to try other way to find out how is the effect if I subtitute or change the step of the process.
It's compared with lemon which is also acidic.
Your post -
https://hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/bilimbi.html -
That's exactly what I did for my bilimbis but I skip the limewater soaking 😁 because I don't like it crunchy taste
Awesome! A 5 day recipe… that’s pretty neat. How do you like Indonesia? My husband and I will be there in a little over a month. I hear they have plenty of yummy fruits :). Great entry @cicisaja !
Thank you @puravidaville 😊 just like other south east asia's contries.. yes Indonesia has many yummy fruits in some spesifics parts of Indonesia and not found in the big super market😊 you need to stroll in the traditional market or find the orchard in the right seasons. Which region of Indonesia that you're gonna stay? Java, Bali, Borneo, Sumatra, lombok, celebes/Sulawesi or Papua? Each island has its endemic fruits.
Thank you for your sweet comments ... I hope you'll enjoy your trip to Indonesia
We are actually going to back pack all over Indonesia. I believe we will start at some beach towns in Bali and work our way up to Jakarta. I’m very excited to explore all of the fruit varietals of the islands :) Would love to know your favorite so I can move it to the top of our list to try ?
Uhmmm... I think you should try "Salak Bali" or zalacca zalacca then mangoosteen aka manggis and its brother white mangoosten aka garcinia mangostana, kemang or binjai (these can be find in Bali and Lombok) Then when you reach Java Island, you'll find many other special fruits in Malang, East Java and Semarang, Salatiga, Central Java, Kepel in Yogyakarta. But if the fruit's season is over.. you'll find at least the tree around Prambanan Temple, Cannon ball tree around Borobudur temple. Would find more information about the orchard in Java Island for you @puravidaville
So cool… I’ve never heard of any of those fruits… I don’t even think I can pronounce them… I will definitely be referring back to this comment on my travels. Thank you @cicisaja.
😂 you can reach me on discord @puravidaville 😉 I'll be glad to repeat how to pronounce it for you, but don't worry.. read all Indonesian words like deutch not english.
Haha… noted :)
Well done on the c-square @cicisaja! And welcome to fruitsandveggiesmonday. First time I'm seeing you here. What a special recipe! I love exotic (for us not living in that country) local foods
Thank you @buckaroo😉 it happened I follow your suggestion, first the marketfriday then the fruitsandveggiesmonday 😊 I promised my friends to re-post this recipe in one post not 7 like before... but I'm bit afraid of breaking the rules (you know 3 photos and the title) but I'm glad I find the right time and the right tag for this post.
I read from wiki that zanzibar also has this fruit tree, brought by the dutch in 19th century
What an extended blog dear. I had never heard off these fruity things.
Well.. I didn't write many information about this because there's a wikipedia and other sites own the information @brittandjosie😉 this fruit probably native to Mollucas or Maluku but can be found in Zanzibar and California (in a botanical garden) every South East Asia countries has their spesific food recipes using this fruit and off course only few old people who has been living or been in Indonesia know this fruit, very acidics😅
Wow, I love seeing new things shared for Lena's contest! I have never heard of this type of fruit before. Looks so interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you @plantstoplanks 😉 this fruit native to South East Asia, need the sun exposed, something challenging to eat the fresh fruit.. very acidic fruit. Other common name is Bilimbi, cucumber tree or tree sorrel according to wikipedia.
In my country we call it Belimbing Wuluh or Belimbing Sayur to differ it from Belimbing Segi or starfruit.
I'd love to taste these! There's just this problem that this was the first time I heard about bilimbis, I've never seen them anywhere. Anyhow, thanks for introducing these fruits, it's always nice to learn something new! 😊
Thank you @jasmink, this fruit native to south east Asia and need bunch of sun expose, so it would be hard to find it in 4 seasons conutries, beside.. though it has seeds, but not easily grow😊 I try many times but when I just let it on the ground... it grows
Growing anything that needs a lot of sun exposure can be really tough in the North... But I've learned to live with the fact I cannot grow everything I want in Finland. That photo, just wow, it has grown really well in 5 months, nice job! 😊
This ever green tree.. would survived for years.. I Think I still have a tree older than 50 years in my belated grandmother town😊
kirim2 lah sini say, satu truk aja, ga usah banyak2, kalau banyak2 ntar sakit perut akunya wkwkwkw
Yg mana? Yg seger atawa yg sudah dimanisin😉 kalau yg dimanisin.. kudu ngantri 😂 daftar tunggu panjang, pohon cuma satu... mau minta sama tetangga takut dipajakin😂
This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
Thank you 😉
I have never heard about bilimbis. But they look very versatile. I would love to try them as I can't imagine how they taste. Good luck with the contest Cici! Thank you for sharing!
thanks to you too @delishtreats, You'd better try the candied one, because nobody eats the fresh fruit unless for a challenge.. LOL, imagine the most sour fruits in the world.. Bilimbi might not number one.. but I think it'd be on number 3.. LOL. Bilimbi is original fruit (but we classified this as veggie) from Indonesia, but Aceh is the only place in Indonesia where people preserved the fruits and use it for many traditional food recipe, almost the same like India (South Asia). so happy to see your comments ;)
I will ask my Indonesian father in law if he knows this fruit :) I'm sure once I ask I'll get it to try as he gives me all food that I ask about :D
Oh, just to mention.. I don't know if you like to cook but Indonesian food is my favorite!
