ebakuglobal (26)in #ethereum • 7 years agoEthereum Limited: What Is It All About?PROJECT OVERVIEW: Mr. Emmanuel is my name. Its with delightfulness that I want us to get acquainted with with this impressive project called Ethereum Limited. In case, you are…ebakuglobal (26)in #lancers • 7 years agoABOUT CRYTOLANCERSAN OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT Challenges On Ground: The following itemized challenges are what the platform is prepared to address. The issue of Classical payment method The…ebakuglobal (26)in #konios • 7 years agoKONIOS: A REVOLUTIONIST PROJECT YOU MUST INVEST & PARTICIPATE & WHY?KONIOS: A REVOLUTIONIST PROJECT YOU MUST INVEST & PARTICIPATE & WHY? OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT Its no longer news that the creation blockchain technology and its mass…ebakuglobal (26)in #mftu • 7 years agoMFTU (Mainstream For The Underground)MFTU INTRODUCTION MFTU (Mainstream For The Underground) MFTU INTRODUCTION Its worthy of note that the rise of technology has empowered creative artist without records deal…ebakuglobal (26)in #darico • 7 years agoDARICO: AN ECOSYSTEM WITH THE BEST OPTION TO MONITOR YOUR CRYPTO INVESTMENTIam Mr Emmanuel, sitting down on my writing table with gladness to pen down what you need to know about a unique platforn called DARICO. Its noteworthy by way of introduction…ebakuglobal (26)in #menapay • 7 years agoMENAPAY: A DECENTRALIZED METHOD THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM TRADITIONAL PAYMENT GATEWAYMENAPAY: A DECENTRALIZED METHOD THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM TRADITIONAL PAYMENT GATEWAY PREAMBLE In fact, I have not being this excited taking about a project that will bring…ebakuglobal (26)in #ubcoin • 7 years agoUBCOIN MARKET: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?UBCOIN MARKET: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? OVERVIEW Its with all pleasure I want to write on this exceptional article which I personally believe will bring a revolution to the…ebakuglobal (26)in #coopex • 7 years agoCOOPEX - THE MEGA COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE THAT IS NOT CENTRALIZEDOVERVIEW COOPEX - THE MEGA COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE THAT IS NOT CENTRALIZED By way of introduction, we know that cryptocurrencies are on the trendline presently. Its the design…ebakuglobal (26)in #cryptoassist • 7 years agoCRYPTASSIST: THE ALMIGHTY SOLUTION FOR THE DIGITAL WORLD.OVERVIEW CRYPTASSIST: THE ALMIGHTY SOLUTION FOR THE DIGITAL WORLD. Iam E. A Emmanuel, its with great excitement iam penning down some vital and relevant information about…ebakuglobal (26)in #quadrant • 7 years agoQUADRANT- A GREAT GAME CHANGER AND A BLUEPRINT FOR MAPPING DECENTRALIZED DATAHello, my name is E. A Emmanuel. I am really delighted talking about a project with a difference called Quadrant. Would you like to come along with me on this awesome tour? I…ebakuglobal (26)in #ubcoin • 7 years agoUBCOIN- MARKETPLACE THAT ELIMINATES ALL FIAT BARRIER TO THE CRYRTO WORLDHello friends, Iam E. A Emmanuel, shortly, I will be doing a review of ICO with the finished product on the market. I would like to give you a brief review of the Ubcoin…ebakuglobal (26)in #springrole • 7 years agoSPRINGROLE PROTOCOL - A TRUST BASED PROTOCOL FOR BUILDING A CREDIBLE PROFESSIONAL PROFILESPRINGROLE PROTOCOL - A TRUST BASED PROTOCOL FOR BUILDING A CREDIBLE PROFESSIONAL PROFILE PREAMBLE Let us begin with the predicament! THE PREDICAMENT: The predicament…ebakuglobal (26)in #posicoin • 7 years agoPOSICOIN-A CRYPTOCURRENCY CREATED BY JUST IMAGINNING A NOTABLE PERSON "POSI HAME-KUN"NTRODUCTION By way of introduction, the cryptocurrency platform is a very big one. It has the blockchain technology as the main factor in its frame of reference. The creation…ebakuglobal (26)in #nebula • 7 years agoNEBULA- A REVOLUTIONARY PLATFORM FOR TOP CRYPTOCURRENCIES TRADINGNEBULA- A REVOLUTIONARY PLATFORM FOR TOP CRYPTOCURRENCIES TRADING PREAMBLE The introduction, and mass acceptance of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is on the…ebakuglobal (26)in #lexit • 7 years agoLEXIT:MARKET PLACE OF BUSINESS FOR THE MASSES!Hello, my name is E.A Emmanuel, iam exited talking about this project called Lexit. Please, would you like to take the journey with me? INTRODUCTION Most of emerging business…ebakuglobal (26)in #usechain • 7 years agoUSECHAIN: UNIQUE FEATURE OF RANDOMIZED PROOF OF WORK (PROW)INTRODUCTION Since the creation of Bitcoin in the year 2009, the block chain technology have really experienced exponential development. Major innovative ideas have emerged by…ebakuglobal (26)in #satt • 7 years agoSATT: THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISEMENT INTELLIGENCEWhen we talk about making advertisement online we are also saying doing marketing through internet. What they do is the use of the internet to pass accross to the end users…ebakuglobal (26)in #veiag • 7 years agoVEIAG: IMPROVING LIVES AND PROVIDING EMPOWERMENT.VEIAG: IMPROVING LIVES AND PROVIDING EMPOWERMENT THROUGH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. INTRODUCTION THE GLOBAL CHALLENGES HIGHLETED BY THE UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The…ebakuglobal (26)in #wastetoelectricity • 7 years ago4NEW:TURNING WASTE TO ELECTRICITY4NEW: TURNING WASTE TO ELECTRICITY INTRODUCTION When we say electricity, what readily comes to your mind is its importance to human existence. In fact, the use of it cannot be…ebakuglobal (26)in #surfer • 7 years agoLIFCHAIN: THE GLOBAL SURFER COMMUNIRYLIPCHAIN: THE GLOBAL SURFER COMMUNITY INTRODUCTION: By way of definition, Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the…