Nothing lasts forever and a person must know when it's time to let go, move on, or to move something one does or possesses on. It's that time for me; I'm saying goodbye...
I don't like getting rid of my guns, I have a solid purpose of use for each of the many I own; but every now and then I consider what I have (so many guns) and weigh up whether any are surplus to my needs - sometimes (rarely) I make a decision to say goodbye to one of them.
I'm saying goodbye to my CZ Shadow 2 9mm semi-automatic handgun.
I've used this gun to compete in IPSC matches, run and gun competitions that simulate military and law enforcement scenarios, and over several years have gained reasonable results at club, inter-club, state and national levels; it's been a lot of fun. I don't know exactly how many times I've drawn this gun from its holster in practice, training and competition but it's many, many thousands of times and over that time the gun has performed flawlessly. It's been reliable and consistent...but it's time to let it go.
The fellow buying it is a new shooter and is paying more than I paid for the handgun when I bought it and I'm selling him some of my 9mm ammunition as well...also at more than it cost me to make, (thanks inflation) so I'm getting a good deal and the guy is getting a good deal as well because he's buying the handgun and ammunition for less than he'd pay elsewhere, thanks again inflation. I'm only selling him 2,000 rounds though, I have other handguns that use 9mm ammunition and I don't like to be caught short of ammunition, one must be prepared right?
I always focus on having exactly what I need when it comes to firearms and if something doesn't fit anymore, isn't being used or has been superseded by something better I've acquired then it's time to say goodbye to it; I'd rather someone get the use out of it than the firearm sit in one of my gun safes unused; I guess I don't see the point in having firearms that sit around collecting dust...and if you think I let my firearms get dusty you're bonkers, it's just a figure of speech.
I have a lot of guns, more than I need if I'm honest, so moving one on makes sense...although there's always a feeling of regret when I do. I'm not feeling that just yet, but when the guy takes it in about a month (he's waiting on paperwork from the government) I'll feel that regret...that's when I find myself looking at replacing it with something else...and the entire process starts again; maybe I already have my eye on something, but that's a whole other post.
What have you sold that you regret selling and did you end up replacing it down the track? Feel free to comment.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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When it's time, it's time. Thanks again for showing my lad how to use it (and others).
You going back into the market or just sitting tight for a bit?
It was a good day and I'm happy to have done it!
I have so many guns Matt, I'm trying to streamline. I am selling on one other (handgun) and will replace the two with one, at this stage a high end Sig Sauer but that's un informed at this point. A rifle may go too, one of my long range ones...but that's a harder decision.
From an opsec perspective, having an arsenal without an army makes you a juicier target. You only have so much privacy when everything's registered. (not that the government would ever get hacked).
Haha, yep indeed. That's the concern most firearms owners have. My neighbours, and most people I know, don't know I have guns but if the government was hacked everyone would know. But the government getting hacked is crazy talk right? Lol. (Assholes.)
2,000 rounds? and you have more? You are prepared!
As far as selling something I regret, it is hard for me to recall anything right now. If I had to pick something though, it would be my old 1997 Ford Explorer. It was nothing special as it was factory basics. Owned it until 2008 and had to sell because we were going to live in Japan. I treated it like a baby though, and it returned the favor. However, I wouldn't have my Silverado if I kept it. Love my Silverado.
It sounds like a lot but it really isn't 😅😅
Yeah man, I hold around 10,000 in 9mm and varying amounts of the other calibres I have, rifle, shotgun and handgun. I've got a lot of ammunition. Lol.
Cars...yep, I regret selling some of mine...ironically, as with you, one of mine is also a Ford; my 1982 F100 pickup. Damn I regret selling that beastly fucken thing!
Also, I get it with the Silverado, driven a few and agree that they're legit.
Ready for China to invade? Damn, shit goes down, I must be screwed because I only have a couple hundred rounds of 9mm right now. Since I don't reload, I am gonna eventually need to buy more when I start shooting again.
