PostsCommentsPayoutsinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 4 days agoA Little Bit of LuckSometimes I sit down to play and win one game after another. Other times I sit down and lose one game after another. I've been trying to find a pattern to it. But after a lot of research, I've come toinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 7 days agoMy End of SeasonActually, it's pointless to write anything here. The pictures say it all. But one has a need to brag. I was lucky at the end of this season. I got sick. So I had time to play. I missed fewer draws thaninsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 9 days agoMission Accomplished!I set a goal before each season. The longer I play, the more realistic my goals become. I play for two accounts. The other I "inherited" from my son. He got tired of the game. I'm pointing toinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 14 days agoA Small Step for MankindBut it's a big step for me. I'm sure you've heard that somewhere. Even if it didn't sound exactly the same. This news won't make the headlines, but this season I finally made it to Silver II. Five daysinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 16 days agoThe Other AccountThis account, @insanejane, describes a play of two gamers. I wrote about the @krakonos account three days ago. Today I will write about the other one, @kraki. My son played with the @kraki account. Butinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 19 days agoMy Progress in this SeasonThis account, @insanejane, describes a play of two gamers. @krakonos and @kraki. Father and son. Only the son got tired of the game, so the father plays manually for both accounts. When he has time. Iinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 22 days agoI Write to Myself, 60th SeasonIt's unbelievable that the 60th season of Splinterlands ended yesterday. I started playing the game at first. Then I stopped believing in it. But I came back to the game again. I haven't played in sixinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 24 days agoToo Many MatchballsThis season I set a goal to advance to Silver I. I succeeded. On about the 30th try. I needed to get the prestige of 1600 points. Really, about 30 times I had 1580 or 1560 points. And nothing. It wasn'tinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • last monthSlow Progress, but ProgressVčera...insanejane (53)in #splinterlands • last monthNew SeasonI have made it my mission to play this game more often this season. So far, I'm succeeding. But that doesn't mean I'm going to play every possible move. I managed to advance to the Silver League in oneinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • last monthElapsed SeasonI made little time for the game. The results are consistent with that. I made it to the Silver II League. I've only made 11,354 glints this entire season. So this is my profit for 14 days of play. Is thatinsanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 2 months agoOn the Way to the GoalAfter a while, I went back to playing. In the beginning, defeat followed defeat. But during the third season, I remembered how to play the game again. I'm not saying that I'm…insanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 2 months agoUnexpected successThis is my special account for Splinterlands, where I write about the game of players @krakonos and @kraki. I have set a goal to reach Bronze I this season. How are you doing…insanejane (53)in #splinterlands • 2 months agoThe plan has been met and exceededOn this account I will be posting the results of the @krakonos and @kraki accounts. Both accounts otherwise write about something different and have their own followers. The…insanejane (53)in #cesky • 4 months agoTak jsme si nechali zabít Ferdinanda!Paní Müllerová to řekla trochu jinak. Mimochodem původní výrok ("Tak nám zabili Ferdinanda!") svědčí o tom, jak se tato dobrá rakouská občanka identifikovala s mocnářstvím. Stejně jako většinainsanejane (53)in #czfoto • 5 months agoKapitáne, kam s tou lodí?To bylo první, co mě napadlo spatřiv toto plavidlo u našeho domu. (Kdyby tisíc klarinetů, píseň Pavlíny Filipovské. Minutová předehra...) Starší známe. Mladší... Proč by měli? Tak ono nestačí, že se vinsanejane (53)in #czech • 5 months agoNávštěva botanické zahrady za účelem fotografování a jaká ponauční jsem si vyvodilKdo víno má a nepije, kdo hrozny má a nejí je, kdo ženu má a nelíbá, kdo zábavě se vyhýbá, na toho vemte bič a hůl, to není člověk, to je vůl. “ (Jan Werich)insanejane (53)in #czech • 5 months agoKřehká krása domovních znamení IIPíšu II. díl série, která mě opravdu baví... Kdybyste náhodou nezhlédli I. díl, zde odkaz: Tak tedy tentokrát u mě skoro doma, v Troji. Bydlím tu od roku 1995. A už tehdy jsem si všiml mozaik, které dnesinsanejane (53)in #czech • 5 months agoKřehká krása domovních znameníDomovní znamení... Máme tenhle termín spojený se středověkem. Josef II. zavedl, mimo dalších asi 7.000 novot, také číslování domů. A znamení se naráz stala zbytečnými. Nebo ne? Rozhodně vznikala a snadinsanejane (53)in #cesky • 5 months agoPel-melTak můj názor se zase vyvinul... Dovolím si zas pro jednou použít #cesky. Takových několik bodů. 1.Přestal jsem používat klasický překladač, ať už Google Translator, nebo Zkouším k překladům