coucongzi (29)in #cooking • 5 years ago農村的灶台,兒時的回憶農村的灶台,兒時的回憶,現在都是燃氣灶了,很少能再見到這樣的灶台,朋友們的灶台都是什麼樣子的?能否貼出來一起分享下?coucongzi (29)in #founding • 5 years ago首次公布!12分钟开国大典彩色影像1949年10月1日,庆祝中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立典礼在天安门广场隆重举行。三十万军民参加这一旷世盛典。 近日,中央档案馆公布了以俄罗斯联邦档案部门提供的开国大典彩色影片为基础剪辑制作的开国大典影像档案。 这是目前公开的关于开国大典的时间最长、内容最完整的视频,真实还原了这一伟大的历史时刻。coucongzi (29)in #women • 5 years agoChinese Women's Volleyball Team vs. American Women's Volleyball Team 14 Players List Published Zhu Ting's LeadershipThe Chinese women's volleyball team, which won six consecutive victories, will face the US team, which won six consecutive victories, at 2 p.m. on the 23rd of the Beijing News…coucongzi (29)in #childbirth • 5 years agoGreat WomenTen fingers, as the name implies, are ten fingers. Usually, one finger is one centimeter. Ten fingers is ten centimeters. That is to say, when the palace mouth is opened to about…coucongzi (29)in #signal • 5 years agoIf it weren't for no signal, who would read the newspaper?If it weren't for no signal, who would read the newspaper?coucongzi (29)in #signal • 5 years agoIf it weren't for no signal, who would read the newspaper?If it weren't for no signal, who would read the newspaper?coucongzi (29)in #aircraft • 5 years agoThe mounting advantage of heavy-duty aircraft is beyond the reach of any medium-sized or small-sized aircraft.The mounting advantage of heavy-duty aircraft is beyond the reach of any medium-sized or small-sized aircraft.coucongzi (29)in #invincible • 5 years agothe Invincible triumphantly triumphed from Malaysia.In 1982, the Invincible triumphantly triumphed from Malaysia.coucongzi (29)in #mermaid • 5 years agoMermaid is on vacationcoucongzi (29)in #frightening • 5 years agoA frightening photographCan you imagine what the bird has experienced in a frightening photograph?coucongzi (29)in #priests • 5 years agoA group of priests were greeting the American soldiers who had defeated the German army.A group of priests were greeting the American soldiers who had defeated the German army. Throughout World War II Europe, God did not save any priest, but Americans saved many.coucongzi (29)in #creation • 5 years ago那些設計師改被打的創作那些設計師改被打的創作coucongzi (29)in #electric • 5 years ago河北退休大爺6個月造出電動炫酷汽車,最快60km/h看到照片里的这辆外观炫酷的汽车是不是很像是某个大牌汽车厂商造出来的,但它实际上是河北唐山一位六旬退休老大爷的杰作。不但有炫酷的外形,它还采用电力驱动,最高时速能达到60公里每小时,而大爷把它造出来只用了6个月的时间。(图片来自 IC photo)…coucongzi (29)in #bodybuilding • 5 years ago誰能駕馭得住coucongzi (29)in #kobe • 5 years ago姚明科比同框亮相中場活動,兩人握手寒暄,科比表情亮了2019年9月15日,北京,2019男籃世界杯決賽,姚明与科比一同出席中场活動。(圖片署名: IC photo) 两位老友友好握手。(圖片署名: IC photo) 科比露出了“萌萌噠”表情。(圖片署名: IC photo)coucongzi (29)in #game • 5 years ago與小棉襖玩遊戲與小棉襖玩遊戲coucongzi (29)in #car • 5 years ago你們的汽車保養費用每次是多少我的廣汽豐田YARIS L致享1年半的時間已經跑了21000公里,今天來做第四次保養 保養過程中,再客戶休息區 等待,有飲料,也有小點心 花了1410元購買了保養套餐(可保養四次),不知道各位的保養費用一般是多少呢?coucongzi (29)in #fruits • 5 years ago自家種的,這水果叫什麼?我們是農村的孩子,接觸農作物以及果蔬的機會比較多,家裡種有花生、地瓜、玉米、葡萄、火龍果、百香果等各種各樣的天然純綠色食品,大家猜猜下面的圖片是什麼水果,你們那里叫做什麼?coucongzi (29)in #earth • 5 years ago沒有了水的地球看起來是什麼樣的?沒有了水的地球,變成了真地球coucongzi (29)in #ps • 5 years ago我用我飛得更高PS初學者,還請各位大俠指點!