week four. the outpost is safe but. are we safe?

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

The darkland and text base Rpg to jone just put a comment below all players get up vote on your posts and comments.

The outpost is safe for now. Helgrim the cheften of the snake clan is promising revenge, he will be back. and missing colonist. and a strange dead worker one missing colonist. is the the work of the snake clan? or?

@Blockurator @cyber.explorer @creativetruth @ecoinstant @ejgarcia @methus @paradigm42 @ronaldoavelino @the01crow @quillfire

all photos from pixabay

The rules
It's pretty simple the 4 phases in the post has all the info on your colony, And your choices . make your comment. The choices can be different from player to player.

  • Resources phase
  • Colony phase
  • Action Phase
  • Diplomacy Phase

workers can only do one job per turn same as the player. workers cant go on quest alone. u can move workers around every week.

u can get silver in mining, quest or trading.
u can hire workers and some building need it.
first worker cost 5 then 10 then 15 and so on

Delegation to
The other way to get more workers and supporting the game to have a good up vote. by delegating u will get and extra up vote from norwegianbikeman. (If the game has more players as delegating, the up vote will increase) by% of your delegation @darklands

10 sp 1 workers
20 sp 2 workers
40 sp 3 workers
80 sp 4 workers
160 sp 5 workers
340 sp 6 workers


Quests update

new attack option: charge forward/attack
how it works you can move from a distance to melee range. in one action, and get a +2 on your next hit.
example: you haw used you javelin from range. you take you stone club and ruining at the enemy you base 5 the weapon +4 and the (+2 charge attack) now on your d20 its a hit 1-11. the old way your hit was 1-9

movement: The player has a max movement distance of 6 squares per action.
you can go any direction

distance (short range 3 squares)(long range if u can see the target u can)
-2 in penalties if shorting over obstacles or extreme distance.

equipment: in your comment u ned to tell the game what you are bringing
example: (+3 stone club) and a (+3 bow)(+2 armor hide chest)
remember to armed you player/worker (in the colony comment)

all medium and up quest are multiplayer if you want you can go alone or ask for help
event quest all get and invitation. and medium quest can do alone if you have good equipment.
the playable quest day is Wednesdays so make your turn before Wednesdays.

all info in the file


u need to expect miss spelling in the post. its a work in progress on many levels.
new players just put a comment or go on the Discord

The trading outpost.

after the oger almost made a hole in the wall the outpost is upgrading there wall to stone but its been a lot of bandits and "other things" so we need help to get the stone back. so we need help to transport the stone back.
we don't have anymore silver to pay out. but we have a big surplus's of wood after we are removing the old wall.

the blacksmith is still missing we think he is dead.
but we want to now what happen to him.
sadly the worker with most of the information got killed in the attack but he
gave and map to methus.

stone,food and wood for and 2-1 Ratio



was working hard in his colony and he totally forgot
about the message from the outpost.
he decided to get and go anyway. when he got there it was almost over. but he help clean up the area after. the outpost is glad on the help.
when he got back to his big surprise the out post has delivered and shipment of wood and a spare stone hammer.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Wood 12 (+3 worker) (+5 quest)-1 fire)
Stone 4
Food 6 (+3 worker) (+3 quest) -3 consumption three workers)
Silver 6 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 Stone +1 farm -1 wood

Colony defense
Blockurator 5
3 workers 9

(+3 stone hammer)(+3 stone club)(+2 hide chest)

Fire place -1 wood

Colony Phase:
u can move u worker around if u want.

1 Lumberjack;
1 Forager;
0 Miner;
1 Builder;

Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
strange sound (medium) single or multiplayer.
escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


whent to the outpost and valiantly defended the outpost. the grupe
went against bad odds you got almost killed by the oger but in the end it was a victory. cyber.explorer
left the area early he had to go home, on the way home. he can hear scream in the forest. he finds and dead body its rock solid and frozen. but its a warm day?. he continuing the way he was hearing and scream he find a small camp it has and camp fire. the fire is still going. a dog is meeting him its now one here around. he is scouting the area he find some footprints the are going up in the the hills. he find a pile of wood...a dont think its has a owner anymore a better take care of the wood for now. his lumberjack has had and excellent week his Forager had a horribly week.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 40SP (Three workers)
Wood 25 (+12 worker)(+7 from rebeccabe)(-+3 trade)(-1 fire)
Stone 5 (+3 trade)
Food 4 (+2 workers) (+3 quest)(-3 trade)(-4 consumption four workers) (-1 dog)
Silver 12 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+2 wood +1 hunting -2 stone +1 food (dog)

