Not sure about the weather conditions at your place...? Maybe you would like to tell me about it as I don't watch the news or the weather forecast; also, it is always better to hear from real people and their personal experiences and perspectives.
What I can tell you is that it is just too hot here. It has already been for a while although I didn't mention it earlier.
They say it's another heat wave (on top of an already hot summer) that will intensify over the next few days, maybe even weeks. Who knows, our task is to manage our survival techniques. We can't do other things, only find suitable activities like...
Riding the bike! - It is impossible at 40 degrees Celsius...
Go on a tourist tour of a village I last visited as a child, with school! - I don't want to get sunstroke.
Write a post about a church I visited last Friday in Croatia! - Too hot to think or concentrate on anything.
Write the continuation of a story I left unfinished many months ago! - same answer as above.
A slight headache also wants to be near me. I tried not to let it invade my space, so I went out into the garden and saw some very pretty flowers, but capturing them in an equally pretty photographic composition is not my forte, so I let the idea go.

It is a pity though, as so many gorgeous flowers pose there. The sun is threatening with its intensity so they have to beat the heat in their own way.
I continued with my activity of losing time using different inventions and ended up sitting on the floor with a map in front of me.
What the heck is a map of New York doing in front of me? To be more precise, a map issued by the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority). It doesn't matter; what matters is that I finally got an activity that can make me focus on learning new things like how to move around New York City with subway, bus, railroad or use ferry connections. Getting to know about the possibilities of how could I travel from Manhattan to The Bronx or Queens, or even to Staten Island is a cool activity. Numbers, lines, stations and stops, bridges and tunnels, MetroCards and tickets - all of that could be quite useful... if we lived in 2006! 😂
Pfff, a small gap in time between this map and today.

I need to start doing something useful for all of us. A book, the one that is by the map is a good choice, I hope you agree. It is titled A Little Treasure of Wisdom, Thoughts of Great Men. It contains quotes and thoughts of writers, philosophers, and other great men as the title says, and some traditional proverbs.
The book was open on pages 222 and 223 and served as a measure for comparison with the size of the map. Let me read a few of these quotes from the pages that were randomly opened up.
Everything passes and nothing belongs to us: family, spouse, children, our body and our wealth. So what is ours? Our good and bad deeds.
Indian proverb
It is a good one, it teaches me right now to say something of a greater value than the blah blah that I am still writing. 🙄 If you are still here, then let's see the next quote.
What's the point of galloping if we're moving in the wrong direction?
Rudyard Kipling
Yeah, that is why we should have clear goals and principles in our lives, recognizing the signs by the path that are showing us the right direction. No, it's not always easy to see and read them well; that's our human side of getting lost and finding again the right paths and directions. To be certain about things as...
Uncertainty is worse than any certainty.
Dragan Karanović
So true. Look, I had a situation a week ago that I wanted to share with you, even though it doesn't seem important at first sight.
I didn't obey! You hear it well - I was not obedient to those who wrote on the box of cotton earbuds that you should not clean the ear canal with these little things. Please note - never, ever use them for cleaning the ear canal as, apart from all the possible issues they can give you, you can feel the uncertainty as I did. The cotton tip from the stick somehow disappeared when I used it and I thought that it got stuck in my ear canal. I was sure about that, as to where it could disappear? I regretted so much my action and promised never to use them again. {I am thinking of throwing into the bin the box of earbuds, just not sure why I haven't done it already. I will blame the heat.}
So, back to the uncertainty. I shared the story with my family, they didn't see anything, I didn't feel anything in my ear, and we joked... more than 24 hours passed before I decided to go to the health centre to get checked out. The cotton tip was not there, it was not in my ear. 😳 That was a very happy moment for me as the uncertainty was worse than any certain outcome that this situation could bring me.

I think I can leave the quotes from these pages here. However, I have an idea!
Playing a little game, anyone? 😃
If you want to hear a random quote today, please write a number between 9 and 292 in the comment section (that is how many pages this book has), and I will write you one (or more) thoughts or quotes from that page. Maybe it is something that you need to hear in the moment I write you the response. 🤷♀
In the meantime, I got some ice in the orange juice to beat the heat.

