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Supercenter C.A. & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcon hbd Business name: HOLA! Supercenter C.A. Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 3.400 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 1.190 Hive Dollars (35.00 % of 3.400…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited HOLA! Supercenter C.A. & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcharcutería, panadería y jugos Business name: HOLA! Supercenter C.A. Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 14.830 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 8.156 Hive…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited HOLA! Supercenter C.A. & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcompra de víveres Business name: HOLA! Supercenter C.A. Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 17.000 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 7.500 Hive Dollars (50.00 %…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited HOLA! Supercenter C.A. & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcompra HBD Business name: HOLA! Supercenter C.A. Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 9.640 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 4.338 Hive Dollars (45.00 % of 9.640…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited Econoquesos & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcompras con hbd 2 Business name: Econoquesos Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 7.570 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 3.028 Hive Dollars (40.00 % of 7.570 Hive…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited Hato Grill Supermercado & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcomparando con HBD s Business name: Hato Grill Supermercado Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 3.990 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 1.397 Hive Dollars (35.00…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited Hato Grill Supermercado & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcompras Business name: Hato Grill Supermercado Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 3.990 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 1.397 Hive Dollars (35.00 % of 3.990…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited Los Hijos De Wasi & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewprueba de HBD Business name: Los Hijos De Wasi Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 2.500 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 0.750 Hive Dollars (30.00 % of 2.500…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 5 months agoI visited Econoquesos & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewpruebas Business name: Econoquesos Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 0.100 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 0.025 Hive Dollars (25.00 % of 0.100 Hive…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 6 months agoImprovement in the distriator application with extension of the publication time to obtain discounts.Hace unos días atrás pudimos observar una mejora o ajustes en el tiempo de publicación en Distriator, esto debido a un conjunto de situaciones que se presentan para los usuarios…edmundochauran (74)B2B builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoWorkshop demonstrating the power of distriator to obtain discounts.Una de las cosas más satisfactorias que puede tener un constructor dentro de Hive, es llevar a cabo acciones en las cuales la comunidad pueda adquirir conocimientos útiles para…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 7 months agoI visited Subs Estación & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewtest probando Business name: Subs Estación Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 0.200 Hive Dollars Rewards Claimed: 0.060 Hive Dollars (30.00 % of 0.200 Hive…edmundochauran (74)B2B builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoLet's get discounts with in Cumaná (Sucre).▶️ Watch on 3Speak Vamos a mostrar como pagar con HBD y obtener descuentos a través de la aplicación de @distriator, pues dicha aplicación nos brinda beneficios en…edmundochauran (74)in SpendHBD • 7 months agoI visited Oliva's Self Service & paid Hive Dollars & here is my reviewcomprar con HBD y obtener descuentos es algo único. Business name: Oliva's Self Service Open SpendHBD Business Page Paid Amount: 4.500 Hive Dollars Rewards…edmundochauran (74)B2B builderin Hive Sucre • 10 months agoSucre with its bitcoin pizza day with HBD payments.El bitcoin pizza day en el estado Sucre hizo acto de presencia, pues como ya es costumbre por así decirlo este sería el segundo evento celebrando este día tan especial, y…edmundochauran (74)B2B builderin Hive Sucre • 10 months agoFast and secure crypto-shopping with HBD.Realizar compras con HBD cada ves en Cumaná estado Sucre es más cotidiano, ya que en cada aliado comercial que acepta nuestra moneda estable como metodo de pago nos da mucho más…edmundochauran (74)B2B builderin Hive Sucre • 10 months agoLightning purchase with HBD in Cumana State Sucre.El día de ayer, debía comprar algo de pan y un jugo para llevar a casa a cenar, el gasto en realidad no era mucho que digamos pero bueno quería seguir aportando al movimiento…