PostsCommentsPayoutsflorindachan (26)in #cn • 7 years ago犬與少年 ‧ 三個一活動 | 月旦評「少年不識愁滋味,愛上層樓,愛上層樓。 為賦新詞強說愁。 」 <辛棄疾.醜奴兒> 不知不覺已然踏入農曆中的狗年,因工作忙碌,也未能確實感受到農曆新年的氣氛。回想上一個狗年,仍是年少時,總盼望著快點長大,然後扮演大人派利是的受歡迎角色。為了預先綵排,因此我偷偷為小狗準備一封裝了狗零食的利是,滿足於小狗搖頭擺尾的歡悅樣子。…florindachan (26)in #cn • 7 years agoMay the cat be with you!新年快樂,我叫Jedi,是一隻喜歡自由的貓。 我的理想是擔任一個勇者,像日本和歌山電鐵的「四玉」一樣守護著大家。 希望主人有一天會把我俊朗的外貌製成可愛的圖畫呢!florindachan (26)in #travel • 7 years agoBuckingham palace and the queenAll my possessions are for a moment of time. ——Elizabeth I. Queen of England The queen lives inside Buckingham palace, and I stand outside, we just separated by a metal…florindachan (26)in #introduceyourself • 7 years agoWeather is cold, people are warm.Meeting you that is the flake of my life. Making friends must be the warmest and coolest things in winter. Cheers