may2015 rebloggedniznov (58)in Shadow Hunters • 8 months agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 175Let's go for a walk! The weather's beautiful, but it's hot. So let's go closer to the water. Let's look at the reflection. Let's see how the green trees bathe in the water, how the beautiful temple looksmay2015 (64)in Photography Lovers • 9 months agoДом-яйцо/House-eggВсем привет! А вы знаете, что в Москве есть дом-яйцо? Я давно хотела увидеть этот дом "живьем", да все не складывалось. И вот 9-го мая звезды сошлись. Дошла. Посмотрела. Сфотографировала, какmay2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in PhotoFeed • last yearPhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography Round 52. Лица над камином - Faces above the fireplaceВсем привет! Hello everyone! Я уже показывала удивительных существ, живущих в готическом кабинете в особняке Морозова в Москве. Продолжу эту тему. I have already shown amazing creatures living in a Gothicmay2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in PhotoFeed • last yearPhotoFeed Contest – Cityscape Photography Round 49. Вид на Гороховец от монастыря - View of Gorokhovets from the monasteryВсем привет! Hello everyone! В конце апреля мы с подругой побывали в очень интересном городе Гороховец. Это один из древнейших и колоритнейших городов Владимирской области. Финно-угорские поселения былиmay2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in PhotoFeed • 2 years agoPhotoFeed Contest - Landscape Photography Round 35. Каменный заяц - Stone hare. Всем привет! Hello everyone! Горы – малоизученная для меня красота. Mountains are a little-studied beauty for me. Поэтому поездка в горы Карачаево-Черкессии и…may2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in Qurator • 2 years agoQurator's Photo Quest | Minimalist. Минималистичный пейзаж - minimalistic landscape.Всем привет! Hello everyone! Я не очень люблю минимализм, но попробую поучаствовать в конкурсе с пейзажем, который я сняла в горах Карачаево-Черкесии. В кадре только дорога…may2015 rebloggedniznov (58)in #nature • 2 years agoAmazing Iris flowersWalking through the garden among the beautiful irises... My mother's favorite flowers. They're really very pretty. Some are fragrant and some are odorless. But my God, how short-lived they are! Their lifespanmay2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in PhotoFeed • 2 years agoPhotoFeed Contest - Street Photography Round 22. Крепостной вал в Юрьев-Польском - The rampart in Yuryev-Polsky.Всем привет! Hello everyone! Эту фотографию я сделала 4 января 2023г в Юрьев-Польском. За несколько дней до этого выпало очень много снега. А в этот день усилился мороз и…may2015 rebloggedeto-ka (68)in Qurator • 2 years agoQurator's Photo Quest | Dark and moody photography. Туча над Пятигорском - Dark cloud over Pyatigorsk.Всем привет! Hello everyone! Вид на Пятигорск с вершины горы Машук 21 сентября 2022г. Пока мы добирались до подножия Машука и поднимались в кабине канатки, погода всё время…may2015 rebloggedniznov (58)in #life • 2 years agoAbout socks as a giftIt seems like such a trifle - socks - but I love to buy them and give them as gifts. And I love it when they give me socks. In general, socks make me happy, that's honest) So…may2015 rebloggedniznov (58)in Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoShadow Hunters - Round 249 - Another attemptHello, dears! And we're back together again. Me and Fluffy. Oh, the three of us! Me, Fluffy and Shadow Fluffy! The cat has found a place in the sunlight on the new table.…may2015 rebloggedniznov (58)in Foodies Bee Hive • 2 years agoCottage cheese muffinHello, dear friends! I'll tell you how I saved cottage cheese tonight. That's how it happens - I bought it and didn't eat it! Not to throw away the products. So I decided to…may2015 rebloggedxoxois (65)in FungiFriday • 2 years agoA wild fungus that grows crazily during the rainy seasonHello everyone, for you photography lovers, especially in this #FungiFriday section, I want to share a little about what I found a few days before, this may seem normal but there…may2015 rebloggedolgavita (70)memberin Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 91 🍁 Announcement! image by me, @olgavita 🌞 Round 90 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. WELCOME, DEAR FRIENDS, TO THE REFLECTION…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the autumn forestHi everybody! Today I want to talk about a walk in the forest, which is not far from my house. I took this walk on October 23 this year. I noticed that now the forest is…may2015 (64)in Fungi Lovers • 2 years agoAmanita muscariaHi everybody! This is my first post in the Fungi Lovers community and I want to show off my recent finds. Actually, I'm not a mushroom picker. I don’t understand mushrooms…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the cityHi everybody! I like to walk. Despite the fact that I like nature, I feel uncomfortable in the forest - I walk and think that you can get lost or meet a wild animal. Therefore…may2015 (64)in Photography Lovers • 2 years agoAncient church by the riverHi everybody! On October 14, Orthodox Christians had a holiday - the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. This holiday was based on the events that took place in 910 in…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Birthday walk.Hi everybody! I got sick. Covid put me to bed and now I can only dream of walking. Therefore, today I want to talk about my walk, which took place on July 8, 2021. A little backstory. A few years ago,may2015 rebloggedolgavita (70)memberin Shadow Hunters • 2 years agoReflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 86 🍁 Announcement! 🌞🌞 Round 85 is now closed. Winners will be announced and rewards given within the next 24 hours. WELCOME TO THE REFLECTION CONTEST - Round 86 🌼 📸 which is waiting for your talanted pictures 📸 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