Yeah, my Silverado is a 2003. It only has just over 80K miles on it. Cousin was the first owner and I know he treated it with kids gloves. I just had it repainted last year, so it is looking sharp with chrome on red.
Well, when/if they do I'd like to be out there poppin' heads like melons until they drop a mortar on my head but who knows if I get the chance. I'd rather be ready and not get the chance than get the chance and not be ready.
Umm...200 rounds? Joe, Joe, Joe...time to ante up bro! Lol
It sounds like that Silverado is well looked after, now and with the old owner. I respect that about a person, looking after their things and all.
Yeah, I need to stock up on more for sure. 200 rounds, as you know, would go fast.
I shoot 300-400 a weekend (in a few hours on a single day). So yep, 200 wouldn't last me long.
Oh man, it must be like losing a child lol. At least it is going to a good home and will help the budding marksman. On the plus side, you've made a hole in your stable so why not fill it with a new addition, as you say...you may already have your eye on something!
I deeply regret selling off my spinning and weaving equipment, though at the time it was necessary to remain solvent. It has been a long slog replacing those things, but I am making good progress.
In the end, things are just that...things. That being said, some things are much harder to part with than others. I feel your regret lol
There's a hole for sure and I know what's going to fill it. It'll be good to see that chap progress along with his shooting with my/his gun. It's served me well and I am sure it'll do the same for him.
You're right about things, I agree. I think it's not very smart to get too attached to thembutcwe all do I suppose. Wondering, do you think there's a chance to replace all of what you let go? I hope so.
Yep, we all get attached to things at some point. I'd like to give a go at minmimalist living but am too attached to my air conditioning and fridge lol, just kidding.
Yea I've made good progress at recouping a decent amount of what I let go, and even upgraded a few of the older tools. Still on the prowl for a few things.
Yeah, some creature comforts are good and air conditioning is one of the better ones.
Hopefully you manage to get all your things back.
Haven't regret selling anything as I don't sell much, but I have regretted giving stuff away, like my 1000+ matchbox collection and a dolls suitcase when I was a kids. I can still remember what that suitcase looks like and have been looking for a replacement. The dolls suitcase have come back nowadays but not in my colour
Matchbox cars, such great memories of them and yep, I let mine go too, most of them anyway, and would like them all back. Maybe one day.
Not cars! Real matchboxes, hence 1000+. From hotels, restaurants etc, I even had a BOAC one (before British Airways was nationalised by the UK government), the days when you could still smoke on a plane, before my time of course!!!
Oh ok, I misunderstood. A Matchbox collection. My mistake.
that's ok, that's what most people think of when I mention matchboxes, they're a more popular collection
I'm sure you've already had your eye on another one... it's possible.
I've sold a lot of things, some I've donated to those in need. Of the things I have sold, I do regret some, but I couldn't do otherwise. Examples would be my computer specially built for design that also included 3D design, powerful. My brother built it for me, he is a technician. And then my drawing tablet, my painting stands. In this last case I have one I have replaced, it couldn't be otherwise!!!!
I have my eye on many things, some I shall get and some not. Regret is easy to overcome when it's about material items, it's when the regret pertains to other matters that things get more difficult.
Some things don't come back... yes, that regret is much more complicated.
Wow, letting go what looks to be your favorite competition piece? Holy cow, you certainly MUST have your eye on something spectacular to let that beauty go for a walk. Looking forward to seeing more about that soon.
The buyer is certainly lucky to grab one so well tested and maintained!
Yeah I know, it was a big decision but in the end I concluded that it was the right thing to do. I have a lot of guns but try to minimise them where possible. I also don't like to spend money if I don't need to, so moving this one onfrees some up to get something else.
Yes, but that was your "baby" so long there may be seller's remorse later. I had that once. I sold an early model Colt Mustang .380 to buy the Glock 21 I eventually modified into the .460 Rowland. I'm glad I made the buy, but still miss having that little Colt around now and again just from all the memories carrying it over the years.
Yeah fair point, it was/is such a cracker of a gun. Faultless.