Colony defense
cyber.explorer 5
4 workers 12

(+4 stone spear)(+4 iron sword)(+2 armor hide chest)
(special worker) (Dog +1 food if following a Forager)(if in combat (+1 hit, +1 damage for cyber.explorer) considered as a special item. (-1 food)

Fire place -1 wood

Colony Phase:
u can move workers if u want.
to hire one more worker u need 10 silver

2 Lumberjack;
2 Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food 1-3 hide
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)



and big jake is running to the outpost. after some excellent heroic
fighting all the enemy's has left these world. now we now the owners of "Fang"
its the "snake clan" seems like someone has accidentally started a war.
and this is just the begging. after helping removing all the bodys. big Jake finds a battle hammer.. this suits me well. creativetruth finds a bow in one of the bandit tents.

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 12 (+3 worker)(+5 quest)(-3 wood trade)
Stone 2
Food 7 (+6 workers)(+3 quest)(+3 trade)(-4 consumption four workers)
Silver 11 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold missing fire (-30% production)

Colony defense
Creativetruth 5
4 workers 12

(+3 bow)(+3 battle hammer two hand)(+4 "Fang")(+2 armor horn helmet)

Buildings: bed

Colony Phase:
U have 5 silver u can hire one worker
put your 4 from Delegation to work

1 Lumberjack;
2 Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build buildings if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Fireplace 5 wood (uses -1 wood per turn)
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


when you are coming back the Forager did not have a good week but the rest of the workers had a good one. we got a shipment of wood from the outpost to.whet to the outpost to help them. its was a glory's battle. songs will be written after the battle. when he was helping removing all the dead he got is conversation whit a guard at the outpost. on why the attack happen. you remembering the bandits me and @cyber.explorer killed in the forest. it seams we had starting something..better keep it secret. and when cyber.explorer left Early he most have found out of it to. but its no witnesses so it should be ok?

Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Wood 14 (+7 workers)(+5 quest)(-5 construction)(-1 wood fireplace)
Stone 7
Food 12 (+4 workers)(+3 quest)(-5 consumption five workers)
Silver 12 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +1 food +2 farming -1 stone and wood

Colony defense
Ecoinstant base 5
5 workers 15

(+3 bow)(+4 stone spear)(+3 stone club)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace (-1 wood per turn)

Colony Phase:
you can hire one worker 10 silver
u can move Ur workers around if u want

2 Lumberjack;
2 Forager;
A Miner;
1 Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Farm 20 wood 5 stone +5 wheat
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


get trapper in the outpost under the bandit attack. he helpt to turn the tide of enemy's, whit excellent bow skills in the tower. after the battle was over he help to fix up the outpost. the outpost is in eternal debt to you. not only in the defense but also checking out on the missing blacksmith. its cold up where the blacksmith went. the give you and hide helmet and a few ale to keep you warm. just before the attack and worker in the outpost gave you a map over where he believe the blacksmith. whent.
Resources Phase:

SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Wood 14 (+6 workers)(+5 quest)(-5 trade)(+3 trade)(-5 construction)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 7 (-3 trade)
Food 9 (+3 quest)(+5 trade)(-2 consumption two workers)
Silver 12 (+6 event quest)(+6 missing blacksmith)
Ale 2 (*when you drinking 1 ale you get and +2 attack and the colony gets and +1 production bonus its lasting one week *)
Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
Resources: +2 stone

Colony defense
Methus 5
2 workers 6

(+3 bow)(+4 spike wood club)(+4 stone spear(+2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)

Buildings: bed
Fireplace -1 wood per turn

Colony Phase:
you can hire one worker 10 silver.
u can move Ur workers if u want.

