leraakulenko (30)in #cathay • 9 years agoShort stories in EnglishMany teachers incorporate independent reading into their curriculum. Ask a reading of excerpts from classical works or adapted versions of books, but much better for this…leraakulenko (30)in #cathay • 9 years agoJack London. To Build a FireThe man walked down the trail on a cold, gray day. Pure white snow and ice covered the Earth for as far as he could see. This was his first winter in Alaska. He was wearing heavy…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoMy summer holidays were wonderfulHello! My name is Lisa. I live in Moscow. I want to tell you how I spent my summer holidays.In June I took part in the rural sports festival as a cheerleader. The training took…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoU.S. considering sanctions against Russia in response to a hacker attack on the organization of the Democratic party"According to several informed sources, U.S. officials are discussing whether to impose economic sanctions against Russia in response to hacker attacks against organizations of…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoSalad with corn and cucumberRefreshing, light, bright, rich salad with corn and cucumber, dressed with yogurt dressing. The salad can be used as canned corn and grain boiled corn in season. Ingredients…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years agoA strong personality in the historyEveryone there are such situations when the hands are lowered, "the sky is the limit", the mood at zero, and it seems that the worst will not. And, it seems, want to improve the…leraakulenko (30)in #gusta • 9 years agoThe world of strong women"A galloping horse will stop in a burning hut..." These well-known lines about women's strength and resistance once sounded like the highest grade and admiration. Today they are…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years ago25 Невероятных фактов о КосмосеНаша Вселенная-это неповторимое место, которое человек пытается понять на протяжении всей своей истории. Хотя человечество прошло долгий путь исследования космоса и новые…leraakulenko (30)in #food • 9 years agoРецепт гречаниковГречаники - блюдо украинской кухни, которое готовится из мясного фарша с добавлением вареной гречки. Пропорции фарша и гречки можно варьировать в зависимости от предпочтений.…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoCanary IslandsКанарские острова - архипелаг из семи островов вулканического происхождения в Атлантическом океане недалеко от Северо-западного побережья Африки (Марокко и Западная сахара).…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoЛАДА ВЕСТА (LADA VESTA) ОТ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО ДИЛЕРАСтальной корпус нового дизайна Лада Веста - новинка автопрома Тольятти впервые был представлен публике на Московском международном салоне летом 2014 года. Автомобиль удивил…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoLADA GRANTA СЕДАН ДЛЯ ВСЕЙ СЕМЬИПоистине семейный народный автомобиль – такова модель LADA Granta седан. Она отличается стильным исполнением: кузов изобилует четкими гранями, подчеркивая ее динамичность, на…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe cars with dogs driving crashed into a supermarket building in United StatesA car driven by a dog, crashed into the building of a supermarket in the U.S. state of Michigan. The victims in the incident no, the car and the building received minor damage.…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years ago"THE EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF HOMELESS ANIMALS (DOGS AND CATS)"1. The problem of homeless animals: causes and consequences for the population of cities Stray animals pose a threat to the security of the urban population: they are carriers…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoExtreme.Water types of extreme tourismСпрос на экстремальный туризм в России значительно вырос. Фирм активно предлагают рафтинг, путешествия на лошадях, велосипедах и мотоциклах. Все больше людей привлекает рафтинг…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe news about the end of the world", Astronomers have determined the area of location of Planet XScientists Matthew Holman and Matthew Payne of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics (USA) pointed to the area of the sky, where should one look for a possible Planet…leraakulenko (30)in #steemclean • 9 years agoThe author of the book "How I saved the marriage" received a life sentence for the murder of his wifeТри года назад, Медина застрелил жену пистолет, стрелял в него и положил мертвую женщину в социальной сети. В США автор книги "Как я спасла наш брак" Дерек Медина был приговорен…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoThe killing of pilot whales in Denmark – a terrible traditions of the peoples of the worldOnce a year in the Faroe Islands, several coastal towns, civilized European country of Denmark, you can see a terrible sight, when all the sea water acquires a crimson color –…leraakulenko (30)in #craigrant • 9 years agoSURFING IN THE CANARY ISLANDSInevitably it is approaching summer vacation. Wanted to rent a yacht and go on a journey to distant Islands. The dream was concretized after when purchasing sneakers shop…leraakulenko (30)in #steemit • 9 years agoSystem marketsSystem markets is a single set of a plurality of markets for various purposes. This set was formed under the influence of a number of factors. Во-первых, в условиях…