I think people read the word regret and think of it too generally; it's more miss it or wish I could shoot it again I suppose. The thing is, if I kept everything I ever had I'd not be able to get new stuff due to my need over want ethos, I don't see the point of amassing things for the sake of it, things have to have a purpose and there's little point (for me) to have multiple things that do the same thing. (Like you and your .380 Colt)
It's a beautifull pistol really... I am looking to get myself a 9mm Beretta 92FS, thoughts on that one? It'll be second because I don't think they produce them anymore.. although I might be wildly mistaken..
2000 rounds sounds like a lot but it really isn't ey... you can pop out a hundred at the range in no time.
I had a 92FS back in the day, not a band handgun and one that's reasonably easy to shoot and reliable as well. A good choice. They're still made as far as I know so a new one is possible. (Just under $2,000 AUD here).
Also yep, I shoot around 300-400 rounds in a single day, once a week usually, so I hold a lot of ammo. My next post will talk about the amounts and reasons for them actually, writing it now.
It’s always tough for these things but if you aren’t using it, the best case scenario is it’s going to somebody who needs it and will use it and appreciate it.
What’s the replacement? I didn’t see that mentioned but you’ve called out this one a lot of times over the years in posts. It better be a younger one with bigger tits! (Figuratively.. but it is likely a gorgeous one)
I have loads of firearms which I don't mention here for obvious, and maybe not so obvious, reasons. I'll be replacing this one, possibly selling something else as well, with something pretty sweet...let's just say it rhymes with Sig Sauer. 😊
That's awesome! Funny enough - I've been to one of the Sig Sauer headquarters, it was really cool to realize it wasn't that far from where we are. Happened upon it randomly one day lol.
I hear you on that though dude, gotta keep your options open. I want more that's for sure but I need a bigger safe LOL
A bigger safe huh? I have a few...and a bigger one is always required.
Such clickbait. :D
When video of u shooting those bad bois?
I am known to do clickbait titles from time to time. Amuses me.
I've done videos of me shooting at long range and running and gunning in the past, back in the day. I even did one with me explaining some technical stuff while sitting in my workshop. These days I'm not inclined to put my face on here. I guess having images of myself and my partner taken by others and used on their own accounts has put a stop to that sort of thing.
I can't remember selling anything I ever regretted. I usually wait WAY past when I think I'll be ok without it.
Letting go for a new one, well, I know letting go of an "old reliable" with it's memories attached might need some thought, but if it is being replaced, then I would think that would help ease the pain.
I know this is not the same, but I find it funny about myself that whenever I decide to reorganize my "things" each time I let go of more and more things that made the cut so many times before. It's funny how it matters sometimes and then one time, it doesn't ! As I get older, more "things" don't matter than do.
Yep, I agree about things that matter and don't and as I've gotten older there's been many things I had thought were so important to me that became surplus to my needs. It's strange how that works but I guess priorities and needs change over time. It's amusing to see younger people get so worked up about things that I know they'll not care about down the track too.
I have sold some of my splinterlands assets so I could have funds to play blackjack and other hive slot games. I also sold some HBD for the same reason...Big mistake. While I enjoy blackjack I lose much more than I win. Now that I bought HBD it is in the positive/profit side again. I also bought back most important cards I had in splinterlands...But I still regret selling them.
Maybe blackjack is a game you should stay away from considering you lose more than you win, or maybe practice in a way that doesn't lose you funds when you're playing?
Yes I think that I have learned my lesson now and will stay away from blackjack. It is a shame that the lesson was costly but it could always be worse.
Some of the best lessons are the most costly ones either financial, physically, emotionally and otherwise. Well done on having learned the lesson.
Pretty dramatic title! It made me click on your post straight away. 😃
Bloody hell, 2,000 rounds—Australia knows who to call up if an invasion happens!
You know, there's going to be a time when we'll have to sell the boat, and we really want to pass it on to good hands since she's treated us well. Doesn't really answer your question, but your post reminded me of that.
Haha, no worries...I've not used my head for target practice.