2 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood

Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Find The blacksmith part 2 (hard) .)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


also went to the outpost. after the battle was over she speak with tanner in the the outpost of the bear she had killed and the hide she has in her colony. the tanner has have offered and make a cape whit the bear head. he thinks he its going to make you more fear full and help you when its cold. do you want it?
she is finding a bit of wood on the way back from the outpost and to her big surprise the outpost has delivered a shipment of wood as Thanks for the help.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 11 (+1 Paradigm42)(+5 quest)(+5 trade)
Stone 6 (+4 worker)
Food 11 (+3 quest)(-5 trade) (-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 12 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing fire (-30% production)
Resources: +1 stone +2 hunter -2 wood

Colony defense
Paradigm42 5
1 worker 3

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+2 armor hide chest)(bear hide)

Buildings: bed

Colony Phase:
you can hire one more worker 10 silver
u can move you worker if u want to

A Lumberjack;
A Forager;
1 Miner;
A Builder;


u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food 1-3 hide
Fireplace 5 wood (uses 1 wood per turn)
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)

spike club and a hide armor chest to take home, some food and silver. when he got home he got a delivery whit wood from the colony. sadly his worker had a bed week maybe it will be better next week when we have wood in the colony.@ronaldoavelino went to help the outpost he was frozen in fear. but when he saw @cyber.explorer got almost killed by the Oger he had zero fear, first he throw his javelin and then charge at the ogre with his spear the ogre went down. he fund and bow and

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 6 (+2 worker)(+5 quest)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 2
Food 6 (+3 quest)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver6 (+6 quest)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 food

Colony defense
Ronaldoavelino 5
one workers 3

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club)(+2 armor hide chest)

Fire -1 wood ever week

Colony Phase:
u can move Ur worker

1 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood


Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


it was one sett of foot footsteps going inn to the mountains.is missing. @cyber.explorer fund her dog and a dead worker, he was frozen. very strange.



was tire from his journey he fall a sleep. then a wonders around a bit
one night he heard many sounds from the forest.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 5
Stone 5
Food 3
Silver 5

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed/fire (-30% production)

Colony defense
the01crow 5

Colony Phase:
U can hire one worker u can put him to do one of this jobs.

A Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Fireplace 5 wood (uses 1 wood per turn)
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Discovered the immediate area (easy)



he was planing to go and help the outpost, but i did not feel well.
but he manage to do some work in the colony. and the outpost heard he was a bit sick so the send him some help and stone axe and a hide helmet. his worker decided two collect wood.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Wood 11 (+4 worker)(+5 shipment form the outpost)(-1 wood fire)
Stone 5
Food 8 (+2 ejgarcia)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: missing bed (-20% production)
+1 food +3 fish -1 wood

Colony defense
ejgarcia 5
one worker 3

weapons/items/armor:(+3 bow)(+3 stone axe)(+1 armor hide helmet)

Buildings: fire -1 wood

Colony Phase**:
u can move your worker if u want

1 Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
fishing cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 fish
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)
Escort stone caravan to the outpost (medium/hard)


did get the massage form the outpost was not sure what to do.
his worker was cold it was now wood. after a frezzing night the worker left.

this make you go to work and you going to work to get wood. @quillfire he left the silver but took most of the food. one day you can see a women waking next to the camp. you try to tacking the her she ignores you.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Stone 5
Food 1 (-3 your worker left and took it)
Silver 5 (+5 silver form the worker ho left) 7 (+7 @quillfire)(-1 fireplace)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: Cold/missing bed/firewood (-30% production)
+1 wood +1 hunting -1 stone

Colony defense
@quillfire 5

Buildings: Fire -1 wood

Colony Phase:
u can hire a worker 5 silver

A Lumberjack;
A Forager;
A Miner;
A Builder;

u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Hunter cabin 20 wood 5 stone +5 food 1 hide
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

Contact trade outpost about missing blacksmith (easy)


My worker is a Lumbejack.
I give him a wood spear +3 and I keep the rest of the weapons and armour with me.
I will hire another worker and make him a Forager. I don't know if I have enough silver to do it...
I will escort stone caravan to the outpost.

noted u dont have the silver..

Is this the long form version of a D&D style game? It seems like a really interesting concept. Maybe too much for me personally to read through, but what a cool idea! I bet you put a lot of time and energy into this. :-)

in a way. it a colony game all the Players get their one update every week mondays. on wats goin with yours place. so it you want to jone u just need to read your part. and make you turn is a bit info in the beginning but not so bad. the game is slow the fist 2-3 weeks so u understad more and as a bonus yo get and up vote on all your posts from the game. and upvotes on comments. so am adding you no harm in it.?