It's my pleasure to come over to your account. I would wish to have more time to visit it more frequently..
Watee ta kalon lagee kurma, ban ta pajoh ka asam sunti mameh, salah-salah rouh meutaguen kuah nyan, thanks for the recipe, want to try this at home
Han roih meutagun kuah nyou, saweub dari wareuna dan rasa watee ta mat leukit meunan. Tapi miseu ta lhap ngen boh kayee... syit bereih😂 tinggai tamah meulisan bacut, hansep keu'eung tamah campli.. jak ta meuselincah ...uyeee✌
Oh man... tamah meulisan ngen campli, hanjeut meu ta ingat pih, tijos air mulut, hahahaha
You shall try this at home 😉 imagine the acidic taste melt in your mouth aling with hot and spicy flavour😂 heyy... kalau mau agak crunchy, sblm kasih garam, rendam pake air kapur dikit dan semalaman juga. Loen hana loen boh ie gapu, galak leumik2 lagee kurma meunan
Hadeuh... ini makin menggoda, nanti kalo udah coba, lon post.. lagee recook bak cookpad, hahhaha
han jeut keu hay... hana payah sebut-sebut nama keudeh.. hahaha, nyou pih hasil modifikasi dari buet gob, loen baca dasar-dasar peugot manisan alheuh nyan loen tree sampoe meuteumeueng ukuran nyang paih ... tapi asai neu teupeu mantong, beda bak rupajih beda tingkat keasaman buah jih. na tom loen coba pake boh dari bak gob, hasee agak itam lom .. tapi leubeh mameh.
What a marvelous fruit, that I had no idea existed. It's truly fascinating how many ways it can be used, including your your delicious recipe. Although, it is lots of work, it is clearly well worth it 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Thank you @lenasveganliving 😊 yes, there're many recipes from my hometown.. but not for vegan😉 some people also use this fruit as acne prevention too but I would use this as aceton to clean my dirty nails☺ i feel honoured for your attention and appreciation.
Lena, if you have any Filipino stores there, or even TNT? they have bilimbi, usually frozen or pickled.
Such an interesting little fruit and so great what you've made of them!
thank you for your appreciation @rawadventuress, you'd be excited if you ever had a chance to eat the fresh raw fruit... starfuit has a close flavour to this fruit but less acidic, but in my country some people also produce bilimbi juice and syrup too, it's good to control my headache when my bloodpressure higher than usual.
I'd love to try it fresh some day - a juice also sounds intriguing! ☺️
Heyy.. if you are living in Bali currently, you can ask the local about "belimbing wuluh" if you to make the juice.. more simply way, don't have to blend it, just slice the fruit and add some water... add some sugar if you want or honey😉 done!
Nice, I will ask my favorite juice bar about it, thanks for the hint! 😉
The Balinese calls it Blingbing buloh.. just show them the picture if they asked😂
Perfect - I love how food can be used as natural medicine. ☺️
asam sunti
Asam sunti kalau cuma dikeringkan dan tabur garam.. beda cara bikinnya hay😂 nyou sunti maneh
I have never heard of or seen this fruit before. You work so hard to turn it into these delicious treats. I wound so love to try this. We have never seen these in Canada. There are so many interesting things in this world. Thank you for the great post.
You are welcome @carolynstahl 😆 even an Indonesian in Canada like @thekitchenfairy would love this candied one. Bilimbi is originally from Indonesia and south east asia, it won't survive in winter time at your country.
mbak diatas kagak melancong ke pecinan hihih bnyk aja di pecinan mah, terutama di toko orang filipina, mereka hobi nih belimbing wuluh kayak kita :D
Iyaaa.. buanyak tuh masakan filipina yg pake belimbing seperti kita, btw.. harganya mahal nggak?
a lot of them are in frozen section or pickled, at Filipino stores or Chinatown
I will check it out for sure.
I have never seen these fruits, the preparation looks very interesting and delicious.
Thank you @proanima😉 the process is took a long time (a week or so) but simple and not too complicated ingredients needed, beside.. we can use other acidics fruits too. The taste is soursweetand hot☺ almost like prunes or dates with sour flavour
Hawa teuh. Huhu
Neu peugot hay... nyou teungoh musem boh limeng lom
o dear, look at all the response you're getting @cicisaja , highly undervalued posts :)
so you actually have food just growing outside your door ? like wake up, go outside,pluck some and eat ?
o no, wait 4 days and eat :p
it looks a bit like figs but it's not , is it ?