lauramica (79)Daily Bloggerin Daily Blog • 9 hours agoDaily Blog - The 2350 km return to Buenos Aires: 42 hours of travel and all food included for only $60. / Los 2350 km de regreso a Buenos Aires: 42 horas de recorrido y toda la comida incluida por solo $60. 😃❤️While I was on my impromptu trip to Bolivia, it was exciting to see how we were getting further and further away on the map. I had never been this far into another country…lauramica (79)in Loving HIVE ❤ • yesterdayFive Years - Your innovative idea for Hive: Welcome to Hivescord, the new Web3 chat integration hub. / Tu idea innovadora para Hive: bienvenido a Hivescord, el nuevo centro integrador de chats de la Web3. 😃❤️Coming up with an innovative idea for Hive took me a while because at first glance it seems like everything has already been invented. But right now, time is what I have to…lauramica (79)in Loving HIVE ❤ • 2 days agoFive Years - Celebrating our 5th anniversary (and looking forward to many more): my favourite project at Hive. / Festejando nuestro 5to aniversario (y deseando que sean muchos más): mi proyecto favorito en Hive. 😃❤️Five years can fly by and so it was for our beloved Hive network, which celebrated its fifth anniversary on 20 March. I like to know that I joined this platform only three months…lauramica (79)in NOMAD HIVE • 5 days agoNomad Hive - Final post about Bolivia: closing thoughts and some tips to efficiently monetise your trip. / Post final sobre Bolivia: reflexión de cierre y algunos tips para monetizar eficientemente tu viaje. 😃❤️At this stage of the game, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm an experienced travel blogger and that I know how things work here, but I think I've learned a lot in this…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 6 days agoBolivia - Last walk in Santa Cruz de la Sierra: on the hottest day, city tour and cathedral viewpoint. / Último paseo en Santa Cruz de la Sierra: en el día más caluroso, city tour y mirador de la catedral. 😃❤️If I had been a bit more shy and had never asked my recent friend if I could go to Bolivia with him, the 1500+ km of routes we did together would never have existed. In a…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 7 days agoBolivia - A great little green spot in Santa Cruz de la Sierra: the perfect place to disconnect for a while. / Un pequeño gran rincón verde en Santa Cruz de la Sierra: lugar perfecto para desconectar un poco. 😃❤️During our stay in Bolivia, the time had passed much more quickly than I would have liked and by the time I realised it, my return home date was just around the corner. The three…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 8 days agoBolivia - Visit to the Samaipata Fort archaeological site: an afternoon of hiking and local history. / Visita al sitio arqueológico Fuerte de Samaipata: una tarde de caminata e historia local. 😃❤️The most relaxed part of our roadtrip was when we finally arrived in Samaipata and decided to stay three nights there. Although this was to take advantage of a promotion in a…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 11 days agoBolivia - A 10km trek in this curious place on the map: "Elbow of the Andes", the change of direction of the mountain range. / Un trekking de 10 km en este curioso lugar en el mapa: "Codo de los Andes", el cambio de dirección de la cordillera. 😃❤️I think if we had planned the trip to Bolivia in much more detail, it probably wouldn't have been as great as it was. I really liked the idea of having an itinerary subject to…lauramica (79)in NOMAD HIVE • 12 days agoNomad Hive - The cutest hostel we stayed at in Samaipata, Bolivia: perfect location in nature. / El hostel más lindo en el que nos hospedamos en Samaipata, Bolivia: ubicación perfecta en la naturaleza. 😃❤️Throughout our trip through northern Argentina and later in Bolivia, we had the opportunity to visit a number of accommodations. Due to our travel budget, we always looked for…lauramica (79)Likes a Night Outin Rant, Complain, Talk • 13 days agoRant, Complain, Talk - Differential fuel prices for locals and foreigners in Bolivia: illegal method for an intermediate offer. / Distintos precios en combustibles para locales y extranjeros en Bolivia: método ilegal para una oferta intermedia. 