ajolote (66)MascotaPetin Aliento • last yearRE: Un poco sobre lo que ha significado el 2023 para mi // A little bit about what 2023 has meant to me¡Hola @! Te saluda Ajolote, un integrante del Proyecto Aliento. 👋🏼 De parte del equipo de Aliento , nos complace leer que superaste esos momentos difíciles en tu vida y…hivewatchers (72)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: .There is reasonable evidence that this article is machine-generated. Posting such content is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the…ajolote (66)MascotaPetin Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Sobre como pude reconectar con una pasión olvidada // On how I was able to reconnect with a forgotten passion.¡Hola @kafkasaurio! Te saluda Ajolote, un integrante del Proyecto Aliento. 👋🏼 Que interante visión de vida y experiencias las que has acumulado, independientemente del…hivebuzz (74)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mi propio efecto mariposa // My own butterfly effectDear @kafkasaurio,Your support for the current HiveBuzz proposal (#199) is much appreciated but the proposal will expire soon!May we ask you to review and support the new…hivebuzz (74)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mira a tu alrededor Ted, estas solo // Look around Ted, you´re all alone Congratulations @kafkasaurio! You received a personal badge! Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 1 year! You can view your badges on your board and…arcange (78)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mi carrera me cambio la vida // My career changed my lifeMuchas gracias por su apoyo @kafkasaurio, es muy apreciado. 👍erikah (81)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mi carrera me cambio la vida // My career changed my lifePlease make it a priority as that's the right thing to do and it's going to benefit you long term.wendy23 (70)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mira a tu alrededor Ted, estas solo // Look around Ted, you´re all alone Me encantó esa serie tmb ❤ aprendes mucho de la vida y reflexionas sobre la tuya al mismo tiempoarcange (78)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mi carrera me cambio la vida // My career changed my lifeDear @kafkasaurio,May I ask you to review and support the new proposal ( so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?You can support the new proposal (#240) on…erikah (81)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Mi carrera me cambio la vida // My career changed my lifeThere's a lot of truth in what you say here. It changes you and that is good. I can tell you from experience. I like that you focus on helping others, which is a way to give back…hivebuzz (74)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: El hombre que conquisto Alaska // The man who conquered AlaskaCongratulations @kafkasaurio! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s): You published more than 50…hivebuzz (74)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Integrar en vez de afrontar // Integrate rather than confrontCongratulations @kafkasaurio! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s): You received more than 3500…erikah (81)in Cervantes • 2 years agoRE: Integrar en vez de afrontar // Integrate rather than confrontWe all deal with grief in different ways and I don't think there's a recipe for how to do it. This is why each of us has to find that way alone. Obviously help can be provided by…yecier (66)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Una herencia muy bizarra // A very bizarre inheritanceHay algunas personas que se dejan cegar por la ambición y son capaces de cosas terribles, pero el karma llega de una forma u otra.hazeeljm (55)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Una herencia muy bizarra // A very bizarre inheritanceQue caso más extraño de verdad! Pero eso es una realidad, existen personas que se les abren la agallas y se desconocen, para mi es parte del comportamiento de algunos humanos…erikah (81)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Una herencia muy bizarra // A very bizarre inheritanceWhat a story :) Greed and stupidity. He has thought he could carry out his plan without being caught :)hivebuzz (74)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Viviendo en aleatorio // Living randomly Congratulations @kafkasaurio! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s): You received more than 3250…erikah (81)in Aliento • 2 years agoRE: Viviendo en aleatorio // Living randomly I'm sorry to hear about your family situation, however, it's a good thing you have had the strength to make a move and try to make your life better, which has proven to be…hivebuzz (74)in Cervantes • 3 years agoRE: Las sondas Voyager, y nuestro legado // The Voyager probes and our legacy Dear @kafkasaurio, we need your help!The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more…bereshit (49)in Movies & TV Shows • 3 years agoRE: How I Met Your Mother y la importancia de confiar en el camino I How I Met Your Mother and the importance of trusting the journey Hola! estoy empezando a ver esta serie,y me va gustando bastante! tu reflexion me dio mas ganas de verlo,la serie tiene mensajes positivos y reflexiones que te dejan pensando...…