Yeah, the 2,000 is what I'm selling...leaves me with...umm...thousands more. (I actually hold 10,000 9mm rounds at any given point. I shoot a lot and like a year worth of ammunition for each calibre which helps me mitigate price fluctuations.)
I'm glad my Shadow 2 sold to a good person, someone I know will look after it (and probably shoot it badly as he is super new).
Sounds like a great deal.
2000 rounds of ammunition for just one handgun?...lol. You guys preparing for an invasion or something...
Financially yes, but I'm going to miss the gun about three seconds after I hand it on to the new owner.
As for the rounds...I hold about 10,000 for my 9mm guns, I shoot a lot because the law says I can keep "sufficient ammunition for a year of shooting per calibre," I do. I never let my stock of ammunition deplete much below one year's worth for each of the multiple calibres I own.
Invasion? Yeah, eventually someone will have a go, maybe China, and then it'll be on for sure.
Just for info…having a gun in the picture with a title like goodbye forever isn’t the best combination. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading 😂
That's what I intended, it amuses me to think someone may think I'm announcing on Hive I'm going to blow my fucken brains out. I like it when people expose themselves as not having read the text, just the title, I usually reply with a great deal of scorn.
Anyway, brains are still in tact...Besides, mine's only about the size of a pea so I'd have to be a good shot to hit it anyway.
You're right, that's how you can really tell if people will read your articles. I know you've written about your hobby many times before, but that was still a hardcore title anyway 😂 I have to admit, I've never shot a real gun, only an air rifle, airsoft, and of course, paintball 😂 Not going to lie, it's pretty fun 😂 But getting hit with a paintball hurts like hell 🤔
Yeah, I've done some paintballing in my time, they can hurt a lot but like you say, it's fun. I'd rather get hit by a paintball than a bullet though.
I'm really not sure if there's anyone out there who actually enjoys getting shot with a gun 🤔 but if there is, I honestly don’t know what to say 😂 I don’t know much about guns or gun laws, but I think it’s still harder to get a permit to own a weapon in Europe.
Laws are different from country to country I guess, some are more strict; here it's not too bad and yet there's a reasonable level of control. It's not perfect, but is acceptable.
Just a few days ago I let go of something very special to me as well. Was it tough? Yes! Was it necessary? I believe so.
All in all, it was done for the greater good; for my family, and for them to have a better future. Material things sometimes can become quite dear to us, even though they're not necessary for our day-to-day lives, they still do add some meaning to our life. At the end of the day, it is the little things, hobbies, and trinkets that add a bit of meaning to our lives; of course, they're not the end-all and be-all, but sometimes they do add value that goes beyond price.
Letting go of something for the greater good, positive reasons, can be quite empowering as I think is the case in your situation. It can also be a tough decision but decisions made help people move forward.
And I'd do it again. If it's for my family and their well-being, I'll do it with a smile on my face. Their well-being and joy is what gives me the most joy.
Guns! Cool, I remember back in college days we would compete who will be the fastest one to assemble and disassemble. It's caliber 45 and M16 as part of our training.
Yeah, legit guns. Did you ever win the dissemble/assemble contest?
Just among my buddies, well losing means punishment 😆.
Unlimited military exercises
I am army reservist, so learned how to assemble and fire
It seemed like suicide at first, 😂.
Humans are very attached to things to the point that they come to define and control us. Suffering for something material that we lost or decided to let go of is quite common. The things that accompany us mean a lot if they have been part of good times. And if we have something that reminds us of a bad moment, sometimes we even think of keeping it just so we don't forget that we don't have to be there again. It's complicated. The ideal would be not to tie ourselves to anything. Only to ourselves, who in the end are the main link in our entire trajectory. Nothing happens if we are not present. hahaha.... Well, I'll be around. Take care of your arsenal.
Yeah, someone just wrote a comment in reply on this post about that telling me off for it, I responded of course.
Anyway, isn't it funny what people see. The title could just as easily refer to me leaving Hive for good, but people see a gun and jump to conclusions.
