mkhalish (34)in #kayu • 7 years agoSepeda kayumkhalish (34)in #jakartacityphilharmonic • 7 years agoOrkestra di Indonesia ; music classicThe presence of orchestral music in Indonesia is caused by contact with Western nations. Western influences in art have occurred much as revealed by R.M. Soedarsono following…mkhalish (34)in #jakartabiennale • 7 years agoJIWA : tema jakarta biennale 2017, 51 seniman bicara tentang dorongan dasar manusia dan hubungan majemuk antara rasa, indera, dan wawasanbold SOUL: theme of jakarta biennale 2017, 51 artists talk about basic human impulse and compound relationship between sense, senses, and insight Let's enliven the activities…mkhalish (34)in #worker • 7 years agoBadan pemeriksa keuanganLobi kantor BPK regional Kupangmkhalish (34)in #lombok • 7 years agoLombok International AirportLombok – an island east of Bali, but less famous than its neighbor. While every year millions of tourists are attracted to Bali, many places on Lombok are still untouched. Over…mkhalish (34)in #artis • 7 years agoTrend Show 2018mkhalish (34)in #trendshow2018 • 7 years agoTrend Show 2018 dengan tema UnityIkatan Perancang Mode Indonesia yang biasa dikenal dengan sebutan IPMI kembali menyelenggarakan acara tahunannya, yaitu IPMI Trend Show 2018. Di tahun yang ke 31 ini, IPMI Trend…mkhalish (34)in #pristine • 7 years agoAir minum pristinemanfaat air alkali sangat baik untuk tubuh yang bisa menjaga keseimbangan kadar pH dan efektif untuk membantu proses detoxifikasi. Namun, ada manfaatnya tidak hanya sebatas itu.…mkhalish (34)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoMining bitcoinI will share referrals for friends to join b-infinity. monthly profit of 19.5% of mine capital. Klik link below for join with b-infinitymkhalish (34)in #fashion • 7 years agoIkatan Perancang Mode IndobesiaThrough Out the Years of Indonesian Fashion Indonesian Fashion Designer Council or IPMI was established in 1985 with a long history in Indonesian fashion industry. Spanning more…mkhalish (34)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoMining bitcoinI will share referrals for friends to join b-infinity. monthly profit of 19.5% of mine capital. Klik link below for join with b-infinitymkhalish (34)in #coffee • 7 years agoBrewing coffeeBrewing a perfect cup of coffee is the weakest link in the full enjoyment of fine coffee. Buying the finest coffee is only the beginning and can go for naught if the brewing is…mkhalish (34)in #presiden • 7 years agoMobil RI 1Untuk mobil yang ditumpangi Jokowi, diklaim berlapis baja dengan tingkat resistensi Eropa B6/B7, yang dapat menahan tiga tembakan senapan militer M60, M14, atau FAL-FN, serta…mkhalish (34)in #life • 7 years agogarudamilesmkhalish (34)in #smoke • 7 years agoSmoking KillsSmoking kills Not sold to immature people But freely exploited by immature people Not something new, if I see a smoky friend in the hallway And that's high school time, all…mkhalish (34)in #nyairorofitria • 8 years agoAbout Nyai Roro FitriaFoto bersama nyai roro fitria di acara borobudur international festival. Selain menjadi Duta Baladhika Karya, atlet Wushu itu juga memiliki gelar bangsawan dan duta lainnya.…mkhalish (34)in #introduce • 8 years agoIntroduceHeloo, i will indroduce myself. My name is muhammad khalish | 23 february 1993 aceh bireuen | i live in central Jakarta