PostsCommentsPayoutslifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 months ago筹备新店开业的一天早上7点多睡醒,匆匆忙忙送完小朋友去上学,开始在家里吃早餐。 今天是月底的倒数最后一天,也是深圳我们即将要开的一家新店预备开业。这家新的珠宝店聚集了全国和香港各方面的注意力,是我们旗下新的一家形象店…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • 11 months agoHave fun with family at aquarium in ZhuhaiI really take the last weekend as my very treasure moment because I had 3 days long weeks, I can travel to other city with my husband, my son, my sister in law together. We went…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • 11 months agoExciting waiting for weekendLife is funny, my last post said I didn’t need to travel for provide training in other city, the next day I am asked to go Fuzhou immediately, I was like a busy bee again, need…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • 11 months agoSo good to have a shelterThe vibe in our family wasn’t really good last 2 weeks, my husband has a lot of pressure with his business, he has some trouble on the leasing agreement issue with the shopping…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • last yearI am a work hard beeThese few days I don’t need to travel to provide training, feel good. But still need to prepare the material for the next week training locally, so I still need to work very…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • last yearDrawing dayAfter back to Shenzhen I can have time to take care my son, so happy. Yesterday I day off, don’t have to work, of course I need to spend more time with him when my husband is…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • last year I need encouragementHello everybody, long time no see, how are you? Past few months were busy, I need to take care of my work, and my son every day, it makes me so exhausted. That’s why I don’t…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • last yearWish you always healthy and happy, my loved sonLast week my son suddenly twitches and vomits, me and my husband was worry, panic, we have not seen our son like this before, we immediately call ambulance to send him to…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • last year周末遛娃+逛珠宝集市自从换工作之后,就从原来的单休变成了双休,我发现其实单休和双休的区别真的非常大,至少在睡懒觉这件事情上,我可以连续睡两天。 其他的基本上两天都是围绕带娃为主。今天十点多起来,原本想着吃完午饭,12点多就带着宝宝去外面逛一逛,顺便找爸爸。结果一直吃饭,吃完饭到一点多,他就开始犯困,想着那就睡一觉吧,睡醒了有时间再出去玩。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • last year你爱职场上的化妆文化吗?大家好,有两个月没冒泡了,自从换了工作就之后,每天实在太忙了。 到家之后还要带娃,忙不过来,真的忙不过来!可是当初换工作就是想给自己突破,进步,所以我会咬紧牙关,好好学习,争取每天进步一丢丢。 说到转了工作最大的变化,应该是现在每天都要化妆,穿上行政套装才可以。不然的话,轻则被领导批评。严重的话,会直接给辞退,说会影响公司形象喔!…lifang123 (66)in Liketu • last yearHot Pot is the best food in winterWeather suddenly cold these days, my company have many people sick, some of them have flu, some of them have cold, if your place is winter now, take care, my friends. The…lifang123 (66)in Shadow Hunters • last yearMirror reflection of my sonHello everyone, my name is Li Fang, my hive ID is my name in real life. Nice to meet all of you. Originally I write post in the Chinese community, and I think CN is equal to Hive…lifang123 (66)in Silver Gold Stackers • last yearChinese décor gold / jewelry enticing meI didn’t been active for months on the hive after I have moved to the other jewelry shop recently, but still need to spend time to write something, it’s not easy to build up a habit to keep writing afterlifang123 (66)in Foodies Bee Hive • last yearYummy lobster and mushroom Yesterday after work, my colleague invited me to her home to sit and talk because she helped me to collect a parcel when I was out for business trip, it’s a good chance to visit her, to collect the parcellifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • last year暴走的一天,逛珠宝💎今天是搬走的一天,走了接近一万步,感觉把过去一个月的运动量都搞完了!虽然说走了很多路应该能瘦吧,启示一点儿也没少吃。 今天周一,虽然距离11放假还有两三天,今天依然按照公司的要求去店里面看一看。早上六点多醒来,七点多出门。因为最近要帮领导写一个报告,所以需要做同行的竞争品牌市调,早上差不多八点开始就去了东门、万象城和华强北几个不同的商圈。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • last year好久不见,今天从西总的爱心水疗开始停更了好久,今天又回来啦。之前有提过,因为工作的原因,好长时间都没有开始写贴,好长时间都没有见到某位先生。每次见到都提醒我,为什么不写帖,为什么不交作业。在他的威逼利诱之下,我还是决定克服懒惰,开始写。 其实主要是因为最近经历了太多的事情,每天都有种疲于奔命的感觉。先是离职跳槽,又到后来换了新的工作,换新工作之后,其实等于是从零开始。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago浅聊职场跳槽与辞职心得~提离职熟悉的朋友应该都知道,我差不多停更了一个月,八月开始到九月这一个月一直在忙一些离职,再加上先生也在忙创业的事情。所以这一个月基本上都忙忙碌碌,慌慌张张,心情也是比较复杂,所以就没来得及更新。 那如果说八月主要在做什么,其实最主要的就是在做一件事情,辞职!工作了这么久,差不多八年多,这也是我人生第一次主动辞职,也是第一次体验离职和辞职大概是什么样。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago展会的常客,逛婚博市场前几天的时候,深圳刚好赶上周末婚博会,因为姐姐做婚纱有在里面参展,所以周末的时候我和先生就有带宝贝去婚博会逛,一来本身可以看望一下姐姐,二来呢,刚好有时间可以带着小孩子去溜溜玩,想着说不定可以顺手牵羊带点礼物什么的回家。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago职场内推,求职的捷径最近见了一个朋友,其实与其说是朋友,在这之前其实没有太多的接触,也没有太多的交集。之前大家是属于在同一个公司、同一个中心之下,但属于不同的部门,所以工作和业务上也没有太多的往来,大家对彼此的印象可能停留在我知道你,你知道我这样的状态。…lifang123 (66)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago旋转餐厅为朋友过生日也不知道昨天是不是一个特别好的日子,刚好碰巧赶上了同事的生日,也是我家公的生日。因为刚好要到周末了,然后晚上很早的时候就约到他生日的那一天,我们去吃饭,原本想着去吃小龙虾或者唱歌,后来他突然说要去吃国贸的旋转餐厅。…