fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years ago生活常识: 鳊鱼与武昌鱼许多人应该不会区分鳊鱼与武昌鱼,其实你不用区分,它们就是同一种鱼,在湖北不同地的称呼不一样而已, 但鳊鱼长相不同,背宽,尾长,养殖的青一色的黑背,吃饲料长大,长江的鳊鱼是淡白色,肚子小, 水质较好的湖泊出的鳊鱼非常漂亮 人工养殖的一般在1斤-2斤就出售,生长速度这么大需要1年, 去菜市场购买的大多数是人工养殖的黑背鱼, 很少看到5斤以上的鳊鱼,…fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoZhelin Lake fishhttp http http http http http http http Wild, no pollution, Deliciousfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years ago夏季钓鱼需要的工具夏季钓鱼通常都是晚上,没有哪个大傻会在40度高温去晒太阳,在水上酒店钓鱼需要的工具,蚊香,筏杆 (1.2米长的软稍杆), 筏轮,探鱼器,自动投料机,钓鱼夜照灯,饵料,一把舒适的钓鱼椅子,简单的餐具, 泡茶烧开水的工具, 条件好的房间提供空调,国内一些比较出名的水库 五强溪,柘溪,…fishingvideos (70)in #food • 8 years agoThe Delicious Chili FishIf you love fishing, also love eat fish, if you love eat fish, You can learn to cook fish http http http http http http Fish can be braised, steamed, soup, barbecue, and morefishingvideos (70)in #food • 8 years agoSeafood FeastAlthough we do not live in coastal cities, but now the traffic is very convenient, just a few hours you can buy fresh seafood http http http http http http http http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #travel • 8 years ago去南海钓鱼我身边爱钓鱼的朋友很多,而且都到了进精神病院的程度,这么高温打飞机去大马钓鱼去了,海钓不同于内陆湖泊钓鱼, 需要超好的身体素质,不晕船是最重要的,晕船是花钱买罪受了, 在福建厦门有许多提供海钓服务的船只,租用一条去南海的渔船需要8万-10万左右的费用,一船10多个平均差不多每人8000左右的费用。…fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoThe Danger of fishing at nightI am most afraid of animals is poisonous snakes, to the summer, fishing at night can often see them, they are very dangerous animals,But some people are not afraid of them http…fishingvideos (70)in #life • 8 years ago生活贴:长江的鲶鱼记得在去年的时候,我介绍过鲶鱼,长江的野生鲶鱼不建议大家食用,因为江水污染严重,和大湖鲶鱼相比,几乎是每条鲶鱼的肺部及内脏全是黑色,许多人认为长江鲶鱼很美味,江丫,铁板头,还有细鳞鱼这些鱼都是生活在长江底层的鱼类,喜欢岩石附近生活, 特别是在城市生活排污口 第二种鲶鱼也请不要购买,去菜市场青一色的黑背鲶鱼,人工饲养,生长速度超快 http…fishingvideos (70)in #food • 8 years agoThe Delicious FishThis fish likes to hide in rocks, freshwater fish, very tasty,Braised mandarin fish http http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoTurtle PetSome people like dogs, cats, and some people like turtles,The variety of turtle prices for $20 USD http http http http http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #funny • 8 years ago世界上的疯子也真是多 (不要浪费能量,不要赞)哈哈哈fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years ago中华沙鳅许多人应该见过泥鳅,但有一种泥鳅,中华沙鳅许多人可能没见过,沙鳅和泥鳅的区别,沙泥鳅背上是有刺的,而泥鳅光溜溜,沙鳅的嘴长而尖,个体要长,中华沙鳅是肉食性鱼类,而沙鳅是杂食性鱼类,这是渔民用鱼笼捕捞的沙鳅, 售价25一斤, http http http http http 泥鳅的吃法,烧烤,油煎,干锅红烧…fishingvideos (70)in #news • 8 years agoLandslidesFishing people like the heavy rain, the fish is very easy to catch, but the rain is likely to cause landslides,Go fishing often encounter this situation http http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoTilapia mossambicaTilapia is omnivorous, especially in China's Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangzhou and other places, people like this fish very much http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years ago传说中的跳水,摔得很惨这段视频最近传疯了 夏天钓鱼,天气是热,但也没有必要这样跳水,直接下水洗个澡不是更好 httpfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoFishing PhotographyThis is located in China Wuning Countryside towel of a reservoir, the water is very beautiful, is the fishing people most like to go to the place,The environment here is good…fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoA madman fishing 一个疯子在钓鱼爱钓鱼的人都是疯子,钓鱼会上瘾,越而中毒会越来越深,你们看这位,今天室外温度38,晒得像个黑鬼一样,就为钓几条餐条 http http http 水这么绿,能吃吗? 这鱼钓上来,送人都是害人,只为了乐趣, 这只有钓鱼人能懂的乐趣 http 如果有钓鱼精神病院,这些人都要送进去fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years ago为了吸引妹子,公的动物为什么喜欢打扮这种鱼叫马口,生活在湖泊溪流,公马口鱼为了吸引妹子,把自己打扮得这么漂亮 http http 这个叫溪哥,嘴小,但很美味 http 为什么人类是女人打扮的漂亮, 而动物大多数是公的漂亮,有些公鸟非常漂亮,还会唱歌勾引女性, 有哪位大师研究过?fishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoA crayfishWho loves fishing, who loves eat fish,It is a good season for fishing, also to catch the frog at night http http http http httpfishingvideos (70)in #fishing • 8 years agoFishing to make moneyFishing in the fish, many people do not believe, but in China, fishing competition has become a popular sport, the first to the first 10 have bonuses, usually 500USD- 50, 000USD…