longshen (35)in #photography • 7 years agoThe most lovely photo I took until today.The most lovely photo I took until today. 我至今拍过的最可爱的照片。 I love post pics about golf and travel views. If you like to see these, please follow and upvote me. Thanks for…longshen (35)in #photography • 7 years agoSpecial restaurant in Tianjin, ChinaI love post pics about golf and travel views. If you like to see these, please follow and upvote me. Thanks for watching. 我喜欢发布一些有关高尔夫和旅行的照片,如果你喜欢请关注我并点赞。感谢您花时间看这篇帖子。 Your…longshen (35)in #cn • 7 years ago疯狂吸收区块链知识本周由于杂事很多,没有系统地阅读区块链的书籍,但是大脑并没有少接受有关区块链的概念。 本周阅读了以下几篇文章/讲座: Xdite关于2017年Token峰会的解读 李远16年的采访和17年发布的文章 一篇有关叶子的文章《比特币唤不醒“斯德哥尔摩症”患者》 Hifinance关于区块链的系列讲座…longshen (35)in #photography • 7 years agoMyanmar open logo we saw last week in hotel of MyanmarI love post pics about golf and travel views. If you like to see these, please follow and upvote me. Thanks for watching. 我喜欢发布一些有关高尔夫和旅行的照片,如果你喜欢请关注我并点赞。感谢您花时间看这篇帖子。 Your…longshen rebloggedjubi (69)in #cn • 8 years ago自己忽略的图片版权问题通常,我们都比较喜欢图文并茂的文章,为此,我们在发布文章的时候,都会尽量地去添加一些和文章主题贴近的图片。前文我介绍过如何居中\左\右图片,今次谈的依然是图片,不是什么技巧,而是图片版权问题。 前文传送: 简单学会如何让图片居中、居左、居右 作为一个升斗小民,版权法什么的,暂且不论,毕竟要细数各种条例和适用范围,就得说上一大通。…longshen rebloggedericfish (38)in #eos • 8 years agoEOS区块链网址导航#官方网站 EOS.io EOS Blog BlockONE Reddit #ICO数据 EOSChart EOSscan #核心文档 Github 白皮书 路线图 开发文档 #ÐApps…longshen (35)in #photography • 8 years ago[Picture Series 4] food in Singapore and bonus scenePhoto by Jennifer. 新加坡美食! Last but not least, I am a rich(poor) man!longshen (35)in #photography • 8 years ago[Picture Series 3]Japan short viewPhoto by Jennifer 短暂的日本停留,吃吃喝喝,走马观花。 咳咳! 美景 美食longshen rebloggedbtsabc (66)in #cn • 8 years ago《区块链到底是什么?下》上接前篇 《区块链到底是什么?上》 有点意思!那么我们是怎么把纸密封的呢? 下面我们说说怎么密封的。 魔法机器 想象一下,有这么一种机器,它被厚厚的墙包围着。你在一个盒子里装了些东西,然后把这个盒子从机器左边放进去,之后这台机器会吐出一个箱子,这个箱子里装了些另外的东西。…longshen rebloggedbtsabc (66)in #cn • 8 years ago区块链到底是什么?上原文地址:…longshen (35)in #photography • 8 years ago[Picture Series 2]What's your feeling about Czech Republic?These photos was made by my lover Jennifer about Prague, Czech Republic. Vltava 伏尔塔瓦河 Charles Bridge 查理大桥 Astronomical Clock 天文钟 Church of Our Lady Before Týn…longshen (35)in #photography • 8 years ago[Picture Series 1]What's your feeling about Russia?These photos was made by my girlfriend Jennifer when traveling Russia today. 图片是由我女朋友Jennifer今天拍的。 Vladimir Putin's official mansion, a tricolor flag of Russia on…longshen (35)in #photography • 8 years agoA beautiful Chinese girl I admire these daysThis was a Beijing female undergraduate on 4th June, 1989. Why now I can't see any female undergraduate like her to fight for freedom and human right. Don't addict to luxury…