missyou28 (30)in #ethic • 7 years agoTreat the people the way you want to be treated by them.Treat everyone around you with your ethics, not with theirs. Muaj ib hnub, muaj ib tug yawg laus tau taug kev mus tom hav zoov thaum nws pom dheev pom me ntsis me ntsis hauv…missyou28 (30)in #lonely • 7 years agoA man need only that factYuav ua li cas kom tus poj niam zoo siab ... Nws tsis yooj yim los ua kom tus poj niam zoo siab. Ib tug txiv neej tsuas xav tau: Ib tug phooj ywg Ib tus khub Tus…missyou28 (30)in #smart • 7 years agoWearing shirt in smartLub tsho hnav tsoos tsho tseem ceeb rau thawj zaug zoo li kev xam phaj ua haujlwm, thiab qhia koj tus kheej kom zoo ntawm kev sib sau ua ke. Siv sij hawm mus nrhiav lub tsho zoo…