PostsCommentsPayoutsevelyn.takamori (37)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoExperience learned from the free fall crypto market in the past moth June-July 2017经过6,7月份大盘持续走低得出的炒币心得Short-term cryptocurrency trading rule 短期炒币基本准则 1.When market contitune to fall, swap all tokens&coin to BTC. Because BTC is the most stable currency in all.…evelyn.takamori (37)in #travel • 8 years agoAngie On Air《安吉物语》travel -Vieux Quebec, Canada 加拿大旅游-老魁北克城老魁北克城 Vieux Quebec 魁北克离我居住的多伦多市有9个小时车程。一路上飞雨交加,基本都是全法语的路标和路牌,真的很辛苦,来到这个美丽的地方却是晴空万里。住在Airbnb的当地法裔阿姨家里,早上还尝到了家庭自制的蓝莓酸奶和牛角面包🥐,一晚$55加币一间私人房间。 Quebec city is 9 hour drive away…evelyn.takamori (37)in #travel • 8 years ago《安吉物语》- Travel - Eatern Canada 旅游-环游美加边界-Niagara Falls尼加拉瓜大瀑布,Montreal 法国后裔地区-蒙特利尔大家好,我是热爱生活长居美国硅谷的安吉。吃喝玩乐是我的强项,这就让我带大家看看我眼中的加拿大东部的主要几个我喜欢的城市的特色。 从我居住2年半的多伦多市内出发车程: 到尼加拉瓜大瀑布90分钟车程, 到蒙特利尔7小时。 尼加拉瓜大瀑布-Niagara Falls…evelyn.takamori (37)in #art • 8 years agoI got a Picasso style gift after shower this morning :)Life is art because we are constantly creating art! Paying attention to discover it, I'm thankful to my appreciation in natural beauty. Having the camera handy enough to…