PostsCommentsPayoutsglimpsytips cross-posted @silviared945/journey-through-time-and-history-exploring-the-piaggio-museum-in-pontederasilviared945 (76)in Worldmappin • last year"Journey Through Time and History: Exploring the Piaggio Museum in Pontedera"Hello dear friends, Today, I want to share a post a bit different from the usual. I'm someone who appreciates art and culture, but when I introduced myself to this community, I…glimpsytips cross-posted @hispapro/power-up-with-hispaup-turbocharge-d1555e27fd573hispapro (76)Selfvoterzin HiveVenezuela • last yearPower Up with HispaUP: Turbocharge Your Hive Experience [ESP // ENG]Nos complace saludarlos nuevamente. // We are pleased to greet you again. Esperamos que se encuentren bien y tengan las energías recargadas para este año 2024. Esta es otra…glimpsytips cross-posted @steemychicken1/btc-spot-etf-approved-now-off-to-the-next-narrativesteemychicken1 (79)Selfvoterzin LeoFinance • last yearBtc Spot Etf Approved Now Off To The Next NarrativeThe BTC spot ETF has finally been approved. Not one, not two, but 11 ETFs were approved yesterday. Here is the list of the approved ETFs: Blackrock's iShares Bitcoin Trust…glimpsytips cross-posted @xels/er-kommtxels (74)Selfvoterzin #deutsch • last yearEr kommt!!Hallo Hiver! Nun ist es also raus, der Bitcoin ETF kommt! Die SEC gab gestern Abend um kurz nach 22Uhr unserer Zeit grünes Licht. Dem Kurs konnte man das bisher noch…glimpsytips cross-posted @biologistbrito/dptrjtktbiologistbrito (73)Selfvoterzin Drone • last yearFirst visit to the beach 🌻🚙/ Primera visita a la playa 🚩🌊 (En-Es)▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello friends! I feel completely excited because today we are all gathered as a family and it is the only day of the year where we can all share…glimpsytips cross-posted @hypeuser/skate-hype-weekly-roundup-01-01-2024-07-01-2024hypeuser (62)Selfvoterzin Skate Hype • last yearSkate Hype Weekly Roundup 01/01/2024 - 07/01/2024Total number of posts in 14679 (83 new last week) Total registered users in 5967 (6 new last week) Total registered users with a Hive account connected to app…glimpsytips cross-posted @kathyto/2b01b3ea372c6kathyto (72)Selfvoterzin HIVE CN 中文社区 • last year大埔終於考完試了,是時候玩一下整個聖誕假期我都不敢飛到外地旅遊,唯一的原因就是大寶聖誕假期後就馬上考試,雖然我知道去旅遊都只是五、六天的事,可是我也覺得我們要好好的準備,所以就沒飛了!昨天是最後一天考試,考完試之後,我們便馬上和同學仔到遊戲室輕鬆一下!!考完試大家聚在一起玩,真是特別開心!!…glimpsytips cross-posted @darth-cryptic/genealogy-richard-m-roberts-1821darth-cryptic (63)Selfvoterzin #genealogy • last yearGenealogy: Richard M. Roberts (1821-1871)I'm experimenting with posting some random bits of my genealogy research here with the goal of eventually creating a linked family tree on Hive. You can see the index here.…glimpsytips cross-posted @crisch23/el-piercing-de-mi-hijacrisch23 (74)Selfvoterzin Tattoo World 🌎 • last yearEl Piercing de mi hija en el ombligo [Esp-Eng]Inicio de año con muchos cambios, no solo en mi vida sino en la única, joven y al parecer muy inventadora hija, pues desde hacer mucho tiempo venía utilizando muchos argumentos…glimpsytips cross-posted @taskmaster4450/stakeholder-capitaliism-what-is-it-and-why-is-cryptocurrency-already-solving-ittaskmaster4450 (85)Selfvoterzin LeoFinance • last yearStakeholder Capitaliism: What Is It And Why Is Cryptocurrency Already Solving ItOver the next few years, we are going to hear the phrase "stakeholder capitalism" start to be tossed around. This is a concept that is not fully developed yet will be discussed…glimpsytips cross-posted @aliento/eyofjdzbaliento (75)Selfvoterzin Aliento • last year🔵 Reporte Semanal de Redes Sociales▶️ Watch on 3Speak Muy buenas querida comunidad, como corresponde todos los lunes, les presentamos nuestro reporte de redes sociales. Hello dear community, as…glimpsytips cross-posted @roadstories/366-days-with-liketu-a-day-of-visiting-and-shopping-8-366roadstories (77)Selfvoterzin Liketu • last year366 days with Liketu: A day of visiting and shopping (8/366)Hola chicos, de vuelta a Liketu a ver si está vez me deja publicar. Pues la última vez por más que intente nada, supongo que había problemas con los nodos. Mis fotos a…glimpsytips cross-posted @uadigger/monomad-winter-forest-s6wo4fuadigger (72)Selfvoterzin Black And White • last yearMONOMAD - Winter forestThis is my entry for the #monomad challenge. Category:Photography Camera:Nikon d80 Lens:Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 Software:Capture One 21 Location:Carpathians (Ukraine)glimpsytips cross-posted @yusaymon/fpzvydlvyusaymon (71)Selfvoterzin Music Zone • last year🌍 Hive Music festival Week 64 Round 1 [Kudai - Lejos de Aqui COVER 💖 [ENG/SPA]▶️ Watch on 3Speak ¡Emocionado de ser parte de la Semana 64 del Festival de Música Hive! ¡Ronda 1! 💃 Esta vez, acepté el desafío de hacer una versión de un éxito de…glimpsytips cross-posted @abh12345/2023-the-year-i-started-circus-trainingabh12345 (80)Selfvoterzin #balance • last year2023: The Year I Started Circus Training 😵The colder seas have pushed paddleboarding to the back-burner for the past few months and so I've wanted to find some other activities to learn, which primarily would help with…glimpsytips cross-posted @hetty-rowan/skippers-new-years-resolutionshetty-rowan (75)Selfvoterzin Hive Pets • last yearSkipper's New Year's ResolutionsA Step in the Right Direction The new year has started, and I have already written a blog about my goals this year. I haven't so much made resolutions as I have set goals that…glimpsytips cross-posted @hdmed/welcome-to-the-hive-ofhdmed (68)Selfvoterzin FreeCompliments • last yearWelcome to the Hive of Complexities! Greetings, fellow explorers of the digital frontier! Today, we venture beyond the surface of Hive, a platform buzzing with potential, but also humming with hidden intricacies.…glimpsytips cross-posted @trumpman/scientific-mash-up-1-trumpman (81)Selfvoterzin STEMGeeks • last yearScientific Mash Up #1 As you may have noticed from my posts, I love sharing the occasional scientific study that piques my interest. In reality, there's a lot of stuff that do that, so instead of…glimpsytips cross-posted @tumutanzi/2am7me-vcardtumutanzi (72)Selfvoterzin HIVE CN 中文社区 • last yearVCard万事达实体卡取现体验:费率太高上次提到 虚拟卡VCard的实体银行卡 ,在官方的赞助下,我确实 成功拿到了一张实体卡 。 终于等到它开放取现功能,于是我找了一个时机去体验一下取现。…glimpsytips cross-posted @risingstargame/todays-rising-star-giveaways-saturday-6-januaryrisingstargame (73)Selfvoterzin Rising Star Game • last yearToday's Rising Star Giveaways (Saturday 6 January)It's great to see so many players running giveaways and competitions and we thought we would produce a concise list each day so you know which ones are currently active and can…