The live band started playing and probably would have been ok...if one could actually hear anything distinctly. Instead, it sounded like a cacophony of noise, super-loud noise, that sort of jumbled into one loud and uncomforting hellish fucken sound that would be better used as psychological torture music in a Guantanamo Bay torture chamber.
We were out with a group of friends, had been to a small event prior, and hit the pub for a meal and to kick on.
It was a legit meal, (I had oysters kilpatrick to start then a super-legit 300g yoder-smoked scotch fillet steak served with chips, onion rings and a side salad as well.) Added to that awesomeness was a Willow Point Cabernet Merlot (or two) and a whole lot of excellent conversation between the twenty or so of us. Were we loud? Yep. Was everyone else in the place loud? Yep. But when that music hellish cacophony began, conversation was impossible...it was almost like the chaos of the battlefield, just noise...although there's no Hootie and the Blowfish lyrics on the battlefield.
Some may say my age (yeah, I'm not 21 anymore) might be the reason behind my distaste for it however I'd digress and say that the fact it was far too fucken loud was behind my distaste.
We ended up moving into the lounge bar away from the onslaught of that hellish cacophony, (it was quite amazing how quickly the restaurant section cleared out when that music started, empty in about five minutes), and those nutbags were playing their hellish cacophony to an empty room. Dumbasses.
We kicked on until way too late, way, way too late, and the pub ended up having to kick us out (even the cacophony-makers had long gone) and we ended the night after agreeing that it was indeed an awesome night, spent with great people - except for the hellish cacophony.
I'm the sort of fellow who prefers the sounds found in nature far more than those made by human beings: Rolling thunder, birds, the Breese in the trees, rainfall on leaves and dropping into puddles, the ocean, grasses rubbing together, buzzing of bees and so on but, of course, I live in a society made up of humans and that means I have to tolerate their noise. I wonder at the logic of whomever set that band up, the volume of speakers and so on, because rather than create atmosphere and engage with their audience they cleared the room which was probably quite demoralising for the band itself.
Anyway, what do you think? Are you happy to sit in a restaurant with a hellish cacophony of noise and enjoy it? I don't mean at a concert, I mean eating dinner and socialising with friends. Are you into Guantanamo Bay-style psychological torture music during your meal and conversations with friends? Have you got any similar stories? Feel free to make a comment if you'd like to.
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Oh no, it sounds like it would have been a near perfect night, if only they had toned it down some. I do love live music, but only when I am dancing or attending a concert specifically to listen to music. When dining out, I don't want to listen to loud music, conversation is more than enough.
Had they dropped the volume by 30% it would have been great -the band were really quite good - but as it was all one could hear was noise.
I don't even like loud cafes, there's a good one here that I like but the place is always loud due to the natural accoustics of the place...I can't fit there when it's busy.
I'm with you on the conversation thing...it's where I find value especially considering the group I was with last night, I can stay home and blast my (super-amazing) sound system if I want loud music. Anyway, we had a good night, even if we ended up divulging all the state secrets we should have hidden due to the Guantanamo Bay/hellish cacophony torture music.
I love it! The pure disdain, and rightly deserved 🤣
My wife and I got hit with a reggae DJ duo at a restaurant that did that. They sucked the fuckin life outta that place. WAY WAY WAY to fucken loud, it was two white guys (not that it matters, but…whatever I added that detail and I choose to own it without justification), one was maybe mid 20’s, the other was probably in his 60’s. Both completed getted up in Rasta colors, complete with dreadlock wigs and big stupid hats.
The old guy has this like, super lame-ass soundboard with like, slippery noises and slide whistle sounds. The young guy seems to be in charge of scratching the records, because that’s what we’d all prefer over conversation.
…but then these ass clowns start competing with each other, like one dumbass cacophony is better than another - and I’m the guy who values crows speaking as harmonious and beautiful by the way.
We were there when the manager came and told them to kick rocks - would you believe they actually argued with him? Like, we all want you gone man, you’re doing the exact opposite of attracting customers 🖕
…lol anyway, that’s some frustrating business there…but that food man, tbh at sounded like heaven in a dish!
"Reggae DJ," sounds hideous! (And two white guys? - dang!)
I've killed people for less.
(Ok, not really)
That place you went sounds terrible but I hope the food was good. We all had a good night last night, other than the racket that band made, and the food was good so that was something at least.
lol yeah we had a great time. The guy at the table in front of us was getting visibly pissed off each time the old dude did a space age squiggled on his little sound board, which was making us laugh, and then the DJ was swing our laughing and getting visibly pissed off with us. The whole thing was hilarious - and the beers were good!
Added bonus, after they got kicked out of the venue, their think Jamaican accents fell away. As we passed them on the sidewalk on our way to the car, the younger one was on his phone
yeah man, fckin’ dude kicked us out man* - thick southern drawl in full effect.
…everything would have been fine, if it hadn’t been for those meddling kids 🤣🤣🤣
…I’m glad you guys were able to enjoy it overall - it’s crazy how clueless some people can be.
You had me with the oysters, steak, and wine ... but the Hootie brought it home.