Well Malaga is a bit different, it's like living under a dome hahahaha I always say it's hot but 30 and the problem is the intense humidity, which has us all .... shiny hahahahahahaha
Lily is divine, I want to sleep like her!
Page page 124, let's see what my oracle has to tell me? I don't believe in coincidences!
Good morning,
Oh, I know, even with "just 30" on our Mediterranean coast it's so hot because of the humidity. Now let me find the page 124. Ok, here it comes
Jovan Dučić
Today's forecast is 37, i.e. we will die hahahaha, it's a joke.... but it will be strong!
Loved the phrase, food for thought, thank you very much!!!!💗
I forgot I would like to know what 72 says soon that's how old I will be.😁
72! There are nice quotes about women, by Milena Jesenska.
174 page, for me. Let's flow with what the wise and destiny have prepared. 😁
Your adventures do not rest even on vacation. Where will the cotton ball be? 🤔 I bet Lilly knows it.
No, even my vacations are not vacations 😂
The wisdom from the page 174 for you is coming now from this place:
It's a Latin saying that teaches us not keep anger as:
Good one, I like it and agree. (Thank you for the translation!!)
Oh! Do you know something? Recently I read about visitor number 051404's adventures and the place of them was very similar to that one. 😳
(Me connecting points again…) 🤔😁
Yeah, that Visitor used my book sometimes, I am a good person so I let her read a bit and even respond to your comment on hive 😁
I think the next step will be to create her an account so she can continue with her adventures 😂
No5 please, I guess I am the flipside of the coin, I only really function when the heat is on, the sun hot and the air heavy, it brings out the best in me. In a former life I must of been a rock lizard! Out from dawn til dusk doing stuff.
It was last week in the mid 80's F, and I thought hmm, more re-wilding of part of the garden and put in a wild life pond. So a digging I went!
Hahaha, c'mon 😂 still no quotes on that page. Ok, then you will get music, please take 5
Wow, so cool gardening activities! With this garden I would not complain about heat 😉
Well done, now just the cats are missing here 😂😂😂
Ha ,cats NO NO NO.
That track is a classic oldie, my dad was a saxophone player in a swing band, played a lot of venues across north wales back in the 50's and 60's. Happy days, I thought I was going to get the sax when he stopped but he gave it to his brother who I think sold it!!! I remember even to this day feeling let down. That was the end of any musical career as I started playing football LOl
Sorry you didn't get the sax and your musical career finished there. Interesting how some memories stay vivid, those moments that had an emotional impact.
We think we have forgotten so much, then a word a note a smell suddenly sparks the brain and certain memories jump back out at you. Yet other random memories are there always
We had rain, heatwave, storm with thunder and lightning, then a bit of sunshine, all in one day, today. Typical English weather. 🩷😊
Oh wow, it looks like a natural rollercoaster of weather 😜
290 please...Here, inside my place, is like been inside an oven. I had a solo show of my paintings in New York many years ago. I went there for about 2 weeks, i really love New York and the spring weather there. You should go some day. Art is everywhere.
I got this map from my English teacher many years ago, her daughter lives in New York City.
Page 290. Let's see
Hahaha, that is funny page about books.
I like reading books. I never care about my body position when I am reading...Thanks you...
There's no better way to spend your time than thinking about how to have a better time 🤣. Surely that 2006 map of NYC will come in very, very handy 🤭
Don't throw away the box of cotton swabs, they are not to blame...and they are very useful, except for cleaning your ear canal 😜. Luckily the cotton didn't stay there...where did it go??🤔
El color tiene vencida a Lily 💚
Page 10 please 🤗
I don't know if that map will have another purpose anymore haha, I will anyway leave it in here to find it next year again 😂
Well, you speak well about the cotton buds, they are here to remind me about this uncertainty-certainty lesson.
Page 10. Ok, a longer quote by a Serb poet, Jovan Dučić
The greatest virtue a human being can have, would be, not to judge another human being. But the poet is quite right, we do judge, as he says.
