dineshsharma rebloggedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoHEALTH BENEFITS OF WALNUTProven Health Benefits of Walnuts Omega-3, found in walnuts, is important in the development and function of the central nervous system. Omega-3 plays a part by helping to…dineshsharma rebloggedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoAVOCADOS - POWER HOUSE OF VITAMINSAvocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals. Vitamin K: 26% of the daily value (DV) Folate: 20% of the…dineshsharma rebloggedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoHONEY FOR SKINANTI-AGING Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down aging. BOOST COMPLEXION It is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a glow. image stylecraze.com please up votedineshsharma rebloggedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoAPPLE SEEDS CAN CAUSE DEATHapple seeds, contain cyanide which is poisonous. Eating enough seeds (in one case, one cup of apple seeds) can cause death. Lower amounts of cyanide may cause various milder…dineshsharma rebloggedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoSYSTEMS OF VITAMIN B 12 DEFICIENCYWHAT IS VITAMIN B 12 Vitamin B12, is an important water-soluble vitamin It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA, as well as the proper…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoHIMALAYAN SALT IS BETTER THAN TABLE SALTHIMALAYAN SALT pink Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron . Nevertheless, the amounts of these minerals in pink Himalayan salt are very, very…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoREMEDY FOR ACIDITYBLACK SALT One remedy that works wonder when to treating acidity combination of carom (Ajwain) seeds and black salt. black salts acts an excellent remedy for abdominal…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHICH SALT IS HEALTHIEST ?Sodium and chlorine are the two elements that make up salt, making all types of salt sources of these essential compounds, adding another layer of confusion to the mix .…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoCAN WE DRINK LASSI AT NIGHT ?Ayurveda explains that curd consumption at night is not good as it leads to mucus development. so Do not eat curd at night, especially if you are prone to cough and cold .dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFOOD FOR FAIR COMPLEXIONSTRABERRIES ,CITRUS FRUITS AND BROCCOLI 2 SUN FLOWER SEEDS AND ALMOND 3 GREEN LEAFY VEGGIES , DARK ORANGE AND DARK RED VEGGIES 4 AVOID COFFEE 5 DRINK 8 TO 10 GLASS OF…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFACE PACKS FOR ACNEAcne is the single most common skin issue that we all suffer from time to time. face packs not only treat acne but also prevent its recurrence. SOME FACE PACKS FOR ACNE…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoIMPORTANCE OF DATESTHE EXPERTS SAYS 1 Eating dates will promote sperm quality and quantity as it is one of the best natural fruits used for male fertility. 2 It also increases the size of…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHITE POISON --KEEP AWAY FROM ITAVOID OR MINIMIZE WHITE SUGAR SWEETEN YOUR TASTE WITH JAGGARY IT IS FULL OF NUTRITION image from livestrong.comdineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoIS LIME GOOD FOR DIABETIC PERSONVitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radical damage in the body. Free radicals damage cells and membranes in the body. Many people with diabetes have low levels…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoDO YOU KNOW ? LEMON CONTAINS MORE SUGAR THAN STRAWBERRYLEMON CONTAINS 70% OF SUGAR AND STRAWBERRY CONTAINS ONLY 40% OF SUGAR LEMON TASTES SOUR BECAUSE IT CONTAINS HIGH AMOUNT OF CITRIC ACID SOURCE OF IMAGE STEEMIT.COM PLEASE UP VOTEdineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFOODS FOR GLOWING SKINFoods that may help fight diseases and rescue healthy cells from an onslaught of destructive free radicals increases immunity of the body RADISH IT IS A GOOD SOURCE OF…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoDOES PLUCKING WHITE HAIR CAUSE MORE WHITE HAIR?Pluck one white hair grow back two is an old wives tale than a reality experts say that we can not possibly add to the number of follicles we already have .so plucking one grey…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHAT CAUSES GREYING HAIRTHERE ARE MANY REASONS FOR GREYING HAIR AS GENETICS TOO MUCH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE LACK OF NUTRITION MAIN AND COMMON CAUSE IS THE DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN B 12 VITAMIN B 12…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFLATTEN TUMMY WITH SIMPLE WAYSSIMPLE WAYS TO REDUCE BELLY FAT 1 DRINK MORE WATER 2 CUT BLOAT-CAUSING FOODS AS BROCCOLI BEANS BRUSSELS…dineshsharma rebloggedgd007 (47)in #life • 7 years agoAUM OM BENEFITS OF CHANTING THIS MANTRAWHAT IS AUM OM is the universal name of lord and universally recognized mantra. IT IS THE SOUND OF CREATION PRESERVATION AND DESTRUCTION AUM has three distinct sounds A…