mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 5 years agoGeomadao: Innovative Blockchain Based Infrastructure Bringing The Future CloserOverview: Taking a cursory look at the last few years back, you will observe significant changes in people's relations with money, perhaps following the combination of…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 5 years agoGeomadao: Setting Up A Decentralised Autonomous Organization Leveraging On BlockchainIntroduction Most organizations have embraced revolutionary designs due to their recent nature of being a decentralized autonomous entity. The project makes use of smart…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 5 years agoCITIOS; AN INNOVATIVE PLATFORM TACKLING ISSUES OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSEOverview: The approach of Block chain has enhanced the improvement of so many things. Each time a project relating to this technology is launched, it is to tackle a specific…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 5 years agoMEDIUM IS ABOUT THE BEST PUBLISHING PLATFORMMEDIUM IS ABOUT THE BEST PUBLISHING PLATFORMmediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoFINWHALEX: BREAKING NEW GROUNDS BY OFFERING USERS LOANS AT FREE COST AND ZERO-INTERESTBackground Loans in most times are not just money or cash alone but it comes in the form of various assets that are also valuable. Crypto-currencies are also loanable and…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoBizpaye: Providing A Top-Notch Marketplace For Global Merchants And CustomersOverview: The introduction of cryptocurrency innovations is the ideology of a group of focused teams. Unfortunately, these digital currencies haven't found it easy to make it…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoSERENITY: SPEARHEADING A STRUCTURAL TRANSITION TO A DECENTRALIZED AND INNOVATIVE ENERGY RESOURCEOVERVIEW: Introduction: It's no news that energy consumption could be a basic part of human existence. In today's economy, power resource use is increasing by the day. This…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoSERENITY: AN INNOVATIVE PLATFORM RESTRUCTURING THE ENERGY SECTOR VIA BLOCKCHAINPreamble Today, I will like to take the retinue of my blog followers and enthusiasts via a revolutionary and solution-oriented project that is poised to entrench dynamism in…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoTEMTUM: A MORE SECURE, SCALABLE, AND TRANSPARENT BLOCKCHAIN RESOURCE SOLUTION PLATFORMINTRODUCTION: Blосkсhаіn tесhnоlоgу wаѕ іntrоduсеd wіth ѕо much hope and еxресtаtіоnѕ and wаѕ believed tо bе the solution tо thе highly charged аnd controlled сеntrаlіzеd…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoLOTEO: A CUTTING EDGE LOTTERY ARCHITECTURE OPENING A NEW FRONTIER TO GLOBAL LOTTERY OPERATIONSABOUT THE PROJECT The Loteo initiative is a blockchain-oriented project and prompts transparency in the drawing and the speed of winning. The fundamental job is given to smart…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoONIZ: ENTRENCHING MULT-DIMENSIONAL BENEFITS AND VALUE FOR ONLINE CASINO DEVELIPERS AND PARTICIPANTSOVERVIEW For my retinue of blog followers and enthusiasts, today I will take you through the discourse of a fascinating, revolutionary and innovative project and…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoSPARROW: SHIELDING YOUR DIGITAL RESOURCE, PROVIDING PREMIUM ON YOUR ADVANCED RESOURCESOVERVIEW: I am excited to take gluts of my blog enthusiasts to a world-class platform with features that have been well thought out and crafted for the convenience of…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoNESTREE: MORE THAN JUST A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED MESSENGERINTRO: Today we are going to focus our discourse on an innovative, fascinating and revolutionary infrastructure Research indicated that there exist over three million people…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoSTORICHAIN: A STRATEGIC PLATFORM ADDING VALUE TO THE CREATIVE STORY INDUSTRYINTRO: How do you fathom the world would have been without someone who can always inform people of events of the past? Stories are basically a vital facet of human endeavour…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoPROVIDING COMPLETE PRIVACY AND TOP SECURITY TO ALL USER’S TRANSACTION ON THE PLATFORM LEVERAGING BLOCKCHAININTRODUCTION As уоu rеmеmbеr, thе еmеrgеnсе оf blосkсhаіn technology wаѕ caused bу thе extremely unѕtаblе situation іn thе world mаrkеt есоnоmу, which eventually lеd humаnіtу…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoMYCROJOBS: A DYNAMIC PLATFORM FACILITATING ACCESS TO JOB AND WORKERS LEVERAGING ON BLOCKCHAININTRODUCTION The Mycrojob platform was initiated to provide a balance between money and time, via a decentralized distributed system modelled to open access to largely simple…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoAMYCRO: HARNESSING INTELLIGENT AND SELF LEARNING ALGORITHMS VIA DATING PLATFORMS TO MATCH JOBS IN TIME WITH RIGHT JOBBERSINTRODUCTION: Today for gluts of enthusiasts and followers of my blog, we will be elaborating on a metric, innovative and fascinating architecture in the blockchain space…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoSERO: THE REVOLUTIONARY PLATFORM DISRUPTING THE PRIVACY SECURITY ECOSYSTEMIntroduction Today I am taking my retinue of blog readers and followers through another exciting discourse in the blockchain ecosystem. Taking a cursory look at the present…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoCOLLETRIX: EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE BRINGING HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF, MASSIVE REWARD SYSTEM AND BREATH OF FRESH AIR FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERS BASED ON BLOCKCHAINOVERVIEW: Thе fіnаnсіаl ѕесtоr no doubt is presently plagued bу Fіn-Tесh. Thе fіnаnсіаl ѕесtоr has аlrеаdу buіlt a соnvеnіеnt соmрutаtіоnаl mесhаnіѕm thаt dіd nоt mаkе аnу bіg…mediaconcept (33)in #blockchain • 6 years agoCOLLETRIX: A NEW PARADIGM VERIFYING AUTHENCITY OF MERCHANDISE COLLECTIBLES AND PROTECTING IP CREATORS REVENUE RIGHTSOVERVIEW: The blockchain technology for about a decade masterminded a giant leap for science. This revolutionary discovery noted for its transparency decentralization smart…