khgm888888 (25)in #joke • 6 years ago這樣不過份吧......?!khgm888888 (25)in #youtube • 6 years ago如何从youtube 上面下载视频使用360浏览器,自带视频下载插件。 点击极速下载 3.点击解析, 4.选择清晰度下载 5.完成下载khgm888888 (25)in #picture • 6 years agops4 dual chargerkhgm888888 (25)in #anime • 7 years ago笑出腹肌七月番碧蓝之海,超级搞笑。khgm888888 (25)in #picture • 7 years agoso pitiful.a bird hiding from the rainingA bird outside the window, wet wet all over the body. so pitiful.khgm888888 (25)in #picture • 7 years agoCaribbean scenerykhgm888888 (25)in #picture • 7 years agoTyphoon Shanzhu landed in Shenzhenyesterday, the huge typhoon shanzhu attack shenzhen,big tree is torn.khgm888888 (25)in #sexy • 7 years agosexykhgm888888 (25)in #picture • 7 years agoalone in the nightkhgm888888 (25)in #harvest • 7 years agoHarvesting rice in countrysideNice day!!!! Rice is ripe in the countyside help Harvesting rice. Harvest season,Rural busy seasonkhgm888888 (25)in #japan • 7 years ago这家酒店几乎都由机器人服务,看完你想住一晚吗?如果你今天住进一家酒店,结果发现柜台接待你的不是“人”,而是恐龙、机器人这些东西…有没有一种进入科幻世界的感觉? 在日本就有一间名为Henn-na Hotel的酒店,中文又叫怪异饭店,既不主打豪华,也不主打食物有多好吃,他怪的地方在哪里呢?因为这间饭店中除了旅客,有90%的服务人员都是机器人。…khgm888888 (25)in #japan • 7 years ago琉璃光院琉璃光院应该是近两年来的新晋“网红”景点了。 为了保护作为文化财产的琉璃光院,一年仅开放2次让游客入内参观,分别为春天的新绿与秋天的枫红。虽然距离京都市区较远,但每次开放参观时总会吸引大批游人前往。 最佳观望场所当属书院的二楼,「瑠璃之庭」的景色反射到书院的桌板上,如同CG画面般将夏季的绿,深秋的红无限延伸...…khgm888888 (25)in #travel • 7 years ago日本情趣酒店长这样?!(未成年人禁止入内)情趣旅馆总是被贴上隐秘的标签 鲜少被人大肆评论 说起来还羞羞哒 可其实它们并不是小众的存在呢 据不完全统计,仅在日本就有将近4万家 平均每年有超过5亿人次拜访 (想想霓虹国一共才多少人...) 一般店家会标注 禁止未成人入内。 情趣旅馆 Love Hotel ラブホテル 跑来讲情趣酒店 第一次发车,好紧张~…khgm888888 (25)in #food • 7 years ago日本便利商店最受欢迎的10种美食,你最想尝试哪一种呢?大家对便利店的印象是什么?24H,能买到饮料、烟酒,有可以代缴费,总之功能是应有尽有。 日本便利店也会提供各式各样的米饭和面类,像是意大利面和乌龙面。以下是一些在日本的便利店能找到的美食。对于从未探访过日本的你,今天善游妹带你了解在日本便利店能找到的常见食物,一起来看一下吧。 1.意大利面 意大利面是很容易在便利店找到…khgm888888 (25)in #piece • 7 years agoRussian Army: US F-15 fighter jets attacked Syria with white phosphorus bombsThe Tass news agency and the Russian news agency quoted the Russian Ministry of Defense as saying that on the 8th local time, the US military sent two F-15 fighters to launch an…khgm888888 (25)in #cn • 7 years ago感受一片”枫“景吧!春赏樱,秋赏枫,应该是日本一年中最应景的两个郊游活动。日本人喜欢观察、感受四季的轮,并将其反映到自己的一生及日常生活中。日本本土文化更将赏红叶称之为“红叶狩”,“狩”并非狩猎之意,而是寻访之意,就是秋天在山林间观赏枫叶的活动。 北海道…khgm888888 (25)in #life • 7 years agoHappy every dayMorning, have a nice day!!!khgm888888 (25)in #photography • 7 years agoAmazing picture incredible momentThis is the incredible moment a seagull showed off some spectacular acrobatics - by flying upside down to steal a shrimp dinner right from the mouth of an egret. The unassuming…khgm888888 (25)in #hong • 7 years agoHongKong Victoria Harborkhgm888888 (25)in #photoshop • 7 years agoReduce variegation, using several steps to reduce the photo variegation techniques1/ Photographer Jimmy McIntyre has produced a short tutorial on how to remove video clutter from high ISO Settings: There is a limitation to this, however, which is that…