Thanks for the info. I'm going to pass for now, even though it sounds pretty neat. I may be able to join some time in the future though. :-)

Resources phase - hire 1 worker with 5 silver
Colony phase - lumberjack = cutting wood; forager = gathering food and stone; miner = mining for silver; builder = building a research bench
Action Phase = I'll investigate the strange sound wearing my hide chest and take +3 stone hammer in one hand and +3 stone club in the other
Diplomacy Phase = Reach out to @quillfire to see if he could use some help

The forager can only gathering food. you need a silver mine to get silver. the miner can only get stone. are you doing the quest as a playable?

Okay, so the forager only picks up food. That's good. Yes, I definitely need a miner then to gather stone. I thought there was a bunch of it lying around. So I don't have a silver mine, then? No prob. I can at least have somebody mining stone, which I'll definitely need. Yes, the quest is me. All my workers are working. I'll check out the strange sound to see what it is.

no mine yet. excellent on the rest notet

info comment..

To make the number correctly on trade a
Want this in your comment. (to many numbers for me)

Completed trade with@gunnar, -3 wood for + 3 stone.
Completed trade with @svenung, -3 food for + 3 wood

Am tryng to find a way to not do mistakes on the resources

1 resource phase:
• I buy a worker (-10 silver)

• 5 workers 3 del / 2 paid
• 1 fireplace
• 1 bed
• (+4 stone spear)(+4 iron sword)(+2 armor hide chest)
• Dog

2 Colony phase:
• 2 Lumberjacks will cut wood
• 2 forager's (with dog) will look for food.
• 1 builder will build a Hunter's Cabin (-20 wood, -5 stone)

3 Action phase:
• Horrified by the (frozen?!) dead body I found on my way home from the outpost, I plan to increase my own camp defenses very soon.
• I give the dog 1 food, and it seems happy and friendly.
• I clame, and name the dog I found "Blaze."
• Event: I contact the trade outpost about the missing blacksmith.

4 Diplomacy phase:
• Trade is open (1:1), but limited...
• I will pay 1 silver to anyone for 5 wood.
• I will pay 1 silver to anyone for 5 stone.

I'm going to hire an additional worker for 10 silver, which puts me at 3.

I'll have 2 workers chop wood and one build the research bench.

I feel like I need to discover my immediate area to unlock some more things, so that's what I'll do with my action. I'll take with me (+3 bow) and wear (+2 hide chest) and (+1 hide helmet), leaving (+4 spike wood club) and (+4 stone spear) with my workers just in case things go south for them.

Next week I'm planning to follow the map I was given north to continue investigating the blacksmith's disappearance.

eksellent notert

I will take 10 gold and hire another worker and have him build a fire.
I will have my other worker continue to mine stone. I give the wooden spear to the builder to help protect the camp.
I will bring my bear hide to the tanner to make the cape he offered, and contact the outpost about the missing blacksmith.
I will put on my armor and carry my bow and spiked club with me and will try to hunt some game while I travel.

1 worker Lumberjack
1 worker Miner
1 worker Forager
1 worker Builder

Set these guys to work doing what they do best.

The builder will build Fireplace (-5 wood to build, -1 for fuel)

Contact the Outpost about the missing Blacksmith
I will head out alone, bringing my new gear: stone axe, bow, and horned helmet.

I shall set my builder to wood cutting, letting 3 lumberjacks and 2 foragers continue their hard work at resource gathering.

I will also hire an additional worker for 10sp, and set them out to be the 4th lumberjack.

After a brief respite I will strap on my hide armor and wooden shield, grab my bow and stone spear and head off to guard the caravan. I instruct the workers left behind to use the stone club if there is any trouble.

( clarification about ale: I see methus got a production bonus for drinking ale, I seem to remember drinking some ale before the big fight last week? Do I need to bring home extra ale so the workers can drink some too?)


correkt. (the quest was more on buffing you all so not killing you all by mistake)

if you have ale u ned to drink it every week to get the buffs. the outpost dont have any more at this moment.

Got it! And thanks for not killing us all by the way!

I quite like this idea and it's fun seeing more projects/ideas made through Steemit communities.

Thanks :) just yes yes and a put u inn no harm in it..:)

There is no way I'm getting involved with this. I'm already unproductive... Looks like fun though. :-)

Thanks for your post, Keep Steeming!

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@wdougwatson is a punkstiny.pngsteemPunk

lol…:) its a bit to read for sure...but in return u get u get free upvotes here. so.


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@quillfire, @the01crow your colony need you.