actifit (75)Adminin Actifit • last yearRE: Mi reporte de Actifict: enero 9 2024Did you know that Actifit team has shared our growth plans for 2024, and we need your support by voting to our proposal? Quick links to vote below. Thank you! Vote on peakd…babyl (65)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: You decide how to live: Week 1.Haces muy bien en elegir tu propio estilo de vida y no dejarte influenciar por nada ni nadie. Lindas fotos.hivebuzz (74)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: You decide how to live: Week 1.Congratulations @dnverd! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You received more than 1250 upvotes.Your…maytom (72)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: You decide how to live: Week you have a really cool style @dnverdmillycf1976 (73)in Weekend Experiences • last yearRE: You decide how to live: Week 1.Lovely photos of beautiful people! There's nothing wrong with setting out to have a great time on the weekend, but I think it's important to have good values and morals and an…antoniaver36 (25)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Sisters Sundays./ Domingos de hermanas. [Eng-Esp].Mi primer recuerdo es del día que naciste te amo eres mi estrellita en el cielo oscuroalbertocova (60)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Sisters Sundays./ Domingos de hermanas. [Eng-Esp].Muy hermosas las felicitó por su contenido.coquicoin (73)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Sisters Sundays./ Domingos de hermanas. [Eng-Esp].Tener una hermana que sea tu cómplice, tu amiga y tu apoyo es maravilloso. El vínculo entre hermanas puede ser muy especial.hivebuzz (74)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Sisters Sundays./ Domingos de hermanas. [Eng-Esp].Congratulations @dnverd! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You received more than 10 HP as payout for… (71)Core Developer and Running Guruin EXHAUST • last yearRE: Go at your own pace./ Ve a tu propio ritmo. [Eng-Esp].Nice work and keep it up. Welcome to the community and I look forward to hearing about your progress !LUVstrava2hive (63)in EXHAUST • last yearRE: Go at your own pace./ Ve a tu propio ritmo. [Eng-Esp].Nice work and welcome to the community !LUVsamantha06 (62)in EXHAUST • last yearRE: Go at your own pace./ Ve a tu propio ritmo. [Eng-Esp].Es así mi niña que cada kilómetro recorrido sea una meta más alcanzada, una limpieza más para tus pulmones, una curita más para tu alma. Eres un verdadero ejemplo de superación y optimismo 🥹hivebuzz (74)in EXHAUST • last yearRE: Go at your own pace./ Ve a tu propio ritmo. [Eng-Esp].Congratulations @dnverd! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You received more than 900 upvotes.Your…claudiacala (55)in EXHAUST • last yearRE: Go at your own pace./ Ve a tu propio ritmo. [Eng-Esp].Poco a poco has avanzado muchísimo mi niña , estoy súper orgullosa de ti 💗zandra1975 (59)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Like in fairy tales./Como en los cuentos de hadas.[Eng-Esp].Que historia, es muy dichoso tu novio, aparte de su pareja eres su psicóloga personal, se ganó la lotería, les deseo una relación duradera, los cimientos los tienen ya, así que a…erikah (81)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: My prince charming./Mi príncipe azul. [Eng-Esp]It's lovely you have such a good relationship with your dad. Enjoy every moment with him as memories are for life.babyl (65)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: My prince charming./Mi príncipe azul. [Eng-Esp]Disfruta y cuida de tus padres, no sabes lo importante que son lindo post.hivebuzz (74)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: My prince charming./Mi príncipe azul. [Eng-Esp]Congratulations @dnverd! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s) You received more than 700 upvotes.Your…thorkellnft (67)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Like in fairy tales./Como en los cuentos de hadas.[Eng-Esp].El verdadero amor es ese, el que nace y crece solo, sin forzarlo. Muchas felicidades a ambos por la bella relación.pinero (62)in Family & Friends • last yearRE: Like in fairy tales./Como en los cuentos de hadas.[Eng-Esp].Precioso el amor que se comparte... felicidades!