PostsCommentsPayoutsmuhdine (35)in #partiko • 7 years agoBunga ini bisa menjadi obat luka//:This flower can be a wound medicine.This flower we call bungong sikicek there is also a call betadine flowers. This flower is easy to grow anywhere. In addition to beautiful flowers, the leaves can also be used to…muhdine (35)in #partiko • 7 years agoKnow the Mie AcehMie Aceh is a kind of yellow noodle dishes cooked with aceh typical spices. This yellow noodle is made from bread flour, then boiled in a steel pot. After that, just sold. We can…muhdine (35)in #life • 7 years agoWhat are the ten things you think you will never do?Firstly, as a Muslim I do not want to go out in Islam, Second, as a child I will not do lawless work to the parents, Third, as a wife I will not betray my husband; fourth, as a…muhdine (35)in #life • 7 years agoWhat things actually made your life easier?I live this life patiently and hastily. That's what makes it easier for me to face life. I am always grateful for the sustenance that I received even a little, maybe there are…muhdine (35)in #love • 7 years agoWhat is the meaning of love according to you?I think love is a feeling to make happy people we love, want to always be with him in joy and sorrow. Love is the desire to give without any desire to ask for a reward. Love…muhdine (35)in #life • 7 years agoIs facing the possibility of your own death scary for you ? How would you deal with it ?As a living being, I am afraid to face death. But death is sure to come, every living one must die. Therefore, as a Muslim I am preparing themselves by worshiping, doing all…muhdine (35)in #health • 7 years agoWhat is the requirement to become a blood donor?To my knowledge, to be a blood donor we must be healthy, age has reached 17 years old usually at this age tuh development is perfect, have weight above 45 kg, normal body…muhdine (35)in #love • 7 years agoWhy do some people rush into marriage?There are several things that cause someone to rush into marriage. First because of family finances. A poor family if having an adult daughter will usually be married when…muhdine (35)in #esteem • 7 years agoGoodness still bears good fruit, althought it planted by a rogueChickens can not bear a hawk, and vice versa. Goodness keeps good fruits whoever does it. Evil will be criminalized even if done by good people. Everything is there, it can not…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoDon't wait for the happy to be grateful, but be thankful for you to be happy (Jangan menunggu bahagia baru bersyukur, tapi bersyukurlah agar kamu bahagia)Happiness will not come when just waiting, then pick him up. Enjoy what exists, according to what we have. Realize dreams according to abilities and circumstances. Be patient in…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoI Want to Fly into the CloudsIf I grew a wings, I want to fly take of your back. I want you with your partner. He was lonely in the heat of the sun, and pounded by rain. Seeing you like this, I'm so sad. You…muhdine (35)in #photobombchalenge • 7 years agoTrain Courage of the Children'sTakut ketinggian tidak saja terjadi pada anak, tapi juga pada orang dewasa. Saya tidak tau apakah ini akibat genetik atau memang jiwanya sendiri. Untuk menghilangkan rasa takut…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoKENANGAN ACEHSebuah kenangan yang tak mungkin terlupakan. Aceh lah yang pertama membeli pesawat untuk Indonesia. Begitulah kenangan tersebut muncul saat saya mengunjungi kawasan rumah adat…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoMenikmati Daging KambingDaging kambing di Indonesia sendiri banyak diolah menjadi sate, gulai, sup, dan beragam olahan kuliner lezat lainnya. Daging Kambing menjadi favorit untuk masakan kuah…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoMendidik Anak Menyukai AlamTanaman merupakan salah satu bagian dari alam yang perlu di lestarikan. Mendidik anak untuk mengenal alam sangat penting, agar mereka tau dampak positif dan negatifnya bila…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoCabe Campur Mie atau Mie Campur Cabe?Keseimbangan itu adil. Kita tak tau menentukan mana yang lebih banyak atau yang lebih dominan. Begitulah hidup. Sebagai umat Islam kita harus ada keseimbangan dunia dan…muhdine (35)in #esteem • 7 years agoSmartphonephotography Lalat (The Flies)Lalat adalah jenis serangga dari ordo Diptera yang berati dua sayap. Lalat sering di jumpai dirumah, tong sampah dan dimana saja. Fly is a type of insect from the Diptera…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoStreetphotography Kebun Binatang RagunanMelihat satwa di kebun binatang memang asyik. Anak anak suka lihat burung, burungnya kebanyakan tidak pernah di jumpai di sekitar rumah. Mereka juga gembira menyaksikan…muhdine (35)in #steemit • 7 years agoPetarung Kecil (The Kids of Fighting)Petarung kecil yang lucu. Itulah anak anak. Mereka unik dan kocak. Badannya yang berisi lebih besar dari anak yang seusianya. Mereka baru kelas 2 SD, tapi memiliki badan…muhdine (35)in #esteem • 7 years agoAyam Saigon (Saigon chikens)Para penghobi ayam sudah pasti mengenal ayam saigon. Ayam ini berasal dari vietnam. Ayam ini biasanya sering dijadikan ayam aduan. Postur ayam ini besar dan memiliki otot yang…