gravis18 (51)in Hive Gaming • last yearHere are some advantages of the Spielmesse Essen: Eng/DeuDie Spielmesse in Essen ist die weltweit größte Publikumsmesse für Gesellschaftsspiele. Sie findet jedes Jahr im Oktober in Essen statt und dauert vier Tage. Die Messe ist ein Treffpunkt für Spieler ausgravis18 (51)in Foodies Bee Hive • last yearHokkaido pumpkin soup with croutons.-Deutsch: 800 g Hokkaidokürbis(se), geputzt gewogen 600 g Möhre(n), geschält gewogen 1 Stück(e) Ingwer, ca. 5 cm lang 2 EL Sesam Öl 1 Liter Gemüsebrühe 500 ml…gravis18 rebloggedaljif7 (67)(1)in Actifit • last yearMy Actifit Report Card: October 3 2023Hello Cryptoworld! Yesterday Monday I forgot yo post. And with my busy day today i even didn’t do it with the Yesterday tag of Actifit. I still saw the extraordinary light…gravis18 rebloggedarchonapp (63)in Archon • last yearArchonTribe 106: News, Winners, Rewards, And Contests!Here are the news, contests, winners, and rewards for the best content from the ArchonTribe-powered communities! gravis18 rebloggedpixresteemer (70)memberin Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoThe Re-Hive Contest - Results Week 174 & Start Week 175The results of last week contest...gravis18 rebloggeddigi-me (76)Contest Masterin StreetArt • 2 years agoRE: CCC's Street Art Contest #162 | 🎁 : 100% Liquid Payout and Ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #161Next edition remember to post you participation in the comments, il leave it here for you this time :)gravis18 (51)in Photography Lovers • 2 years agoCCC's Street Art ContestThe photo was taken in the streets of Dublin. We strolled through some beautiful side streets, and I found it in one of them. 🥳☺️ ————————————————— I'd like to share a few…gravis18 rebloggedmelinda010100 (78)in StreetArt • 2 years agoStreet Art Contest-Round 161My entry for ccc-s Street Art Contest #161 Andersonville is a quiet neighborhood in Chicago with a Swedish heritage that is evident in the restaurants and bakeries.…gravis18 rebloggeddigi-me (76)Contest Masterin StreetArt • 2 years agoCCC's Street Art Contest #162 | 🎁 : 100% Liquid Payout and Ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #161Happy hello everyone and welcome! 😃😃 There were so many great portraits this time, enjoy! With 11 participants here are the winners of edition 161. And thank you very much for…gravis18 rebloggedstarthilfe (72)in Deutsch D-A-CH • 2 years ago#952 Diese Beiträge brauchen eure Unterstützung! Aufruf zum Voten!Liebe D-A-CH - Community, mit der Beitragsreihe "Aufruf zum Voten" möchte ich auf Artikel aufmerksam machen, die kurz vor der Auszahlung stehen und meiner Meinung nach unterbewertet sind. Dagravis18 rebloggedmelinda010100 (78)in Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoRE: Dragons are predators that capture their prey in flight, using Lovely shadows, or reflections? It's hard to tell! !DHEDGEgravis18 rebloggeddhedge (56)in Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoRE: Dragons are predators that capture their prey in flight, using This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @melinda010100! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s): -…gravis18 rebloggedaljif7 (67)(1)in Actifit • 2 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 17 2023Hello Cryptoworld! Today Sunday i was busy as usually with my two classes. In one of my transport i took the tramway, I think it’s the most cute transport, in addition to the…gravis18 rebloggedstarthilfe (72)in Deutsch D-A-CH • 2 years ago#948 Diese Beiträge brauchen eure Unterstützung! Aufruf zum Voten!Liebe D-A-CH - Community, mit der Beitragsreihe "Aufruf zum Voten" möchte ich auf Artikel aufmerksam machen, die kurz vor der Auszahlung stehen und meiner Meinung nach unterbewertet sind. Dagravis18 (51)in Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoDragons are predators that capture their prey in flight, using Dragons are an order of insects that comprise approximately 5,000 species worldwide. In Central Europe, there are around 85 species . These creatures typically have a…gravis18 rebloggedcatharsis (68)Verified India in Hive Learners • 2 years agoEffects of Civilization On Us.Image made using Canva. Civilization is the improvement in social, technological, and quality of life for the people. Civilization has a positive effect on us for sure…gravis18 rebloggedtaskmaster4450 (85)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoPayPal: Crypto to USD Conversion Feature▶️ Watch on 3Speak PayPal is really moving into crypto in a big way. In this video I discuss how PayPal is stepping things up in a big way with cryptocurrency. It…gravis18 rebloggedhive-161465 (68)Blockchain Poetsin Blockchain Poets • 2 years agoBlockchain Poets ~ Week in Review for Aug 28 to Sep 11 ~ AMAZING Poems ~ Hive SBI Winners, PIMP winners, tooHello, poets and poetry lovers! Well this is going to be a double-sized issue today. As you might have noticed, I didn’t do a weekly review last week. My apologies. Last week was…gravis18 rebloggedmelinda010100 (78)in Ecency • 2 years ago Top 10 on the Leaderboard win HIVE for engaging! Congratulations to this week's Ecency Champions! Thanks for helping keep the World of Hive turning with your engagement! @jmis101 used Waves to rocket to the top of this…gravis18 rebloggedtaskmaster4450 (85)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoSuccess 101; Standing Out From The Crowd▶️ Watch on 3Speak Most claim to want success. They say it is important to them yet their actions reveal just the opposite. Ultimately, they are lazy, small thinking…