beerlover (64)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: testSorry, you don't have enough staked BEER in your account. You need 10 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to steem-engine.comtransom (55)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: test!BEERjjprac (74)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: testNemáš inspiraci?beerlover (64)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: testSorry, out of BEER, please retry later...transom (55)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: test!BEERsteemitboard (66)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: RutinaCongratulations @modroocko! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You received more than 250 upvotes.…ritxi (70)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: RutinaAhoj, zkus třeba #tematydne, na tom se dá chytnout i když člověk občas úplně neví, kde začít.jjprac (74)in #cesky • 6 years agoRE: RutinaHezké léto i tobě.actifit (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: června 28 2019Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report! You have accordingly been rewarded 37.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 11975 activity, as well as…actifit (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 23 2019Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report! You have accordingly been rewarded 42.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 12530 activity, as well as…steemitboard (66)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 23 2019Congratulations @modroocko! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) : You published more than 10 posts.…krakonos (74)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 23 2019Já teda napíšu bla bla bla, pak si to otevřu v editoru a přepíšu na snad relativně smysluplný text.bucipuci (74)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 23 2019Bere i kraviny ;-). Zároveň se však připravuješ o lepší hodnocení. Afity se dávají nejen za kroky, ale i za patřičný popis aktivity, popřípadě něco navíc.actifit (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 21 2019Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report! You have accordingly been rewarded 40.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 12401 activity, as well as…onealfa (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 21 2019Hi @modroocko, you seem to be new here on Actifit. Do you know, that: only reports with 5000 steps and more - qualify for daily AFIT rewards engagement ( comments…actifit (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 13 201 9Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report! You have accordingly been rewarded 40.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 13416 activity, as well as…xlisto (64)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 13 201 9Zaměstnanec dělá jenom tolik, aby dostal výplatu. Zaměstnavatel dá zaměstnanci jenom tolik, aby přišel do práce. Nic si z toho nedělej. Pokaždé na obou stranách bude panovat…amico (67)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 10 2019Hey @modroocko, welcome on Actifit! Besides actifit, I adore using Partiko : it's an awesome mobile app for better interact on the Steem Blockchain while on the move…actifit (75)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 10 2019Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report! You have accordingly been rewarded 40.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 11430 activity, as well as…jjprac (74)in #actifit • 6 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: května 10 2019Vyhlídky jsou dobré, když nějaký ten důchod ještě bude :D