dream1988 (25)in #photography • 7 years ago中国最美的六条国道,出发吧,趁岁月正好,趁时光未老……中国这几条美丽的国道, 自驾其上,就是从现代走向原始, 从文明走向神秘,从喧嚣走向静谧, 走过就看尽了大半个中国的美丽! 国道318:中国的景观大道 ◎路线简介…dream1988 (25)in #photography • 7 years ago“国宝”熊猫大熊猫是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,主要分布在我国的四川、甘肃、陕西省的个别地区,数量十分稀少,属于国家一类保护动物,称为“国宝”。…dream1988 (25)in #photography • 7 years agoA 20-day Journey by Ride--Witness to Potala, the King City on the PlateauSpeaking of Paris, we will think of Eiffel, who symbolizes love; when it comes to New York, the goddess of liberty will first appear; the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Oriental…dream1988 (25)in #photography • 7 years agoChal Khan Saline LakeIn Golmud, Qinghai province, there is a world-famous salt lake, the Chaerhan Salt Lake, the largest inland salt lake in China. Chaerhan Salt Lake is famous all over the world for…dream1988 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago《黑豹》公开删减片段!原来光头女队长已经结婚了漫威电影《黑豹》票房屡创纪录,除了主角外,各角色也是魅力十足,现在陆续释出删减片段,其中包括「朵拉护卫队」的队长奥科耶和乌卡比(W'Kabi)的一段对话,意外曝光这2个角色其实已经结婚的事实。 有看过本片的观众都知道,奥科耶和乌卡比是一对情侣,但是对于2人的关系没有多着墨。在删减片段中,奥科耶不满男方力挺艾瑞克(麦可B乔丹Michael B.…dream1988 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago猫咪在美国机场走失7天,在听到中文名“呆萌”后现身:我在这里如果长期外出你会带上你的毛孩儿么? 今天要讲的故事发生在美国纽约肯尼迪机场,4月20日时,一位猫奴因为在中国大陆找到一份工作,要长期离开,但又不舍跟主子Pepper分离,于是决定带它一起飞跃太平洋。 可当她正在办理值机手续时,宠物箱意外掉落,门一下子弹开了,Pepper受到惊吓立马爬到了天花板,瞬间消失的无影无踪。…dream1988 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago回家见到睡在门口的猫主子,喵星人:还以为谁呢,铲屎的回来了,不能小点声!以前曾在网上看到一个新闻,说是猫主子之所以平时对我们爱答不理的,并不是觉得我们伺候的不好,而是这家伙打心底里瞧不起我们!好吧,虽然这个说法听起来有点浮夸,但是养过猫的都知道,这绝对是最真实的写照!今天下班回家看到我们家的猫主子,我就被“瞧不起”了一回!…dream1988 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago陪主人做头发,一小时后猫咪强忍瞌睡翻白眼:女人真麻烦铲屎官不放心猫咪自己在家,于是带它去到发廊里做头发。我们知道,女生做头发所需要的时间会很久,少则四五十分钟,多则几小时,而这位铲屎官好死不死就做了好几个小时…… 旁边的猫咪想睡不敢睡,摆出了让人无法忘怀的表情。 陪主人做头发,一小时后猫咪强忍瞌睡翻白眼:女人真麻烦…dream1988 rebloggedadsactly (80)in #politics • 7 years agoADSactly World - Business in BelarusBusiness in Belarus After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, privatization of enterprises and factories that previously belonged to the state began. A…dream1988 rebloggedadsactly (80)in #travel • 7 years agoADSactly Travel - Driving Through Europe - Part#6When did you last randomly pick a city to spend a day exploring it? Mark and I have been thinking about going on a trip for a very long time and we finally got our wish…dream1988 rebloggedadsactly (80)in #sports • 7 years agoADSactly Sports - Heroes? How Much Should We Idolize Professional Athletes?ADSactly Sports: Heroes? How Much Should We Idolize Professional Athletes? Source Last week I had a student come up to me and start talking about the NHL playoffs and…dream1988 (25)in #blog • 7 years agothe alien continent of Chinese fictionBashu, has always been a country of fame, one of the most famous school than Tang Men. Tang Men was in a mysterious place, which many people only knew was a mountainside, and…dream1988 (25)in #food • 7 years agoTennessee fried chickenpractice 1 make marinade first. Stir 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper powder with 1 tablespoon of garlic powder, onion powder of 1 tablespoon of sweet pepper powder and 1…dream1988 (25)in #construction • 7 years ago外墙装饰之真石漆工程学习前些天在头条上经常看到某某小区外墙瓷砖脱落,保温板开裂等,掉落下来不敢想象,实在是触目惊心,因为瓷砖作为外墙装饰本身就存在较大安全隐患,而普通涂料工程又存在风吹日晒情况下容易掉色,褪色,耐久性能差,现在有一种涂料-真石漆是折中的比较好的外墙装饰选择,除安全、耐久性能好之外,还因它是类似石材的涂料,能远远看过去就像挂上去的石材一样,显得额外高大上,美观效果也是