hecheng rebloggediyouport (34)in #china • 7 years agoWhy do we want to emphasize the distinction between the "Beijing regime" and the "Chinese people?" 为什么我们要强调区分“北京政权”和“中国人”编者按:我们翻译这篇文章的目的是提醒一个始终存在的却被有意忽略的事实,即在海外的中国留学生中部分人的确有着爱国但不爱政府的立场,就如这篇文章中所指出的那样,但这件事始终少有人认可,尤其是不被中国人认可。这个话题在中国长期以来存在矛盾,而这些学生被贴上了“小粉红”的标签,被很多中国人所鄙视,被澳大利亚当地视为共产党的间谍来排斥,这就是为什么你看不到他们,或者看hecheng rebloggedsadekj (58)in #bitcoin • 8 years ago6 Big News in The Cryptocurrency WorldI have been in the cryptocurrency world for about a year. I have never seen such a week. Too many big news in a short time. The following is a summary of important news with…hecheng rebloggedkingscrown (81)in #bitcoin • 8 years agoWhat a week in crypto.. Im scared of what can come out tommorow!This is a short recap of just.. 3 days. If you want to know more about chosen topics use google or check my previous posts (most stuff is covered there as the story develops).…hecheng (34)in #cn • 8 years ago一朵未送出的玫瑰一朵未送出的玫瑰 靜靜藏在書桌櫃 不知如何處置呵 任它孤零地依偎 一朵未送出的玫瑰 花鮮葉翠 獨自綻放呵 哪管人際的是是非非 一朵未送出的玫瑰 花葉已然枯萎 過去的紛紜呵 留待明天回味hecheng (34)in #cn • 8 years ago马一浮先生诗注一首语小焉能破①,诗穷或易工②。 百年驹过隙③,万事水流东。 尚缓须臾死,因观毕竟空。 栋桡方欲折④,谁与问鸿蒙⑤。…hecheng (34)in #cn • 8 years ago日喀则旅途偶得(七绝)观天坐井在红朝 怎奈围墙如此高 世界潮流平荡荡 走出帝制靠吾曹hecheng rebloggedivanli (66)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoUse GitHub as Crypto Investor - ChainCoin Weakness - Programmer expalinsEnjoy guys! :=)hecheng rebloggedpivx (59)in #pivx • 8 years agoPIVXPress - July 19, 2017New episode of PIVXPress with Snappy please remember that the OFFICIAL PIVX Steemit account is looking for experienced Steemians to help manage our account, register you…hecheng (34)in #cn • 8 years ago历史的厚重——茨威格《昨日的世界》1942 年 2 月 22 日,茨威格因痛感于其精神故乡欧洲之自我毁灭,与妻子在巴西相拥自杀。读其遗书,不禁让我想起王国维,两者何其相似。 陈寅恪《王观堂先生挽词》曰: 凡一种文化值衰落之时,为此文化之人,必感苦痛,其表现此文化程量愈宏,则其所受之苦痛亦愈甚;迨既达极深之度,殆非出于自杀,无以求一己之心安而义尽也。…hecheng (34)in #cn • 8 years ago翻墙歌此墙非彼墙,此墙在网上 无形且无影,难知也难防 屏蔽天下事,使我如聋盲 用心阴且险,愚民在股掌 誓将翻此墙,冲决极权网 誓将拆此墙,世界任徜徉