Leaving Hive at a good time is like suicide too.
I have a 30/30 that I sold a while ago to a friend of mine so his daughter could take it hunting. It was a pretty sweet lever action rifle the kind they shoot from the hip with in the hold westerns. I never go hunting anymore, but I still kind of miss that gun. It was fun to shoot and even though I know it went to a good home, I'm a bit sad (even though it's been 15 years now).
I've never had a 30/30, always had other rifles that did the same thing, but I've shot and hunted with many of them and enjoyed it. They can be fired quite rapidly and I never minded peep sights.
I had a scope on mine, but I had to put and extension on the hammer because the scope got in the way. I think about the only time I shot it was to sight it in and that was it.
I've used them with scopes too, easier, but I enjoyed the open sight shooting, made me feel like a cowboy from the wild west.
It is interesting how we regret getting rid of something we no longer use. I would be interested in the psychology of this.
Yeah, I use this thing a lot, it's just that I have so many others and it makes sense to streamline. I'm selling another also, and will replace the two with one. I'll still regret selling them as I have with every gun I've had and moved on.
One thing I regret selling was my phone a Vivo brand. I was broke a little bit then in my first year in the university so I sold it one of the dry cleaners at a cheap rate. But then I did regret later for selling the phone at a cheap amount . Also the phone had some special features that the other phone i was using didn't have.
But then after all those shenanigans I still got myself a new Samsung A13 mobile phone which is what I have been using from then to now.
Yeah, some pur a high priority on phones. Fortunately you were able to get another one.
Does crypto count? 🙂
Well, if it's something you sold and regretted then yeah, I'd say it does.
I didn't regret selling, but rather that I didn't choose the right moment 😂
And more than once.
That's why I moved away from the daily opening of charts and trading and sailed into this relaxing, creative Hive world.
Back to the topic🙂
As a kid, I collected cartoons.
There was also a great time with music on that trip, but regret for the comic book collection remains to this day. Then I collected and owned a complete collection of Mister No ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister_No ) but I succumbed to the pressure of a friend and sold it, in order to have money to buy a portable cassette player for a trip we went on...
Good afternoon and best wishes. Quite an interesting article and I love looking at that gun
The story of guns! Anyway, it's your field and you are familiar with them. I fear guns
People tend to fear what they don't understand. You should probably fear the person holding the gun more than the gun itself because it's the person who operates it, the gun is simply the tool, like a hammer. Fearing an inanimate object doesn't make a lot of sense.
The story of guns! Anyway, it's your field and you are familiar with them. I fear guns.
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I need to visit Australia sometimes........perhaps a boxing day test match!
It'd be good to see you down here mate, I'd go to the test with you! The only problem with coming to Australia is that it's so big. People think they can see all the good stuff but unless one wants to spend a long, long time here that's not possible. Still, if someone wants to target a few things then it's all good.
Oh I know, we have operations out of Perth which is world apart from you :)
It will happen someday. My list is growing steadily both for people and places.
I think people don't understand the vast distances here, and the fact that there's nothing in between; you obviously do. I've had people say they're coming over for a week and want to see the forests of Tasmania, the Great Barrier Reef, the red centre, Sydney, Melbourne and so on...I'm like, nope.
I have one of those lists too and mine grows as well. I'm hoping to work on it some more in the future.
If you knew me you'd not have written your opening statements, but you don't know me so you have. It's ok. I could say, it's not cool to leap to conclusions but that's pointless because I don't know who you are and what experiences you've had.
In respect of suicide, if you have been following my account for seven and a half years and read the many posts I've shared on the topic, based on real world events, my work with military veterans and the fact I've lost many mates to suicide, you'd have some more perspective but, of course, you have not and never will.
So, it's ok that you have your opinion and feel that what I did was not cool...because I know why I did it and a lifetime of history in respect of what I have personally done, and experienced; things others will never understand, yourself included.
So, whether you think something I did was cool or not is here nor there in the grand scheme of things.