david68 (25)in #bear-baby • 6 years ago熊孩子好动症元凶是什么?终于找到熊孩子越来越多的元凶之一了。 研究表明,睡眠过少会导致无法控制冲动和无法集中注意力,儿童多动症的概率急剧攀升很可能和这种睡眠习惯有关,因为儿童往往受成人睡眠习惯的影响,而且儿童需要更多的睡眠。 david68 (25)in #phone • 7 years ago小米7很好,就是抢不到小米7将要发布,配置不用担心,现在大家最担心就是买不到。如果和魅族15plus、荣耀10对比估计要略胜一筹,而且作为100多家公司高管的雷布斯,小米的所有产品都不愁卖,虽然饥饿营销一直被喷,但最终还得挤破头去抢,看来是抓住了人性的弱点,此境界岂是凡凡之我辈具备的? 小米7配置基本落实,刘海全面屏幕,是不是三星oled待定,骁龙845cpu…david68 (25)in #bang • 7 years agoSharp Aquos S3's bang screen is beautifulSince sharp Aquos S2 was released, it has been ridiculed, but it has to be acknowledged that there is a beautiful side to the beauty tip. From the experience of people's use.it…david68 (25)in #double-sided • 7 years agoRussian diplomats were expelled after a double-sided spy coma.On March 4th a former "double agent" and his daughter were found unconscious on a bench in a shopping centre in Salisbury, England. The father and daughter were identified as…