jamesesso rebloggedmirooo92 (40)in Education & Training • 3 years agoFiche conceptuel sur "Le plastique"🧐🧐🤓👌Challenge :Fiche conceptuelle didactique Ma fiche conceptuelle sur le plastique . • Cette fiche a été crée via l'interface wiki de "Didaquest" 🎯Source d'image Une…jamesesso rebloggedmedhistoire (25)in Education & Training • 3 years agoBeauty of nature 🌷🌼🌻😍😍😍🤩🍀🍀🌺🌺🌺I hope you're all well and happy. I couldn't get past these amazing images of sunset -- it's really great -- 🌹🏵☺😍🤩🤩🌴🌿🌳🍀🍀🌷🌼🌻🌻🌺🌺💐💐 Sunset may seem like…jamesesso rebloggededward92 (25)in Regional Press • 3 years agoYes do it 🤛✊👍💪🙂🙂💐💐🌸🌸HELLO HIVERS 😍😍💗💗💗💗💝💮🌸💐💐 I wish all the best for all members of hive community . I want to give you this advice : Confuse them with your silence. Shock them with your actions .jamesesso rebloggedrambirro (25)in Regional Press • 3 years agoDeep mentality🙂😎Hello hivers 🤩😍💐💐💐💐🌸🌸💮💮💮 I hope you have a very good day full of happines and love . Let thruth be the authority.jamesesso rebloggedfetounna90 (25)in Regional Press • 3 years agoCitation Mario_benedetti💮💮💮garder l'espoir😍😍🤩💐💐🌸L'espoir est la dernière chose qui meurt Mario Benedetti _extrait du ""No te rendas"" ((N'abondonne pas ,car la vie c'est ça ,continuer le voyage ,poursuivre tes…jamesesso rebloggedsarrasi3 (29)in Education & Training • 3 years agoNever give up 🙏👍👍👍💪It’s when I think it’s the end of everything that it may be the beginning of something else...🤓😊😊😍 C'est quand je pense que c'est la fin de tout que c'est peut etre le début d'autre chose...jamesesso rebloggedcelinebnto (33)in Regional Press • 3 years ago🌈 **Challenge de la communauté Regional Press** Ma participation au "Challenge: Video de nouvel an 2022" [Challenge guideline in English](/hive-184127/@hive-184127/challenge-top-video-nouvel -an) Challenge…jamesesso rebloggedsiwarfato (25)in Education & Training • 3 years agoBe optimistic 😍😎😊😊your kind is powerful 💪💪💪✊👏Fill your mind with positives thoughts And your life will Start to change Toghether we life 💪💪💪🤗😍jamesesso rebloggedparung76 (60)in #photography • 3 years agoThe beauty of the view of the city of Bogor in the afternoonHello everyone..... Hivers friends all. How are you this weekend? The second day in 2022 coincides with a weekend holiday. I hope Hivers friends have a pleasant holiday and…jamesesso rebloggedgodfish (76)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoÁvilaÁvila is the most elevated municipality in Spain (1,132 m) and I definitely felt like in mountains once I left the bus that took us there. You may have heard about the city for…jamesesso rebloggedtheorosa (57)in Natural Medicine • 3 years agomedicinal herbHello & Namaste! Today I am going to tell you about some such weeds which also have some medicinal properties. Nature is like a treasure, in which every thing present has its…jamesesso rebloggedanimal-shelter (79)in Hive Pets • 3 years agoHappy Birthday, Romashka!My real friend. Very calm, confident and obedient, she helps me to relieve some stress and relax during our walks in the forest or in the field. She accompanies me on many…jamesesso rebloggedeolianpariah (64)in #bnwphotography • 3 years agoblack and white photography challenge #94Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge: • Black and white images that represent any positive meaning in life. • Present one or two images every day. • You…jamesesso rebloggedtrincowski (71)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoHappy New Year! ⛄Good evening, fellow bees! Here's a quick post to wish all of you a great celebration with your family and friends and also a excellent new year. After the disaster of the past…jamesesso rebloggedriz611 (74)Turni Authorin BDCommunity • 3 years agoA New Year & The Same Old Life"hope for the best, prepare for the worst"jamesesso rebloggedkivenriro3 (31)in Regional Press • 3 years agoHow to be a successful person !!😀Hello hivers ..💓💓💓😍 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 💓💓🎅🎅🤶🤶🤩🌹🌹🌹🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🍰🍰🍬🍸🍹🍷🎄🎄🎄🎄🎉🎉🎁🎁🎁🎁🎆🎇🎉🛷🛷♥️🎄🎄🎄 I WISH FROM MY HEART YOU ACCEPT MY ADVICE FOR…jamesesso rebloggedmiladmidou (14)in Education & Training • 3 years agoLes noms des roches Roches effusives, extrusives ou volcaniques: Andésite Basalte Carbonatite Dacite Ignimbrite Obsidienne Phonolite Ponce Rhyolite Trachyte Tuf volcanique **Roches…jamesesso rebloggedronaldoo3 (28)in Regional Press • 3 years agoBeautiful tunisia😎😎😎😎😍🤩Southern Tunisia Hello everyone , i wish all of you are fine 😚🤗😎🤨 today i present for you a very amazing place in this world that's really deserved to be visited :** it…jamesesso rebloggedpapilloncharity (81)memberin Feathered Friends • 3 years agoA sunbird and a white-eye.Now what could a sunbird and a white-eye have in common? Well for one, they both drink out of our water bottle at the same time. It's been a long and tough year for all of…jamesesso rebloggedgalenkp (83)in #food • 3 years agoPizza...by meI would never win an award for not loving pizza. - Dwayne Johnson - A few weeks ago I wrote a post about my search for a pizza oven for my home. I found one I liked…