bayareacoins (60)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoRE: AFTER 90DAYS I GOT MY VERIFICATION TIER 3...KRAKEN EXCHANGEI would NOT mess with Kraken. I just attempted to register and they rejected over 20 pictures. I would strongly encourage people not to waste their time with Kraken.bertimusx (25)in #trading • 7 years agoRE: Bitcoin $7,500 I'm selling while everyone is buying.. Am I nuts??Good Job.quickfingersluc (60)in #dtube • 7 years agoRE: I messed up a great Bitcoin trade this morning!!! Grr..I was looking at that 4100 area to on kraken and wondering if it was going to bounce back that high.. Here's the issue with Kraken, it trades USD instead of USDT and because it…unknowntrader (25)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesLooking back this coin has pretty big drops historically and seems to always recover. I'm in it also and the impatient me was considering selling for a loss, but in reality it…lewstherin (33)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesIm struggling with thinking is this actual "bad news" or just the way this coin behaves, I think it will spike again. There doesn't seem to be actual bad news per se. And if…tanhinsiang (25)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesthey have a twitter follow it for updates lesson learnt. always read the story of the chart. preferably before you buy ;)quickfingersluc (60)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesYeah, thats why I usually sell some in levels.. I write orders to sell all coins near the base right after I get some coins, incase there is a reaction spike.. but as time goes…quickfingersluc (60)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesI only take trades off a strong base.. I need all my trades to have a high high success ratequickfingersluc (60)in #dtube • 8 years agoRE: Bitcoin at all time highs, whats gonna happen? and let's look at Small Account Building tradesOn both of those trades you had some great entries, very nice trading :) I would have taken those trades.. But yeah, that LGD looks suspect.. You should go look up the news…quickfingersluc (60)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: BTC almost $4,000!!! Will it hit $6,000 or more? Where do I take profits on my Free coins?A sudden spike like that does not create a base usually, it can be the result of sudden news or rumor that runs the price up, but the price where the news came out does not hold…quickfingersluc (60)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: BTC almost $4,000!!! Will it hit $6,000 or more? Where do I take profits on my Free coins?Thanks for answering for me.. Thats exactly right, blend into the normal action.. That's why all the big trades need to be in BTC and ETH and larger coins where you can execute…oneluckyflip (35)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: Crypto trade of the day: 08/08/2017 - XWC/BTC - QUICK 15% PROFIT TRADE!appreciate the kind words. your plan is wise, complete some position trades so you get a feel for the market and if anything it's the safest way to understand some of the…quickfingersluc (60)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: BTC hits $3,500!!! lets go over some charts, and discuss Simple & Safe tradingMy definition of Daytrading is qualifed by the Volume of the move in compairison to the average volume: The danger with daytrading is getting into those sudden pops, where it…nipuna (25)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: Are you ready for the Bitcoin Fork? Whats my trading plan for THE FORK?Thanks for the reply.. I only tried BTC pairs because I have only BTC need to buy some ETH soon because I also noticed nice charts for ETH than BTC for low…emmawii (25)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: EOS trading, wow huge opportunity hereDoes anyone know how to trade EOS if you're from Australia, and want the returns in AUD? Is this possible?lingtriloquist (39)in #cryptocurrency • 8 years agoRE: Trading Journal #13 - ZCASH/BTC (Follow Up)Glad that you're finding them valuable! Welcome aboard! #InCryptosWeTrustoneluckyflip (35)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: Crypto trade of the day: 07/31/2017 - ADT/ETH - 18% TOTAL PROFIT!Thanks for the follow! I'm still learning everyday. Right now I'm on a hiatus from trading since im at a wsop poker tour, but will be back next week with more trade of the dayskrakan (25)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: We have a NEW Crypto Market Scanner!!! also an update on todays Bitcoin Fork tradingthat would be one option but also don't blindly buy any dip and you still should read the chart. You have to be careful as it might drop dipper so read the chart.naseemessa (25)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: How am I going to deal with Segwit and BitcoinCash BCC? Should you get comfortable with taking loses?Ive watched most of the vids, especially the 'what support and resistance tells you', and all I see is Luc plotting random bases that have 2 or so spikes/bounces coming off them.…lewstherin (33)in #trading • 8 years agoRE: Daytrading vrs Position Trading, which will make you more money?With that being said I planned on putting 3k into my Kraken to start with, but now that I need to spend that money on BTC I wonder if it would be wiser to wait until BTC drops…