eoshuobipool (25)in #block • 7 years ago火币矿池使命火币矿池作为EOS超级节点的首要目标是为了提高EOS整体生态的发展,以促进支持共享、协作、创新、稳定的生态系统。我们的努力发展的整个方向是确保EOS生态的安全性,可扩展性和采用性。火币矿池将会用持续不懈努力以不同的角度为EOS生态提供更好的服务。 透明度…eoshuobipool (25)in #eos • 7 years agoWhat you need to know about mapping an EOS Public Key to an Ethereum addressWhat you need to know about mapping an EOS Public Key to an Ethereum address WHY MAPPING These tokens will be worthless ,when ERC20 tokens are FROZEN 24 hours or so after June…eoshuobipool (25)in #eos • 7 years agoHUOBI -- the best place to deposit EOSToo difficult to register Ur EOS public key? Fear of stealing your EOS during mapping? Just deposit your EOS in HUOBI,we will provide automatic safety registration services.eoshuobipool (25)in #global • 7 years agoHUOBI global declarationHUOBi global declarationHuobi Group is a digital asset trading platform offering state-of-the-art services for digital currency traders and liquidity providers Since our…eoshuobipool (25)in #eos • 7 years agoHuobi pool is running for EOS block producer election.Introduction Huobi pool is the first mining pool platform which integrates digital currency mining and trading. We are committed to providing users with a convenient…