montehansen (38)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoBitcoin & "The Position of F$ck You"The phrase is core to the subject of the article, critical to understanding Bitcoin, and is therefore not intended to be offensive or vulgar. I will nominally refer to the phrase…montehansen (38)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoGrasping Crypto Money from Real MoneyAs far as the Federal Reserve (The Fed) is concerned only Gold is money. To illustrate my point you need look no further than The Fed's year end reports (but hang with me).…montehansen (38)in #crypto • 7 years agoManaging a Crypto Portfolio - With Safe(r) Crypto Best PracticesThinking of investing your money into "crypto currency"? Perhaps you are thinking of investing from a rollover of your retirement to a solo 401K or IRA retirement plan, or invest…montehansen (38)in #hitbtc • 7 years agoHitBTC: Going, Going ... ?I see a lot of folks complaining about missing coins, numerous wallets being offline for weeks at a time, and massive posts of support tickets all unanswered since the beginning…montehansen (38)in #enigma • 8 years agoIt's Time to "Protocol" new ICO ProtocolsHow many must be scammed before we establish a protocol for the sale of new ICO's? Sadly, we are seeing some big projects and Steemers being seriously affected, and at this…montehansen (38)in #poloniex • 8 years agoPoloniex Users: A Security WarningRead this if you have a Poloniex account (or are thinking about getting one). If you have gone through the process of contacting the Poloniex support team, you might have made…montehansen (38)in #monaco • 8 years agoBeware of Monaco Visa ICO's ManagementI think I can kiss my meager ETHer investment good bye fortunately mine was merely a test transaction. I suspect others that read this won’t be so lucky. My wife's spidey sense…