PostsCommentsPayoutsjohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoJAIMITO AND MAMAFUENTEIt arrives all bit bored to the house because they made a lot of bullin, and the mother asks daddy why that face, he answers jaimito, they say consented to me, that I am…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoJAIMITO Y MAMAFUENTEla mama le pregunta papito por que esa cara, le responde jaimito, me dicen consentido, que soy muy consentido, y nose por que mama, la mama le responde pero mire a la cara…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE BAKERFUENTEYou know which is the height of a baker, and it is not that the son gets a roscon, but that the woman for a churoo, jajajajajajajajajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL PANADEROFUENTEUstedes saben cuale es colmo de un panadero, y no es que el hijo le salga un roscon, si no que la mujer lo por un churoo,jajajajajajajajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE TEACHERFUENTEAll the happy people come to tell their beloved mama, mami mami, I see that in the biology class I am the person who knows the most, and also the tallest person, and his…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL PROFEFUENTELlega samuelito todo contento a desirle a su querida mamita, mami mami mira que en la clase de bilogia soy la persona que mas sabe a y tambien la persona mas alta, y su…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoA CHICKFUENTEOnce a chick I said pio-pio, another chick answered with a pao-pao, and pun lo MATO, hahahahahajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoUN POLLITOFUENTEUna vez que un pollito le dije pio-pio, otro pollito le contesta con un pao-pao, y pun lo MATO, jajajajajajajajohnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoMommy mommyFUENTEMother, mama, look at me in the streets of the town telling me all facebook, and the mother all comomedora answers, to have child and because they tell you that, something…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoMAMA, MAMAFUENTEMadre, mama mira qu en la calles del pueblo me estan diciendo todo disque facebook, y la madre toda conmomedora le contesta, haber hijito y porque te dicen eso, algo…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPassing heatFUENTEIn a street in Barcelona two people, each with their help canes, because both were blind, but the most tremendous is that both hiban drenched in sweat by the heat he was…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPASANDO CALORFUENTEEn una calle de Barcelona van dos personas, cada una con sus bastones de ayuda, pues ambas eran ciegas, pero lo mas tremendo es que ambas hiban empapadas de sudor por la…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoREQUESTING THE CELL PHONEFUENTEI was pablo trying to ask the cell phone to a very beautiful woman, who throws himself to ask for it, and said thus: olle pretty girl you tell me your cell phone, she…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoPIDIENDO EL CELULARFUENTEEstaba pablo tratando de pedirle el celular a una mujer muy hermosa, asta que se lanza a pedirselo, e le dijo asi: olle niña bonita me dices tu celular, ella le contesta…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoTHE CHAMPO AND THE LAVAPLATOSFUENTETwo very fat friends are arguing and chubby A says to B, I will not continue using the same call, in the bottle says body and volume, you know that's what makes me fat, the…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoEL CHAMPO Y EL LAVAPLATOSFUENTEDos amigos muy gorditos estan discutiendo y el gordito A le dice al B, ya no seguire usando el mismo chamo, en la frasco dice da cuerpo y volumen, sabes eso es lo que me…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoSOMETHING OF ENGLISHFUENTEThe English teacher in class tells jaimito to come to the front to present his exam, jaimito happens and the teacher asks, have jaimito tell me tell me how to say party in…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 7 years agoALGO DE INGLESFUENTELa profesora de ingles en clase le dice a jaimito que pasara al frente a presentar su examen , jaimito pasa y la profe le pregunta , haber jaimito digame digame como se…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 8 years agoEL PROFEFUENTELlega samuelito todo contento a desirle a su querida mamita, mami mami mira que en la clase de bilogia soy la persona que mas sabe a y tambien la persona mas alta, y su…johnathanmoca (44)in #writing • 8 years agoGOOGLE VS YAHOOFUENTE Acontinuacion a joke out of category, a man tells a woman, hears your name you google, she says not how you think, he responds because he has everything I seek my love…