ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #actifit • 7 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 12 2018Taking and carrying Chinese parcels from the post today, working as a technical support at two places, return home to my hill... And only 5000 points... Meh... I have to bring…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #portraitcontest • 7 years agoSteemit Portrait Photography Contest Week 49 — Black And White — Entry 3 — Closer to GodOur @hadzijaz in a role of a priest during the shooting of the movie series “Nemanjići”, of a historical narrative. Category / КатегоријаBlack And White Settings /…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #vehiclephotography • 7 years agoJoyride [eng/срп] УживањеIt’s hard to decide who’s joy is greater: Of those men in the boat, or the guests of the cruise ship “MSC Musica” 😉 Тешко је одлучити ко више ужива: група у чамцу…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #goldenhourphotography • 7 years agoChinese Bridge [eng/срп] Кинески мостView of the Chinese bridge under construction in the Morača canyon, on the section of the Bar—Boljare highway, Montenegro. Поглед на кинески мост у изградњи у кањону…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #portraitcontest • 7 years agoSteemit Portrait Photography Contest Week 49 — Black And White — Entry 2 — BeautyYoung beauty among many kids behind the scene before the folk dance concert at the “Smederevo Autumn” business&tourist event, celebrating grapes and vine from this…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #foodphotography • 7 years agoFruits of the Fall [eng/срп] Плодови јесениThis is a usual sight at the main square during the business and tourist manifestation “Smederevo’s Autumn” — a lot of grapes on the stands, and other fruits of the…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoSmederevo’s Autumn [eng/срп] Смедеревска јесенYesterday this year's program of the business and tourist manifestation “Smederevo’s Autumn” ended with the final concert entitled “Smederevo, ancient city”. Within the program…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoTeamSerbia Photo SerbiaContest — Sorrow [eng/срп] Такмичење ТимaСрбија за најбољу фотографију — тугаSorrow Sorrow can have very different causes… Туга Туга може да има веома различите узроке… Category / КатегоријаSorrow Settings / ПоставкеISO3200, 22mm…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #portraitcontest • 7 years agoSteemit Portrait Photography Contest Week 49 — Black And White — Entry 1 — SarakeyThis is our @sarakey behind the scene before the folk dance concert at the “Smederevo Autumn” business&tourist event, celebrating grapes and vine from this region.…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoЦрногорска авантура, дан други (I део)[Text in English] Среда, 8. август 2018. била је одређена за прву посету Которском старом граду, изванредно живописном и јединственом примеру фортификационе архитектуре у…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoMontenegro Adventure, Day Two (Part I)[Текст на српском] Wednesday, Aug 8, 2018, was designated for the first visit to Kotor Old Town, wonderfully picturesque and unique sample of the fortification architecture in…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #goldenhourphotography • 7 years agoBoka Kotorska — Sunrise [eng/срп] Бока Которска — излазакLast week from our viewpoint at Boka Kotorska we watched the Sunset towards the northwest of the bay, and today we turn to the east in the early morning to see the first morning…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #informationwar • 7 years agoRoger Waters: Breaking the WallsThis man is not only a rock legend. His name is firmly attached to the golden era of Pink Floyd, when they achieved international success with the concept albums The Dark Side…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #sportsphotography • 7 years agoSurfboard and a Paddle [eng/срп] Даска за серф и веслоWhile you need very little for a good fun at the seaside, how would we name this sport, for which you need only surfboard and a paddle? И док је за добру забаву на…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #funny • 7 years agoCats vs. Dogs: Roll CallAs the old adage says — People are divided into two groups: those who divide people into groups and those who do not divide people into groups. Among the people who divide people…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoЦрногорска авантура, дан први (IV део)[Text in English] Уторак, 7. август 2018. године, први дан нашег пута увелико је одмакао од поднева. Пролазак кроз Подгорицу био је језиво сличан проласку крот Нови Београд.…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #photography • 7 years agoMontenegro Adventure, Day One (Part IV)[Текст на српском] Tuesday, Aug 7, 2018, first day of our journey has moved further away from the high noon. Passing through Podgorica was eerily similar to passing through New…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #portraitphotography • 7 years agoI Don’t Care [eng/срп] Баш ме бригаThis is Sophie, younger sister of our @ladyann, and daughter of our @mari.ana and @gornik. She is aspiring volleyball player and has a wonderful role in a folk dance ensemble…ladyann rebloggedlighteye (76)in #actifit • 7 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 6 2018Today I have visited @hadzijaz who has most active doggy. And I was thinking... With an appropriate doggy jacket and a smartphone, that dog could be a heavy actifit tokens miner.…ladyann rebloggedhadzijaz (47)in #literature • 7 years agoЕксплозијаСмедерево пре експлозије. Извор: Википедија Ова моја прича премијерно је објављена у 59. броју часописа за књижевност, уметност и друштвена питања Aureus Mons (Златни…