PostsCommentsPayoutsholays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago西白杨沟一日游-回顾支教的生活一转眼,掐指一算,距离支教的日子已有5年之久。当我再次来到这个充满着感动的地方,它,还是那么的美。 这几棵树,我走的时候还是小孩子,现在都长大大小伙儿了,原来闲暇午后,坐在远处,风景写生的日子还历历在目。 我亲爱的故土,空儿了,我再来看你。holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago油画 树 Oil painting Tree树,蕴含着生命的灵气,也是我本次画作的灵感。整幅画先用熟褐色打底稿,再上大色调,区分明暗光线。细节方面,先从远景树开始画,同时需注意虚实关系,最后处理近处的树木花草。 Tree, mother of the nature, this painting is one way I am showing my respect to our great…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago狗年贺喜: 火烈鸟过年了,红火一点,火烈鸟前来祝福。整幅画先是用铅笔起形型,之后用朱红色水彩先打底色,层层塑造后,用色块感来塑造羽毛。 在此,三木预祝各位新年快乐,狗年吉祥!holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago四年前的画作 Drawings from 4 years agoFew paintings I found from 2014, few sketches and watercolor painting filled up my past. 收拾画室,翻出几张4年前的画作,几张水彩与速写人物,记录着那些年的岁月。 Like my drawings,let me know…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago素描,水果静物 Still Drawing, Fruit教学席卷24小时,一天天过去,发现很久都没来steemit了。上周难得回去早,画了个基础的水果静物的素描,来缅怀下自己的素描和steemit的画作之旅。 Tiding up all day with school teaching, finally got some time and did a basic sketch of still…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago单色彩铅- 猫头鹰 Animal Illustration- Owl昨晚用单色彩铅画的猫头鹰,希望大家喜欢。十一的欢乐还在继续,三木在这里祝所有人十一快乐。 Hi everyone, welcome to check my latest drawing I did on 3rd,Ocr, present to you by Sanmu Art Studio. Like my…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #20 flowers原创生活钢笔速写系列 #20 路边的花大家好,我有段时间没有更新画了. 前面小孩儿开课,又逢校纪整改,经常外出听课,一直没空儿画,这是今天早上课间画的速写,路边的花。 hi,steemian,here is sketches I did this monring in the class break. Like my drawings,let me know…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago三木画室 Marry Queens 亲子蛋糕烘焙活动孩子上了一个暑假的课,也累了,为了让孩子们放松下,我和家长们商量后决定和周边的一个私人蛋糕定制坊来个亲子后动。一款哆啦a梦,一款芭比泡泡浴,好吃又好玩,亲子之间的配合真是亲密无间。孩子们的想象力真的是无穷的,这一次活动比较圆满,日后也会多举行这样的好玩的活动,让孩子们开心快乐的画画。…holays (57)in #cn • 7 years ago水彩,油画,素描,木刻版画——画作拍卖现有朋友的几幅画作,希望可以借助steemit平台来进行拍卖,所有作品均已裱框,有喜欢的朋友可以联系我。 我的微信id是able6666,联系电话为 +(86)15899484917. 油画作品 国画,盏花仕女图 水彩 素描 木刻版画holays (57)in #cn • 8 years ago午后,喝茶画画 Cup of tea,drawing in a lazy afternoon喝茶,画画,对抗盛夏。 cup of tea,a drawing board,simple afternoon. Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy to hear from each one of you.holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #19 Landscape -3 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #19 风景速写-3hi all,this is landscape drawing I did on 5th of August. 大家好,这是我8月5号画的风景速写,以下是我的绘画步骤。 Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy to hear from each one of you.holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #18 Landscape -2 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #17 风景速写-2hi all,this is landscape sketching I did on 4th of August. 大家好,这是8月4日画的钢笔风景速写。 Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy to hear from each one of you.holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #17 Still drawing of Fruit-3 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #17 水果静物-3Still drawings of fruit,a bottle of bear,nice time to ketch up with friends. 新画了两张水果静物,啤酒水果我这里都有,可以约画哈。 Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy to…holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #16 Landscape -1 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #16 风景速写 1hi all,I will do landscape sketching occasionaly.This is drawing I did on 21st of July . 大家好,时不时的我会用美工钢笔用速写的形式来呈现身边的风景,花草树木,山川河流。这是7月21号的画。 Like my drawings,let me…holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #15 Fruit-2 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #15 水果静物-2Still drawings of fruits. Say goodbye to show time from wechat moments. 朋友圈儿们都是大家在晒吃吃喝喝,这么热的天吃多了不消化,我还是画画水果吧。 Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy…holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #14 Fruit 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #14 水果静物Still drawing of fruit on my table,in honor of this crazy summer. 我桌上的水果静物,用以纪念这个酷暑。 Like my drawings,let me know how you feel,I will be happy to hear from each one of you.holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #13 Lonely Dog 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #13 一只趴着的单身狗I don't have a dog but I 'm lucky enough to see many lonely dogs on the street. You know what I mean,right? I mean those single man ,I am one of them. Weather is like a hell…holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoPortrait painting- Old man 人物油画,老人Last week,I finished a new oil painting of an old man. I didn't know his man,sometimes I saw him on the street selling juice,everytime I saw him he was smiling. It's an oil…holays (57)in #cn • 8 years agoOriginal Life sketching Series #12 Summer 原创生活钢笔速写系列 #12 清爽夏日Weather is getting crazy these days,did a oil painting of a lake and new sketches. Hopefully you spending the good summer safely.…holays (57)in #art • 8 years agoSummer painting Course #4 Powder painting -immitation copper painting,Dinosaur 暑假绘画班 # 4仿铜手工, 孩子们的恐龙化石出土啦Course for today is immitation copper painting. We use the super light mud in the production process, produce with black super first please.For the shape of the dinosaurs,we…