🙃😅I wanted to write a title that didn't incite illegality, but I couldn't think of any other title because that's exactly what I want to talk about. I am not saying that everyone…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 14 days agoBolivia - On the way to Samaipata town: can you guess how much a lunch on the road like this one cost us? / En camino al pueblo de Samaipata: ¿puedes adivinar cuánto nos costó un almuerzo en la ruta como este? 😃❤️It was the eleventh day of our trip through Bolivia but it felt as if we had been travelling in that country for a much longer time. We had become somewhat accustomed to the arid…lauramica (79)Daily Bloggerin Daily Blog • 15 days agoDaily Blog - Sucre night tour with tourist mode activated: trying cheap food in Bolivia and free dance class. / Paseo nocturno en Sucre con modo turista activado: probando comida barata en Bolivia y clase libre de baile. 😃❤️The fact that Bolivia was considerably cheaper than Argentina allowed my budget to cover a few more things. For an improvised trip, everything was going pretty well. During our…lauramica (79)in Market Friday • 16 days agoMarket Friday - Orange chicken and other products we came across in a large supermarket in Bolivia. / Pollo anaranjado y otros productos que nos cruzamos en un gran supermercado de Bolivia. 😃❤️Besides having seen many new and beautiful landscapes in Bolivia, other everyday things also managed to surprise me. Getting to know the culture and how they do things in another…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 18 days agoBolivia - Sixth stop on the improvised roadtrip: the city of Sucre, with beautiful buildings and controversial wiring. / Sexta parada en el roadtrip improvisado: ciudad de Sucre, con edificios hermosos y cableado polémico. 😃❤️As the days of our last-minute road trip went by, I was already getting a little used to the cities and towns we were seeing in Bolivia. Since another member of the group joined…lauramica (79)in NOMAD HIVE • 19 days agoNomad Hive - Fulfilling responsibilities in the virtual world and enjoying your stay while traveling is possible. / Cumplir responsabilidades en el mundo virtual y disfrutar la estadía durante los viajes es posible. 😃❤️Having decided to make the three-week trip as a guest to the north of the map was a good opportunity to continue collecting adventures along the way. However, maintaining this…lauramica (79)in NOMAD HIVE • 20 days agoNomad Hive - How to manage your money efficiently during your nomadic journey so you don't go (too) hungry. / Cómo administrar eficientemente tu dinero durante tu viaje nómada para no pasar (tanta) hambre. 😅❤️For most of the time I spent travelling in my nomadic phase, I did it by exchanging work for accommodation. This mode of travelling allows you to save a very large amount of…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 21 days agoBolivia - Walk through Villa Imperial de Potosí and visit the cathedral viewpoint: the best views are obtained from there. / Paseo por Villa Imperial de Potosí y visita al mirador de la catedral: las mejores vistas se obtienen desde ahí. 😃❤️One of the important stops we made during our road trip in Bolivia was Potosí. Since I didn't have much idea of where we were going exactly, I was surprised by each place we…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 25 days agoBolivia - On our 180km drive to Potosí: have you ever seen a zebra directing traffic? / En nuestro camino de 180 km hasta Potosí: ¿alguna vez viste a una cebra dirigiendo el tránsito? 😃❤️When I decided that I wanted to travel to Bolivia because all the roads had lined up for me to do so, I knew I was going to see a lot of new things. However, a zebra directing…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 28 days agoBolivia - Technical stop in the small mining town of Pulacayo and surprised by its enormous football field. / Parada técnica en el pequeño pueblo minero de Pulacayo y sorprendidos por su enorme cancha de futbol. 😃❤️When we finally finished everything we had planned in Uyuni, we were ready to continue our journey to who knows where. Honestly, I didn't have much of an idea of the route we…lauramica (79)in Worldmappin • 29 days agoBolivia - Visit to the Train Cemetery in Uyuni: walking among dozens of still interesting scrap metal. / Visita al Cementerio de Trenes en Uyuni: caminando entre decenas de chatarras aún interesantes. 😃❤️We had already traveled more than 300 km inside Bolivia and we continued to see a lot of interesting things. Without a doubt, when we arrived at Uyuni, the salt flat took all our…