Loud music has its place but maybe not with steak and Cab-Merle. Maybe some sleek jazz would have been better. Still ...the Dolphins make me cry. I hope they at least had a dance floor. If you can't beat them ...
One must listen to Hootie mustn't one? But oysters, steak, wine and Hootie? Well now, there's something quite special!
Pryde, trust me, no one wants to see me dance...I mean no one. Imagine a deranged spider monkey with a bad back, splitting headache, one club foot, whacked out on crack and being electrocuted...it's that bad.
Haha ... now I would indeed like to see that:)
Yeah, I know people who would pay to see it...but I think I'd throw a hip out...so they'd have to pay a lot to cover my medical expenses.
Dance like no one is watching but ...
Haha...good advice indeed.
Many of us share the idea that music in establishments like restaurants or bars should create a pleasant atmosphere, and I don't think it's because of age either. I'm 50 years old and recently went to a nightclub, but that's different. In a nightclub, it's okay to listen to whatever they want to play in that place, that's what it's for.
But when you go with a group of friends to a place to hang out and where live bands might be playing, or the place simply plays a certain style of music, they should understand that not everyone is going to tolerate that, and besides, how can we talk to our friends if the blaring music doesn't let us? That has also happened to me. But in my case, I left the place, not without complaining about the blaring music, and in fact, I've never been back to that place.
Are nightclubs still a thing? I've not been to one for thirty years or more and can't see it happening anytime in the future.
Anyway, you're right, to hang around and chat with friends it's not good for the music to be so loud; I was pretty disappointed with it as we're all of the group - we'll not be going back there for dinner again.
Yes, they still exist here, they may have another name, but I call it that way, I think I still have the name of discotheque, since thirty years ago.
That local is the one they lose, because the way you write it, I'm sure or almost sure that your friends won't go to that place again either.
Ah ok, I didn't know...I thought no one went to nightclubs anymore.
Sometimes my friends and I go to a pub to have a beer after a hot day. We sit down at a table on the street, where the music of our youth, 20-30 years ago, is always playing. Only once the sound was too loud and I asked to turn it down. I like this music as background.
I think background music is the way to go and asking them to turn it down if too loud is sensible.
Nope... No hellish noise.
You would have been in a foot race with me to vacate to a safe haven where an inner ear bleed was not a possible side effect.
Yeah man, the only hellish noise I need is from nature...and the wailing of my vanquished foes.
I have trouble focusing on one thing even in the best of circumstances, so when you get me in a crowded bar with everyone being loud, it's just a nightmare for me. My brain goes into overload. I'd much rather sit around a campfire and have some great conversation there. Though we have gotten a bit loud at times and the park rangers had to ask us to quiet down!
It really was a bit much and I think quite unnecessary. I don't enjoy noise that I can't control or is pointless, I mean, I've spent my whole life shooting really loud guns; had the volume been a little lower it would have been a pleasant environment and I think people would have appreciated it, and spent more money.
Yeah, I can totally respect that. I think sometimes places just don't have the right acoustics, but other times they just don't pay attention to how loud the ambiance actually is. Tonight, my cacophony was a crackling fire and the waves crashing on the beach about twenty feet away.
Now that's the sort of cacophony I'm into!
I believe that the responsibility for this band to make a whole place completely empty lies with the owner of the place, since every owner should look after his interests to provide pleasant and quality services to the customers who visit him.
The music that should exist in these places where people go to relax with their friends or family should be harmonious in order to caress the ear of each person while tasting their dinner.
Ambiance music is better for dining...I blame the band but mostly the establishment for allowing it.
That's right.... Lately you go to any place (be it bar-restaurant, cafeteria or other) and they play inappropriate music with respect to the establishment. And that's not to mention that in my area urban music has taken over any player around, and this is not to underestimate the talent of urban musicians, but you have to know the time, place and volume level at which it should be listened to.
I love music, simply love it, but it has to be appropriate and respectful...I think that doesn't always happen these days and that mood-appropriate music is replaced by volume...I don't like it.
Were your seats close to the band? I don't really like loud noises, so when there's a live band, I try my best to stay away from the stage, and from the speakers. I think it can be good to set the mood/atmosphere, but if I'm with my friends, my priority is to hear/talk to them.
Not too close but the speakers were spread out all over so it didn't matter where one was sitting.
What's up with the Amirl link?
I have my reasons.
The flowers was so pretty
They really are.
Cacophony! I loved that word to describe when they destroy my ears and bleed from the terrible noise I can't stand hahaha.
I love going out with friends, with people I appreciate, with whom I feel comfortable, but I don't like those bands at all.... if they put violins maybe... or birds to sing around me, or waterfalls... but those bands I can't handle it.
When I was a child, very young, family gatherings were numerous and the music and noises made me isolate myself. Recently I went to an event, last Sunday, and I can assure you, that besides the fact that I don't like that music, my ears and head started to hurt, I had to run away hahaha.
PS: I love silence and the sounds of nature... I'm a freak haha.
It's a word in the English language meaning, a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
You always seem to have recent events that align with what I write about.
I did not know the word, I will adopt it.
Yesterday the fair ended in the city, it lasted eight days and I went last Sunday for a while, almost everything was good but the bands were too strong hahaha.