Gracias Mipiano, un buen juego nos has planteado 🤗
Tienes toda la razón @mdrguez ✨
Here it's cold, not polar, but my body can't stand it haha extreme temperatures attack Buhito... 🦉
The heat intensifies the headache, reading you reminded me of myself a few months ago when the heat wave attacked us, lying on the couch not wanting to move haha
To finish: number 80, maybe it will give me some phrase I need in this day of uncertainty where I have no mood for anything ... I got melancholic haha 🦉
Hey little owl, I wish I could send you some of these temperatures, so Buhito also enjoys himself even without his custom made T-shirt
Page 80. Let's see if it is about birds...no, it's about women 😜
I don't know what George Gordon Byron is talking about hahaha. He maybe knows to live just with owls 😁
I love this post, it's relatable. Your photography are topnotch and amazing. For the quote games,I would love to participate by choosing 157..
Hello, first participant :D
ok, 157... I choose a quote by Marcus Aurelius from this page
Lol, I feel so elated to be the first participant actually 😊.
I love this part I chooses and it sounds true to me. That's why we just have to worry about the present and not the future because we do not know what it holds..
😄 Love the game. Give me 111. Good to know that the cotton wool is gone and it's not in your ear. 🙂
The heat in Cuba... you know, it's all year round.
What are you saying? I don't hear you hahaha - must be the cotton in my ear 😂
Just joking, so page 111
Meša Selimović (he was a Yugoslav writer)
Thank you 🌞
You are welcome, I hope you liked the quote. 🤷♀ On that page, it was all by the same author, Meša Selimović, about fleetingness of this life
🤷♀😜 Yes, this is a game I like a lot, it's like an oracle. How tasty those juices look... with frappé ice I can imagine them! 🤤
Yo tengo esto:
pistachos :))
You very talentedly described the summer that I am experiencing now. Excessive heat that stops you from doing anything and I can't say what effect it has on my little garden.
I forgot the joke... 33. Thank you!
33 is a nice number, here comes a quote from that page so the summer also gets more bearable
Jovan Dučić (he was a Serb poet-diplomat and academic)
Of course, totally agree with what Dučić says about love, about blind love. I think every one of us has experienced blind love, but I think, for many, it didn't last after they regained their sight. Anyway, blind love is wonderful!
Plenty of water and isotonic!
Weather in Southern Brazil got a hella cold atm. Can't wait for winter to get the hell away from us xD
My headache got better - it ran away from me and these activities of mine 😂
Wow, would love to shift for a day to Southern Brazil now hahaha
The summer I had to live this year made me think I was living the end of times, 🤣😁.
That uncertainty can kill you, thank goodness the cotton wasn't in your ear.
Quotes and famous phrases are a great way to reflect, they don't waste time, it's wisdom that they lend us not to make mistakes.
I think I need a message from the Gods at number 125, I closed my eyes to ask for it with some ice like yours 😁.
@mipiano 🥰
Hahaha, end of times? 😂
Ok,ok, let us see what your chosen page is telling us. Just a moment, I have to open the book, translate and write it here down
Ivo Andrić (he was a Yugoslav novelist, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961)
Gee that's a lot of people for me alone. 🤣😁.
Thank you my dear.
I understood, I must have my opinion and also ask and take into account the opinion of others.
I am very indecisive, this should help me make up my mind.
My friend what kind of heat here. Suddenly it started to rain and I've been waiting for two hours for the rain to stop so I could go home. It's 7 p.m. I'm sure she made it in time to watch the sunset from a place I love.
You arrived to see the beautiful sunset, I think 😇
Healthy tip: clean your ears with your elbows, see if you can. Here in Cuba the heat is unbearable and when it is combined with a blackout, not to mention. You have to look for alternatives. Greetings my dear.😇🥰❤️
Hahaha, with the elbows 😂
Blackout and heat - I can see just one solution to this combination: Varadero and being in the sea 😉
Hay, Varadero!!! Pero ya será para el año que viene. 😀😀😀😀😁
Hopefully the heat subsides soon! I love the images anyway, especially the cute sleeping kitty.
The kitty knows how beat the heat - sleeping in a cooled down room :D
The weather situation can be really exhausting, and it's great that you're looking for ways to occupy your time, even if it's with a map of New York from years ago. 😂 I love the quotes you shared; they really make us think about life and our decisions. 👍
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